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APOPLEXY. The average number of deaths from this cause during the past live years was 329, and the rate per 1,000, 3*48. Last year the number of deaths was 389, and the rate 3-92 per 10,000. PNEUMONIA. There were 448 deaths in 1910, against 458 in 1909. Excepting occasional fluctuations due to exceptional climatic conditions, the rate per 10,000 remains fairly constant at about 4*9. GASTRITIS AND ENTERITIS AND DIARRHOSAL DISEASES, Although shown separately in the table, it may he advisable to consider these causes together. The number of deaths recorded in 1910 was 621, a rate of 6'25 per 10,000, as compared with an average of 605 and 6'43 respectively for the past five years. CIRRHOSIS OF LIVBR. There were 38 deaths in 1910, as compared with an average of 45 for the live years 1906-10. APPENDICITIS. There were 98 deaths ascribed to this cause in 1910, the average number for five years being 80. BRIGHT'S DISEASE AM) NEPHRITIS Of the 256 deaths last year 206 were certified as Bright'a disease and 50 as acute nephritis. The rate per 10,000 living for 1910 was 2'58, against an average of 2'73 for the last five years. PUERPERAL DISEASES. In 1910 the deaths certified to these causes number 117. Included in the number were: Accidents of pregnancy, 35; puerperal septicaemia, 35; other accidents of childbirth, 47. Ihe number of deaths to every 1,000 confinements for each of ten years is shown. Deaths of Mothers. Deaths of Mothers Year. to every 1,000 Year. |to every 1,000 Confinements. 'Confinements. 1900 ... .. ... 3-84 1906 ... ... ... 3-91 1901 ... ... ... 4-39 1907 ... ... ... 4-62 1902 ... ... ... 5*33 1908 ... ... ... 4-64 1903 ... . . ... 5-86 1909 ... ... ... 514 1904 ... ... ... 4-66 1910 ... ... ... 4-55 1905 ... ... ... 4-22 VIOLENCE. The deaths from external violence, apart from suicide, numbered 567 in 1910—males 466, females 101. The rate per 10,000 living was 6*42 in 1906, 6*65 in 1907, 603 in 1908, 679 in 1909, and 5*71 in 1910. Drowning caused 28 per cent, of the total, and 29 per cent, of the maledeaths by accident. The various forms of accidental deaths in 1910 are shown in the following table :—

Accidental Deaths, 1910.

SUICIDE. The suicidal deaths in 1910 were 100 -males 86. and females 14. The rate per 10,000 living was I*ol in 1910, against an average of 107 for the past five years.

Cause of Death. Fractures Shooting Other accidental injuries Burns, scalds Insolation ... Electric shock Accidental drowning Inhalation of noxious gases Other accidental poisoning Other external violence .. | - - Males. Females. 33 9 14 1 167 10 23 27 2 1 1 135 25 10 4 12 5 69 19 Total. 42 15 177 50 2 2 160 14 17 88 Total deaths 1 1_ 466 101 466 101 567 567