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Appendix A.

the year, and the attendance of members.has been as follows: Messrs. Perry and Duff, 14; Messrs. Clarke and Rouse, 13; Messrs. Beare, Cumming, and Jones, 12; Mr. Grimmond, 11; .-Mr. Michel, 9. Schools. —At the beginning of the year there were thirty-five schools. The Karangarua and Doughboy Schools were closed, and new schools were opened at Mikonui, La Fontaine, and Mananui. There were thus thirty-eight schools in operation for all or part of the year, and the number at its close was thirty-six. In addition, five private schools were under the Board's inspection. Of the public schools, eleven at the end of the year were in Grade 0 (1-8), nine in Grade i (9-15), six in Grade II (16-25), two in Grade 111 (26-35), four in Grade IV (36-80), two (including a side school) in Grade V (81-120), and one in Grade VIIIa (301-350). For the ensuing year three schools—viz., two in Grade 0 and one in Grade I—will be promoted to the next grade, and one in Grade 111 will be reduced. The number of pupils that have attended the secondary classes was forty-one, and thirty-three were on the roll at the end of the year. Six of these were holders of Board's Scholarships and three of Junior National Scholarships. Attendance. —The roll-number of the schools at the end of the year was 1,136, a decrease of fifteen. The average attendance was 90"2 per cent, of the average roll-number. This high mark of regularity of attendance has been maintained with little compulsion, only two parents being summoned under the compulsory clauses of the Act. It may be added that three pupils received special recognition for attendance for six years without missing one half-day. Teachers. —The number of teachers under permanent engagement during the year was fifty-five, including seven head teachers, twelve assistants, twenty-nine sole teachers, six pupilteachers, and one probationer. The qualifications of the teachers were : Certificates —Seven head teachers, eight assistants, and four sole teachers; Matriculation or Junior Civil Service—Ten sole teachers, six pupil-teachers, and one probationer; without special qualification, fourteen sole teachers and four assistants. Manual and Technical Instruction. —(1.) Model and Brush Drawing : A teachers' class was in operation for seventeen weeks under the tuition of Mr. C. E. Bickerton; thirty teachers attended. (2.) Elementary Agriculture: School-gardens were maintained in connection with five schools. (3.) Physical Measurements :In the Hokitika District High School the tuition in this subject was arranged to include four school classes. (4.) Handwork : School classes were recognized in thirteen schools. Physical Instruction. —The recognized cadets included a corps in the Hokitika District High School and a detachment in the Kumara School. In a number of other schools company drill has been included in the course. In nearly all the schools physical drill, including manual and breathing exercises, has formed part of the programme of instruction. Finance. —The annual statement of accounts presented shows a credit balance in each of the four main accounts. The balance of the previous year in the Administration Account has suffered a reduction owing to the increased payments to School Committees. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. G. A. Perry, Chairman.

NORTH CANTERBURY. gi R ._ Christchuroh, 22nd April, 1912. I have the honour to present the following report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of North Canterbury for the year ending 31st December, 1911. The Board. —The members whose term of office expired under the provisions of the Act were Mr. Adams, Mr. Rennie, and Mr. Opie, representing the North, South, and Central Wards respectively, all of whom were re-elected unopposed. At the Board's annual meeting, held on the 9th August, Mr. M. Dalziel was elected Chairman of the Board and ex officio member of each Committee.' The election of Committees resulted as follows: Buildings—Mr. Boyd, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Opie, Mr. Rennie, Dr. Russell, Mr. Smith; Appointments—Mr. Adams, Mr. Boyd, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Langford, Mr. Opie; Normal School and Technical—Mr. Adams, Mr. Langford, Mr. Opie, Mr! Bennie, Mr. Smith. During the year the Board held 17 meetings, the Building Committee met 19 times, the Appointments Committee 33, and the Normal School and Technical Committee 16. The Board's Representatives.—On the several. Boards of Managers of Technical Classes the Board continued to be represented as follows : Christchuroh—Mr. C. H. Opie, Mr. H. Langford, Mr TS. Foster; Banks Peninsula (Akaroa)—Mr. J. Bruce, Mr. J. S. Dodds ; Ashburton—Mr. W. H. Collins, Mr. J. Tucker; Lyttelton — Mr. J. R. Webb; Rangiora — Mr. H. Boyd. The Board's representatives on the several High School Boards also continuel without alteration, as follows: Akaroa—Mr. W. H. Montgomery. Mr. R. Latter; Ashburton—Mr. W. B. Denshire, Mr. J Tucker; Rangiora—Mr. H. Boyd, Mr. A. S. Bruce. Buildings.—The total expenditure under the heading of buildings during 1911, including architect's office expenses and salaries, but exclusive of cost of Technical School buildings, was £12,565 lis. lOd. A large and commodious school lias been erected at South Spreydon (Somerfield' Street). The building contains five rooms, is of brick, and provided with wide corridors and well-ventilated spaces for hat and cloak accommodation. New schools,_ also designed on up-to-date principles, affording ample lighting and ventilation, have also been built at Eyreton and Waikuku, the former to take the place of the old building used for so many years, and the latter to replace the school (also old) destroyed by fire on the 22nd July. Substantial additions have been made to the Linwood North, Heathcote Valley, and Lyndhurst schools, and at Omihi the teacher has been provided with residence. At the date of this report three new rooms are being erected at Woolston and a new infant school at Spreydon, both buildings being of brick. During the year sites for new schools were secured near Chaney's Corner and Breeze's Road, and at Akaroa a new site has