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Shotover. Alluvial mining is carried on in parts over a long stretch of the course of the Shotover River, being mainly confined to the bed of the stream. The depth of alluvium to the rock bottom is, on an average, 15 ft., with occasional deeper patches. About forty men find employment. The most important features to be noticed are the deep terraces ground-sluiced by Davis Bros, and the Skipper's Sluicing Company, the height of face being considerably over 100 ft. Arthur's Point Gold-mining Company have successfully diverted the river into the tunnel, and made available for working several chains of the original river-bed. A small paddock in which 60 square feet of bottom was cleaned gave a return of 90 oz. of gold. Caedeona. The only mining of any importance is that carried out by the Criffel Lead Sluicing Company. The work is considerably hampered by the continual slipping-in of the back reef. The claim requires very careful management. Matakanui. Undaunted Gold-mining Com/iany (Limited) (T. C. Donnelly, manager).—The ground worked is that overlying the Maori bottom. The face is 40 ft. in height, and the wash very stony. The waterpressure is 480 ft. Large areas of deep ground thought to be gold-bearing remain to be worked. Tinker's Gold-mining Company (Limited) (W. Norman, manager). —This claim is deep and difficult to work. The ground is very stony, and the high back reef treacherous. Elevating 80 ft., with a pressure of 500 ft. St. Bathan's. Scandinavian Water-race Compuxy (Limited) (O. Moen, manager). —Very little work was done in the deep levels in the early part of the year, owing to the exceptionally dry weather. Since the winter the water-supply greatly improved, and a fair amount of work was done in the deep levels, with a fair remuneration. Elevating 120 ft. in one lift; water-pressure, 650 ft. Work at the Surface Hill section of the company's property has been confined to removal of headings in preparation for elevating at sonic future date. The works are carried on in a first-class manner, with due regard to safety and efficiency. Electric-lighting plant is in course of erection. United M. & E. Water-race Company (Limited) (P. O'ltegan, manager). —Work Ims been carried on us usual in this mine, which adjoins the Scandinavian property, [t is assuming greater dimensions in depth. Neil Nicholson is prospecting a piece <>f ground in the Muddy Channel. Livingstone. Mr. .1. Christian still operates in this district. He has elevated and treated a considerable quantity of tailings from the old ground-sluices, with profitable results. This is accounted for by the fineness of the gold, and the consequent loss that took place in first working. Maerewhenua. Thirteen claims are being worked in this area ; all ground-sluicing, excepting one which is elevating as well. Thirty-seven men all told are engaged. The faces in most instances are fairly high, but the pressure afforded by the Mountain Hut Water-race allows of the directors being kept a good distance back from the face, and renders the working reasonably safe. Naseby. There are upwards of forty men mining on this field. Twenty plants at work. The greater portion of the water is supplied from the Government water-race. The average depth of ground is 15 ft., and the working-requirements of each plant is five heads and a half, at the available pressure of 150 ft. Hamilton's. Hamilton's Sluicing Company (H. Eaton, manager). —The greater portion of the year has been devoted to stripping. The overburden is between 200 ft. and 300 ft. high. A paddock cleaned up in September gave a return of 200 oz. for a fortnight's work. Later returns maintained a fair average. Electric light is to be installed. Pateaeoa. Two parties continued to obtain good returns for their work. Nevis. Of the nine hydraulic claims at work in the Nevis Valley the most important from the point of magnitude of operations are Ellis and party's claim, which has a face 70 ft. high, and water-pressure equal to 425 ft. ; and Graham and party's claim. The latter has a face of 20 ft., and is considered to be one of the richest claims in the district. This district has a good water-supply, work in normal times being suspended for only a few weeks in the middle of winter. Waikaia. Muddy Terrace Gold-mininy Company (Limited) (C. C. Rawlins, superintendent; J. Moffat, minemanager). —This company's operations are on an extensive scale. The lower ground on the flat is elevated, two elevating plants being installed, while the higher levels or terraces are ground-sluiced,

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