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The decrease in production above recorded is confined to the mines within the boroughs of Waihi and Thames, and to the Province of Otago; the quartz-mines of Ohinemuri have slightly increased their annual production, and those of the west coast of the South Island have maintained their position. The following is a statement showing the tons of ore treated, the value of bullion produced, and the amount of dividends paid by quartz-mining companies in each of the inspection districts during the years 1910 and 1911.

The following is a statement of the production, working-cost, dividends declared, and the number of persons employed at the principal quartz-mines during 1911.

Inspection District. Tons of Oro ireated. (2,240 ib.) 1911. 1910. Value of Bullion. 1911. 1910. Dividends p .id. (Byrpgistercd companies only.) 1911. 1910. Jorthern Vest Coast louthern 507,280 128,244 10,467 £ 556,169 1,141,235 121,8.-2 228,512 10,658 5,506 £ 1,324,456 230,807 8,926 £ 40.1,273 50,696 £ 494,325 53,212 Totals ... 645,991 6S8.659 j 1,375,253 1,564,189 451,969 547,537

Name of Company. Quantity of Quartz treated. Duri Value of Bullion. During 1911. ring ; 1911. Avera go Valuo per Ton. Dividends paid. 'C Total to I o £ 19n End of Do- !s| 1911. i> ft Total Cost per Ton. Northern District— Waihi Gold-mining Company (Ltd.)*f Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company (Ltd.)t New Zealand Crown Mines (Ltd.) Talisman Consolidated (Ltd.) Komata Reefs (Ltd.) .. Old Hauraki Gold-mining Company (Ltd.) West Coast District — Keep - it - Dark Quartzmining Company (Ltd.) Progress Mines of New Zealand (Ltd.) Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Ltd.) New Big River Gold - mining Company (Ltd.) Blackwater Mines (Ltd.) Other quartz-mines throughout New Zealand iLcng tons. 316,349 94,603 20,835 47,550 7,580; 569 £ 670,179} 150,729 45,030 222,058 17,112 4,019 £ s. d. 2 2 4-4J 1 11 10-4 2 3 2-7 4 13 4-8 2 5 1-8 7 1 3-1 £ s. d. 0 17 9-4 1 1 10-l§ 1 1 5 10 2 3 0|| II £ 272,748 19,218 109,307 £ 4,230,585 19,218 70,000| 560,291 33,333 2,625 1,030 528 184 360 68 37 7,212 7,943 1 2 0-3 If 158,666 56 41,596 42,832 1 0 7-1 1 5 6 326,562 320 24,968 49,635 1 19 9 0 18 5-1 150 6,913| 28,062 4 1 2-2 If 13,200 51,600 54 44,038 33,778 92,062 45,592 2 1 9-7 1 6 11-9 1 1 6 f 37,496 87,496 11 281 1,070 Totals, 1911 645,991 1,375,253 2 2 6-9 451,969 r 4,138 * The total value of the output of this company at the end of the year was £ ;iven are free of income-tax. f In previous years the quartz crushed at these mines has been stated in short 1 mtput returned has been adjusted to a long-ton basis. I In the annual report of the directors of this company for 1911 the value of the t 1679,113, but the figures given in the table above are the official returns from thi linos. The discrepancy occurs owing to the actual value of the bullion net being kno j Including 4s. 5|d. Development Account. I Including 8s. 10d. Development Account. Unknown. ■9,785,431. The dividen ids here tons of 2,000 lb. This i year the bullion-production is stati e company to the Inspi iwn until it ia refined in E ed to be ector of England.