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Lowest. —English —Nesfield's Outline of English Grammar, Parts I-IV ; Nesfield's Junior Course of English Composition ; Great Authors, Second Period ; Meiklejohn's Spelling-book. Geography — Longmans' Book 11, The World. History —Warner's Brief Survey of British History. Arithmetic— Zealandia ; Standard VI ; Algebra —Baker and Bourne, pages 1-144. Geometry —Baker and Bourne. Books T and 11. French—Seipmann's Primary French Course, Part I. Latin—Macmillan's Shorter Latin Course, Part I. Science —Physical measurements ; agriculture. Shorthand —Pitman's Teacher. Book-keeping—-Thornton's First Lessons in Book-keeping.

WELLINGTON COLLEGE. Staff. Hoys , Colki/e.—MT. J. P. Firth, B.A. ; Mr. A. Heine, B.A. ; Mr. A. C. Gifford, M.A. ; Mr. G. G. S. Kobison, M.A. : Mr. T. Brodie, B.A. ; Mr. F. M. Renner, M.A. ; Mr. H. B. Tomlinson, M.A. ; Mr. E. Caradus, M.A.; Mr. 0. Williams. M.A. ; Mr. J. S. Lomas, M.A.; Mr. W. A. Alexander, M.A.; Mr. M. H. Dixon, A.C.P. ; Mr. D. Matheson : Mr. H. A. fSmithson, B.A. ; Mr. J. G. Castle, M.A. ; Mr. M. H. Oram, M.A. ; Mr. A. J. Cross; Mr. A. H. Robinson. Girls' College. —Miss M. J. McLean, M.A. ; Miss A. Batham, B.A. ; Miss E. Newman, M.A. ; Miss E. M. B. Lynch, M.A.; Miss E. Rigg, M.A., M.Sc. ; Miss H. Birss, L.L.B. ; Miss E. R. Ward, M.A.: Miss R. M. Collins, 8.A.; Miss M. Salmond, 8.A.; Miss L. Ohristensen. M.A.; Miss A. E. Currie. M.A.; Mr. L. F. Watkins; Mr. J. W. M. Harrison. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors of Wellington College and Girls' High School has to report the good progress of the institutions under their charge. The erection of an addition to the Girls' College has enabled the Board to admit more pupils ; the number now attending being 340. The attendance at the Wellington College is 421. The following is the result of the University and other outside examinations last year : — Wellington College : Passed Junior Scholarship Examination with credit, 6 ; Matriculated on .Junior Scholarship papers, 5 ; passed Solicitors' General Knowledge, Medical Preliminary, and Matriculation Examination, 19 ; Senior Education Boards' Scholarships, 4; Junior Education Boards Scholarship, 1 ; Senior Free Places, 19 ; Junior Civil Service Examination with credit, 18 ; Junior Civil Service Examination, 26 ; Senior Civil Service Examination, 5. Girls' College : Matriculated on Junior Scholarship papers, 5 ; passed Matriculation Examination. 12 ; Junior Civil Service Examination. 19 ; Senior Free Places, 37 ; Extended Junior Free Places, 16 ; Junior Free Places. 10. Chas. P. Powles, Secretary. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Boys' College. Highest. —English—Macbeth (Arnold) ; Epoch of Spenser, Epoch of Milton, Stobart (Arnold) The Squire's Tale, Pollard (McM.) ; Arnold's Prose Books —Lamb, Johnson. Macaulay, Froude, De Coverley Papers; Laureate Poetry-books —Wordsworth, Gray, Keats, Shelley ; Words and their Ways (Greeneough and Kettridge) : Nesfield's Manual of Historical English—History of English foreign elements in English, the alphabet, history of vowel sounds, Grimm's law, &c. figures of speech, essay, precis and abstract, synonyms. Latin —Virgil, .ZEneid, II ; Horace, Odes. II ; Cicero, Pro Archia ; Csesar, Civil Wai, I ; Bradley's Arnold ; Bradley's Aids ; Horton's Roman History ; Antiquities ; Bennett's Unseens. French—George Sand, La Petite Fadette ; Jules Sandeau, Mmlle. de la Seiglieie ; Ed. About, Le Roi dcs Montagnes ; Wellington College French Grammar ; Rev's French Composition. Mathematics—Arithmetic, problem papers as for Junior Scholarship ; Algebra—Hall and Knight's Higher Algebra, as for Junior Scholarship ; Geometry—Godfrey and Siddons', Barnard and Child's, Hall and Stevens, Part VI, as for Junior Scholarship ; Trigonometry, Loney, as for Junior Scholarship. Science —Chemistry, Shenstone and -Second Stage Inorganic Chemistry and Stewart) ; Klectricity and Magnetism, Poyser, as for Junior Scholarship. Lowest. —English Literature—Westward Ho ! (Macmillan, abridged) ; Macaulay's Armada, Ivry, &c. ; Blackie's Junior Scholarships Classics ; Nesfield's Outlines, to page 70 ; Geography, general; history, Oman's 55 B.C. to beginning Tudors ; spelling, dictation, analysis (simple), syntheses, punctuation, parsing, essay, letter-writing. Latin —Inglis and Pettyman, to page 100 ; French — Siepmann —Ist term, phonetics ; Part I, 1 to 18. Mathematics —Arithmetic (Laying), ex i-xxxii ; Algebra (Baker and Bourne) ex. i-ix ; Geometry (Godfrey and Siddons) to page 59. Chemistry— Sections from Boone, i-ix, xiv, xvii-xxl. Girls' College. Highest. —English —Shakespeare's Tempest or King Lear ; selections from Ruskin ; Byron's Childe Harold (cantos iii an iv) ; Longmans' Handbook of English Literature, Part II ; selected authors for general reading ; Horace Walpole (Kingslake and Borrow) ; Nesfield's Aids to Study of Composition of English. Mathematics—Workman's Arithmetic: Baker and Bourne's Geometry; Pendlebury's Trigonometry ; Hall and Knight's Algebra ; Bripgs and Brian's Tutorial Algebra. Science —Physics ; Draper's Heat ; botany, Lowson's Second Stage Botany, Thomson's New Zealand Botany, Dendy and Lucas's Botany. French —Racine's Athalie ; Metimee's Colomba :Le Village, by Feuillet (Modern French Comedies) ; French Idioms and Proverbs, by Rayen-Rayne ; Rapid French Exercises, by Spiers ; Wellington College Grammar ; Composition, by Hector Rev. Latin —Ovid's Tristia ; Ceesar's