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of 30 ft., and a block of quartz was cut, which is now termed the south-western block. This has been driven on for 90 ft., the reef varying from 1 It. to 10 ft. in width. A winze has been .sunk from No. 10 level on this block for a vertical depth of 23 ft., but the reef gave out, and the sinking was discontinued. From the 580 ft. flat sheet the No. 10 level was extended 25 ft. in a northerly direction, and the reef was cut (which is imu termed the north block). This stone has been driven for a distance of 75 ft., the reef varying from 1 ft. to 28 ft. in width. A rise (from No. 10 level) on this block lias been put up and connected with the north end of the western intermediate level a vertical heighi of 70 ft. Stoping has been carried out over the different levels of the mine, the reef varying from a lew inches to '2U ft. in width. A tunnel, which will be 1,534 ft. in length, has been started on the Deep Creek side of the main shaft. When completed this tunnel will connect with No. 2 level. The battery crushed 6,913 tons of quartz, for a return of 6,626 oz. 18 dv, t. oi gold, valued at £25,927 12s. 2d.; 3,950 tons of sand treated at the cyanide plant yielded 680 oz. 9 dwt. of bullion, valued at £1,695 6s. 9d. ; and 38 tons 10 cwt. 2 qr. of concentrates were sold for £526 10s. 6d. St. George Gold-mining Com pant/ (J. Rodden, manager).—The follow ing development-work has been carried out during the year: The main level has been continued along the central line of reef 881 ft.. making a total length of 1,834 ft. Crosscuts have been driven east and west from the level 125 ft. and 180 ft. respectively. In the west crosscut, what is believed to be the west line of lode was cut at 106 ft., and this was driven on north for 40 ft. In the main level boulders of quartz were frequently met wil h. and nearly all carried values which would be payable in a solid reef, but, unfortunately, no continuous ore-body has been met with. Big River South. —Two men were employed for tin; first half of the year in further prospecting in the low-level tunnel, but, no payable ore-body having been disclosed, operations were discontinued some months ago. North Big River (W. Kirwan and party).—Prospecting operations were discontinued early in the year. Progress Mine (R. R. Morrison, manager). —Development-work in this mine for the year has been chicHy devoted to the recovery of faulted portions of the ore-body in No. 11 level. A considerable amount of rising and driving has been done, but no information as to actual distances or result has been furnished by the management. From about the middle of the year the returns fell off considerably, and the number of men employed was largely reduced ; but the mine still contains big reserves of low-grade ore, and has valuable assets in the shape of accumulated concentrates and slimes. There is every reason to believe that with good management the mine has still a long life before it. An average of 320 men were employed during the year. 41,596 tons of ore were treated, for a return of £42,832. Bonanza (W. J. Morris and party). —Since operations were given up by an English syndicate, who held an option over this property, no further work has been done. A subsidy of ss. per foot for driving was granted to the owners, but. so far, they have not commenced work. The claim has given prospects which appear to be worth following up, and no doubt work will be undertaken in this direction early in the new year. New Discovery (Messrs. Billet and Bierwith, owners ; manager, N. Lawn). —Early in the year the abandoned Morning Star Claim was taken up by Messrs. Bierwith and party, and a drive was started on the track of a small leader immediately under the old underhand stopes. Development-work, consisting of surface trenching, driving, and sinking, has been vigorously carried on ; but, although the leader carried high gold-values in places, the amount of ore disclosed is very small, and the results have not been very encouraging up to date. Driving on the track of the reef is still being continued. Keep-it-Dark (manager, John Ellery ; information supplied by Mr. J. H. Hindmarsh, secretary). — After thirty-seven years of profitable work, and the payment of 184 dividends, amounting to £158,666 13s. 4d. on a paid-up capital of £8,708 6s. Bd. in cash, equal to Bs. 8-12 d. per share, the shareholders of the company (the Keep-it-Dark Quartz-mining Company (Limited)) agreed to go into liquidation, and reconstruct the company under the name of the " Keep-it-Dark Mines (Limited)," with a nominal capital of £10,000 in 20,000 shares of 10s. each, and a sum of £2*,750, or 2s. 9d. per share, has been called up, with the prospect of no further capital being required to carry on operations, and the payment of dividends in the near future. The new company, since its registration on the Bth February, 1911, has carried on the following work : Stoping from under No. 7 level on the block of quartz known as the Never Find uprise from No. 7 to No. 6 level for ventilating, and con! raci ing for the sinking of the main shaft a further depth of 150 ft., making in all I.I 'JO ft. This work was expeditiously carried on by means of an air-winch, and the No. 8 chamber constructed, and-No. 8 level extended to the line of reef. The company has crushed for the year, to the 31st December, 7,212 tons of quartz, the battery and cyanide returns giving a result of 2,415 oz. 15 dwt. of bullion, valued at £7,943 19s. lid. Wealth of Nations (R. A. Stewart, manager).—Development-work for the year was chiefly confined to the extension of Nos. 9 and 10 levels, and stoping was carried on at all levels between Nos. 10 and 7. An average of 150 men were employed for the year, and 24.968 tons of ore was treated, for a return of £49,635 Bs. 4d. Golden Fleece Mine (J. Oats, manager).—This mine (the property of the Consolidated Goldfields) was worked on tribute by J. Oats and party for the first two months of the year. Thirty men were employed, and 329 tons was treated, for £1,306 4s. 4d. Bolitho Bros. —This party carried on operations during the year in their mine at Lankey's Creek. The auriferous material consists of a firmly compacted layer of conglomerate, which carries alluvial gold. This is crushed by means of a light five-stamp battery driven by water-power, and the gold is saved on mats. 981 tons were mined and treated during the year. Four shareholders work the claim, without employing labour. Murray Creek Gold-mines. —Early in the year a company was formed in Wellington, with a capital of £12,000, to take over and reopen the Victoria-lnglewood group of mines. Mr. James Meehan was