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DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The extension of the Kumara Water-race referred to in last year's statement has since been completed, and was formally opened by my predecessor on the 12th April last. The miners have since been getting their claims into working-order, and it is hoped that employment for a considerable number of men will be assured for some years to come. Expenditure under the heading " Assistance towards Prospecting and Mining Companies " is now provided for under the Mines, Miscellaneous, vote of the Consolidated Fund, as it is considered that such expenditure is a fairer charge against a revenue vote than against Capital Account. Good work has been done by the Department's drills, the results being so satisfactory that it has been decided to procure another keystone drill for use in connection with the alluvial deposits of the West Coast. The amount expended last year on the development of our goldfields was £21,245, and a vote of £13,000 is proposed for the current year. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings last year amounted to £491,921. The amount is made up as under :— £ New buildings (Class XVIII, Public Works Fund) . . 350,655 Maintenance-works (Class V, Consolidated Fund) . . 48,864 Maintenance-works (Schools) (Class XV, Consolidated Fund) .. .. 92,402 £491,921 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed :— £ New buildings (Public Works Fund) . . 465,500 Maintenance-works (Consolidated Fund) 64,792 Maintenance-works (Schools) (Consolidated Fund) . . 95,550 £625,842 General. Under this head the principal expenditure occurred in connection with the new Departmental Buildings at Christchurch and Invercargill, while smaller sums were expended in connection with the Parliament Buildings, and the two Government Houses, &c. The current year's vote provides a further substantial instalment on account of the Christchurch Departmental Buildings, and also £36,000 in connection with the new Parliament Buildings ; also smaller sums for the Departmental Buildings at Hamilton, New Plymouth, Stratford, Blenheim, and Hokitika, and sundry other items. The alteration of the grounds in connection with the proposed new Parliament Buildings and the rearrangement of the surrounding streets is well in hand and in some respects is approaching completion, and the detailed plans of the buildings themselves are nearly ready, a portion of the plans having already been placed on exhibition in the present temporary Parliament Buildings. The foundations for the first section of the building are being carried out by day labour under the supervision of the Public Works Department and are well advanced. It is proposed to invite tenders for the erection of the building when the foundations are complete. The Government is in hopes that the first section of the building will be completed and available for occupation for the session of 1915. Judicial. Courthouses. —The principal buildings in hand during the year were the new Courthouses at Auckland, Masterton, and Greymouth, and the additions at New Plymouth. The current year's vote provides for completing the buildings already mentioned, and, in addition, provides for new Courthouses at Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Waipu, Otoro-