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TOTAL EXPENDITURE. The total expenditure of the year on public works was not only in excess of that of the previous year, but was the largest in any single year for over thirty years, and amounted to the very Luge sum of £2.476.156 —viz., £2,387,411 out of the Public Works Fund and allied special accounts, and £88,745 out of the Consolidated Fund. The following table shows the brief particulars of the expenditure of the year, and also the total under each class of work from the inauguration of the public works policy up to the 31st March last : —

WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1911. the available ways and means for £ public-works purposes were . . .. .. .. 1,140,045 and further funds were received as under:— * Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 . . . . . . . . . . 181,650 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. 450,000 Under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 . . .. 66,950 Transfer from Consolidated Fund . . .. .. 500,000 Miscellaneous receipts . . . . .. 12,150 Making a gross total of . . . . . . £2.350.795 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,200,745, and charges and expenses in respect of raising loans, £67,470, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £2,268.215, and leaving a credit balance at the end (if the year of £82,580.


Expenditure. Clasi-- of Work. Expenditure Total for Year ended Expenditure to 31st March, 31st March, 1912. 1912. Railways— New construction Additions to open lines ... Roads ... Public buildings ... Immigration Purchase of Native lands ... Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour-defences Tourist and health resorts... Telegraph-extension Development of goldfields ... Defence-works (general) Departmental Development of water-power Irrigation and water-supply Payment to Midland Railway bondholders ... Lands-improvement Minor works and services ... Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ £ 763,711 21,266,133 362,194 8,413,781 424,578 9,349,520 350,655 5,042,032 11,681 2,239,912 2,066,638 12,576 X, 081,422 13,361 216,633 147,692 2,025,751 21,244 868,173 10,437 920,419 49,864 726,669 9,082 18,451 2,794 4,356 150,000 20,876 82,546 312,607 67,470 1,242,423 Wellington-Hutt Railway Improvement New Hutt Road ... Railways Improvement Account Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Account 2,268,215 56,027,466 1,635 238,582 6,070 88,799 51,428 567,514 49,739 584,202 6,555 17,149 3,769 3,769 2,268,215 1,635 6,070 51,428 49,739 6,555 3,769 56,027,466 238,582 88,799 567,514 584,202 17,149 3,769 Totals 2,387,411 57,527,481 2,387,411 57,527,481 . I