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CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT. Akahoa Domain. Reserves Nos. 88 and 1724, Akaroa Survey District, and Section No. 45, Town of Akaroa. Area, 10 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Trees thinned and transplanted, gates and fences repaired, and concrete channelling and pipes constructed to carry off flood-water. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, maorocarpa hedges, summer houses, block-house, bridges, fountain, water-supply installed, gates, garden-seats, asphalt tennis-court, and an avenue of native and exotic trees and shrubs. Used for picnics, tennis, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Alford Forest Domain. Reserve No. 2738, Block V, Spaxton Survey District. Area, 13 acres 3 roods 2 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, trees, and grassing. Used for grazing. Arowhehua Domain , . Reserves Nob. 3003 to 3013, and 3412, Town of Arowhenua. Area, 10 acres 2 roods 38 perches. During the year the course of the creek running through the domain has been kept clear of weeds; a permanent hand is employed for the purpose. Leased for cropping and grazing. Arundel Domain. Reserve No. 2965, Town of Arundel, Block VI, Orari Survey District. Area, 4 acres 1 rood 6 perches. Work done during year : Hedges trimmed, gorse grubbed, and trees dug around. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Attending to fences and shrubs. Ashburton Domain. Situated in the Town of Ashburton. Area, 89 acres 1 rood 24 perches. Work done during year : A new propagating-house has been built, and extensive improvements effected to swimming-baths. Improvements now on domain : Four and a half miles of fencing, curator's lodge, two propagating-houses, pavilion and stand in sports-ground, shadehouse, tool-house, bathing and other sheds, three asphalt and nine grass tennis-courts, meteorological station, tennis and bowling clubs' pavilions, water-supply (with tanks, &c), water wheel and pipes, asphalt cycling-track, cricket-ground, croquet and bowling greens, lakes, rosery, plantations, flower-gardens, and wooden and iron gates. The domain is used for general recreation. During the summer picnic parties from all parts of Canterbury visit this attractive and delightful domain. Ashley Domain. Reserve No. 3102, Blocks IV, VI, VII, and Vlll, liangiora Survey District. Area, 1,920 acres. Work done during year : Several groins and river protective-works have been completed, fences erected, and a portion of the domain cleared of scrub. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, protective-works, and clearing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting pro-tective-works. The domain consists of waste lands chiefly in the Ashley River bed. The Board are endeavouring to improve the land by clearing off the scrub and bringing it under cultivation. Ashley Gorge Domain. Reserves Nos. 3094, Block IV, Oxford Survey District, and 3231, Blocks XVI, Upper Ashley Survey District, XII, Mount Thomas Survey District, IV, Oxford Survey District, and I, Mairaki Survey District. Area, 74 acres. Work done during year : Road attended to. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, road, retiring-room for ladies with concrete fireplace, plantation, and native bush. Used for picnics. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, planting, and clearing scrub. Ataahua Domain. Reserve No. 3705, Block 111, Ellesmere Survey District. Area, 5 acres 3 roods 39 perches. Work done during year : Trees attended to and fences repaired. It is proposed to continue the planting of trees during current year. Improvements now on domain : Fences and plantation. Used for sports and picnics. Burkes Pass Domain. Reserve No. 1595, Block VIII, Burke Survey District. Area, 45 acres and 3 perches. Work done during year : Trees planted and weeds cleared. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, trees, anil glassing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees, grubbing noxious weeds, and repairing fences. The domain is used for general recreation and grazing. Carleton Domain. Reserves Nos. 2808 and 2858, Block V, Mairaki Survey District. Area, 13 acres 3 roods. Work done during year : Fences trimmed, gorse grubbed, and wire fences strained and repaired. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, hedges, trees, building, concrete cricket-pitch, and conveniences. Used for sports, cricket, picnics, and general recreation. Leased.