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Rendiqo Mine (T. Galvin, Mine-manager). The new ten-head stamp battery was completed, and crushing operations commenced. The ore on hand, however, did not prove to be as good as the trial crushing. The mill also required certain alterations to secure a higher extraction. Work in the mine has therefore been suspended pending these alterations being made. Westralia Mine (J. Tallentire, Mine-manager). in this mine the No. 1 level was driven for 175 ft. on a reef of favourable appearance, and a rise put through to the surface, the stone showing gold freely. To facilitate the handling of the ore, a low level to connect with the county tram was also put in, and a rise connected with No. 1 level. The lode is between 6 ft. and 7 ft. wide, highly mineralized, and the ore is being stored for treatment. During the year the company purchased from Hardy's syndicate a 20-head battery with mill-site and water-races. This treatment plant is now being put in order, and cyanide-vats erected, and it is anticipated that the necessary alterations will be completed and crushing commenced early in April. COROMANDEL. Four-in-Haml Gold-mining Cmnpany (Limited) (T. Radford, Mine-manager). At the low level a fail , amount of driving was done on the lode worked with such successful results on the upper levels. The prospects met with, however, proved most disappointing, and work was suspended at the end of November. From 70 Ib. of picked stone treated a return of £200 4s. was obtained. Roi/al Oak Gold-mining Company (Limited) (G. Edwards, Mine-manager). The upper levels in this mine becoming exhausted, work was confined to the lowest level, but the results did not come up to anticipations and, the capital being expended, work was suspended, and the mine let on tribute. An average of six men have been employed. I ton I owt. 58 lb. of stone treated produced gold valued at £127 Ids Pride of Tokatea Gold-mining Company (A. J. Prescott, Mine-manager). During the year GOO ft. has been driven in the Harbour view section of this mine, on different leaders. Small pockets of payable ore have, been met with, and 5 tons and 260 Ib. treated, for a return of £429 19s. 3d. An average of three men was employed. Exalt Mine. Prospectors treated 1 cwt. of ore from this mine, valued at £4 2s. 6d. The lode operated upon is small, and encased in hard country, and being situated so far from a battery, would not pay to work. Monte Ghristo Mine (F. Jones, Mine-manager). The low level was extended and the Swedish Crown lode intersected, but as the ore won was of low value, and the funds became exhausted, work was suspended. I ton of general ore and 6 Ib. picked stone produced gold valued at £18. Mount Welcome Mine (J. W. Barker, Mine-manager). The main drive has been extended a total distance of 656 ft., and a considerable amount of stoping done. The ore becoming low grade, it was then decided to sink a winze below this level, and at the time of my visit good results were being obtained. Gold valued at £815 was won during the year, from 18 tons of ore. Kapanga Mine (S. Carlyon, Mine-manager). The principal work undertaken in this mine was unwatering by baling down to the 1,000 ft. level. The 1.000 ft. level was repaired for a distance of 805 ft. Subsequently, the manager reports, the face was reached and the lode sampled. The results proved so disappointing that further capital was unobtainable. Protection was granted and the mine closed down. 7 tons of ore won from the 900 ft. and 940 ft. levels yielded gold valued at £17 Bs. The tributers crushed 41 tons for a return of 78£ oz.. valued at £229 3s". 4d. Sootty's Claim. This mine is owned and worked by McNeil Bros., ,who treated 24 tons of ore from surface leaders for gold valued at £30 Is., and are now engaged driving a low level to get under the point where the gold was obtained. GaUant Si/ndicate (A. H. McNeil, Mine-manager). A winze was sunk to a depth of 55 ft. on Scotty' reef, and a drive south at this depth was driven 42 ft. with encouraging results. Four men were employed. Venture Mine. This claim is being worked by Regan Bros., and from a stoall leader 4 in. in width, discovered on the surface, half a ton of ore produced gold valued at £21 3s. sd. Success Mine (J. McGregor, Mine-manager). Work in this mine has been chiefly of a prospecting character. The lodes being worked are small, and the values are contained in clay pockets. During the year gold valued at £16 7s. 3d. was obtained by puddling.