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Taumata Domain. Subdivisions Nos. 1 of Section No. 12 and 6 of Section No. 73, Block X, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 12 acres 1 rood 5"3 perches. Work done during year: Paths cut through native bush, trees and shrubs planted, and 6 chains wire-netting fence erected. Improvements now on domain: Grandstand,' refreshmentrooms, auxiliary grandstand, trees, native bush, hedges, fences, picket-fence, and sports-ground. Used for sports, picnics, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting a further 6 chains (if wire-netting fence round cycling-track, painting grandstand, trimming hedges, and general maintenance. Tβ Noutu-o-te-Manu Domain. Section No. 40, Block XVI, Kaupokonui Survey District. Area, 50 acres. Work done during year : Fences cut and trees felled. Improvements now on domain : Fences, cottage, gates, pond, plantation, shrubs, shelter-trees, monument, tennis-court, and water-service. Used for picnics and by tourists. A portion of the domain is leased. Tokirima Domain. Sections Nos. 23 and -'10, Block XIV, Oliura Survey District. Area, 63 acres 2 roods 5 perches. The Domain Hoard was appointed on tlie 20th November, 1911; first meeting held on the 28th February, 1912. It is proposed to lease the domain. Toko Domain. Part of Section No. 36, and part of Subsection 1 and Subsection 2 of Section No. 36, Block 111, Ngaire Survey District. Area. 7 acres and 327 perches. Work done during year: Trees topped and trimmed, and running-track lengthened by making a filling across the gully at the eastern portion. A portion of the hill has been cut down in the level of the old track, the dip in the western portion filled in, and the embankment turfed. The grounds have been greatly improved, and have now a more pleasing appearance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, trees and shrubs, bridge, gate, pavilions, running-track, and concrete crickot-pitch. Used for sports, picnics, cricket, and football. Leased for grazing sheep. Tongaporutu Domain. Section No. 23, Tongaporutu Village. Area, 4 acres 1 rood 24 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. It is fenced on the north-east and south-west boundaries, and is in fair grass. Leased. Tututawa Domain. Section No. 43, Mangaehu Suburban, Omona Survey District. Ana, 6 acres 2 roods 34 perches. Report not furnished. Board appointed to control domain on the 29th August, 1911. Urenui Domain. Section Xo. 12, Block 111, Waitara Survey District. Area, 57 acres. Work done during year : Erecting swing bridge. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, plantation, and swing bridge. Used for sports and picnics. Fifty-two acres leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Sowing reclaimed sand. • Waimate Domain. Section No. 78, Block VI, Waimate Survey District. Area, 13 acres ■'! roods 2 perches. The domain is used for picnics. Leased. Waipuku Domain. Sections Xos. 45, 47, 49, and 51, Waipuku Village. Area, '2 acres and 12 perches. Work done during year : Prickly holly planted ami fences trimmed. It is proposed to continue planting boundary-fences. Used for grazing. Waitara Domain. Block No. 115, Town of Waitara. Area, 15 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fences, hedges, dressing-shed, bowling pavilion, and plantations. Used for sports, picnics, football, hockey, and bowls. Portion leased. Waitewiiena Domain. Section No. 2a, Block I, Ohura Survey District. Area. 5 acres 2 roods. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, \e\v Plymouth.