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Tables H6, H6A, and H6b give full information as regards the race of the children on the rolls of the Native schools in December, 1911. As will be seen, 86-4 per cent, were Maoris speaking Maori in their homes, 2-2 were Maoris speaking English, and 11-4 per cent, were Europeans. The total number of children of Maori or of mixed race on the rolls of primary Native schools, public schools, Native mission schools, and secondary Native schools, together with such pupils as were receiving special technical training at the end of the year 1911 is shown in the schedule below. The numbers do not include Maori children attending public secondary schools or Maoris at schools not under Government inspection : of these no separate return is made.

Classification of Pupils. A reference to Table H (supra, page 2) will show the classification of the pupils attending Native village schools, grouped according to ages. The following is a summary : — Maoris. Europeans. Totals. 1 Class P.. .. .. 2,008 199 2.207 48-4 Standard I .. .. ..464 45 509 11-2 Standard II 492 72 564 12-4 Standard 111 .. .. 382 47 > 429 9-4 StandardlY .. .. ..292 49 341 7-5 Standard V .. .. 237 43 280 6-1 Standard VI .. .. ..138 41 179 3-9 Standard VII .. .. ..26 22 48 1-1 Further details in regard to the above figures will be found in the tables in the appendix. Results of Inspection. Table H9 gives full information as to the results of the annual inspection. Twelve schools attained the maximum marks allotted, and eighty-one others showed good results. Six were only fair, and three were unsatisfactory. Five schools opened after the Inspector's annual visit to the district had been made were "not inspected during the year. Staffs and Salaries. As shown in Table Hi, the staffs of the village schools included 81 masters, 22 mistresses in charge, 122 assistants, and 3 sewing-teachers. The total amount paid in salary during th* year was £24,439 Bs. The average salary of the head teachers at the rate paid in December, 1911, was £170 Bs. Bd.—males, £175 9s. 3d.; and females, £151 18s. 2d.; the average salary of assistants being £48 13s. 2d. Lodging-allowances at the rate of £30 per annum were paid to forty-one assistants. Three schools are in charge of teachers who are themselves members of the Maori race, and the Inspectors speak highly of their efficiency. Several Maori girls who have completed their course in secondary schools are employed as assistants, and are, on the whole, doing satisfactory work.

Actual Number. Number per 10,000 of Maori Population at Census of 1911 (49,829). I. Primary schools — (a.) Government Native schools (b.) Mission schools (c.) Public schools 4,557 230 4,685 914-5 46-2 940-2 II. Secondary schools II. Special technical training 9,472 387 17 1,900-9 77-7 3-4 Totals 9,876 1,982-0