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Waimea-Kumara Water-races. The following is a summary of the revenue and expenditure of these races for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1912 : Sales of water 11,117 is.lOd.; cash received, £1,374 10s. 9d.; expenditure, £1,518 9s. 10d. : approximate value of gold obtained. £12,604 16s.: average number of men employed, 56. It will be seen by the above summary that the value of the sales of water from the combined races for the year was £1,417 Is. 10d., as against £1,537 Is. Id. for the previous year, thus showing a decrease in the value of sales of water of £119 19s. 3d. The total expenditure on gauging, maintenance, and repairs was £1,518 9s. IOd., as against £1,421 16s. 7d. for the preceding year, an increase in the cost of maintenance and repairs of £96 13s. 3d. ; but it must be remembered that the expenditure for the year ended the 31st March, 191 1, was the lowest on record, and showed a decrease of £400 6s. 8d. aa compared with the year ended the 31st March, 1910. The cash received during the pear was £1,374 10s. 9d., as against £1,568 Is. fld. for the previous year, thus showing a decrease in revenue of £183 14s. Comparing the sales of water with the expenditure on management, maintenance, and repairs the combined races show a loss of £101 8s. Eor the year : but now that the Taramakau Valley Extension is completed, and McGrath and Co. have started sluicing operations, the revenue from the Kumara Water-race should steadily increase, and the combined races should show a substantial profit over working-expenses for a considerable number of pears. Wainihinihi Water-race. There was a good supply of water from this race, and, together with the Kawhaka supply, the Waimea siphon was kept practically full all the year. No breaks occured, and the race is now in excellent repair. 1 have, &c, Jakes Rochford, Manager of Water-races.

Mr. Robert Murray, Manager of the Central Otago Water-races, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sik, Naseby, 22nd April, 1912. 1 have the honour to present my report on the Mount Ida and Alexandra Races for the year ended the 31st March. 1912. Mount Ida Water-rack. The total sales of water from this race during the year amounted to £1,206 3s. 6d., an increase over those of last year of £387 8s. The expenditure on maintenance and repairs for the same period was £1,211 15s. 6d., a decrease on the previous year's expenditure of £134 10s. 6d. The total cash received was £1,206 3s. 6d. On account of payment in advance, free water to the value of £5 11s. Id. was supplied, and free water for washing up was also supplied, to the value of £100 4s. 3d. The total value of water supplied from this race during the year amounted to £1,311 18s. IOd.. an increase on that of the previous year of £421 4s. lid. The average number of minora supplied with water was thirty-four, a decrease of two on that of last year. The approximate quantity of gold obtained by the parties using water from this race was 1,584 oz., valued at £6,098 8s., an increase as compared with last year of £409. With the exception of the months of April, July, and August, the year has been a good one for water, severe cold weather with falls of snow having been experienced, giving a full supply for nine months of the year. On account of hard frost, the water had to be turned out of the race during the first week in July. On the 10th August, a slight thaw set in, when two heads were turned into the race to cut out the snow and ice, and on the 14th I was able to make a start with the cleaning. After reaching the 40th mile, I turned the water on to the whole of the miners on the 26th ; from thence to the 31st March there was a full supply. A small slip occured in Butcher Gully on the 7th September; obtaining plenty of assistance I had it repaired, and the water on again on the 9th. On the evening of the 6th March heavy rain set in, continuing for twenty-seven hours. This caused the heaviest flood over the whole length of the race during the last twenty years, filling up the whole of the race, creek, and crossings from the 40-mile with heavy boulders and rough rock and mountain shingle, and a considerable length of race was destroyed. The damage was very heavy. Prom the 40-mile inward towards Naseby very little damage was done, as the race is situated a considerable distance from the foot of the range. During the year several gauge-boxes were renewed, and small repairs were effected to the distributing races. Ai.kxanura Water-rack. The total sales of water from this race during 1911 amounted to £204 18s. 4d., the total cash received being £193 6s. 2d. The total expenditure upon this race during the same period was £446 0s. 6d. To enable the W'allis dredge at the Poolburn end of Ida Valley to tin- south to keep afloat anil work, water was bought from the Alexandra Race in January to the end of this pear. Messrs. R. Campbell and Sons, owners of the Galloway Station, in February purchased water for irrigation, both these customers being allowed a month's free water to start with, of a total value of £24 13s. Id. The total value of water supplied from this race during the year was £229 11s. 8d.. a decrease on that of last year of £150 17s. 4d. Owing to the wet and cold season the farmers, the principal consumers of water from this race, used but little compared with the quantity they in ordinary seasons would require. The permanent men on the race maintained the race in good order during the year. There were no sales of water from the Blackstone Hill Race. I have, &c, R. Murray, manager.