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District : thence towards the east, by the eastern boundaryline of the last-mentioned section and the eastern boundaryline of the Blackwater Township to its south-eastern corner ; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 11, Block IV, Ahaura Survey District; thence by the south-eastern and southern boundary-lines of the last-mentioned section to the Orey River; thence towards the south generally by the Grey River to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Greymouth, by the eastern and southern boundary-lines of the said Borough of Greyniouth to the ocean; and thence towards the west by the ocean to the Pororari River, the place of commencement. Wksi>. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Grey and Buller Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Borough of Greymouth on the west coast to tin' north-eastern corner of the Grey County on the Spenser .Mountains; thence- towards the south-east by the south-eastern boundary-line of the Land District of Westland to Mount Aspiring; thence towards the south by a right line lo the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay ; and theme towards the north-west by the ocean tip the C.icy Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement, Wairau. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Motueka and Nelson Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Tophouse to West Entry Point; thence again towards the north-east and cast generally by Cook Strait and the ocean to the mouth of the Clarence River; thence towards the west and south-west generally by the said Clarence River to its confluence with the Acheron River; thence towards the north-west generally by tin , said Acheron River and the Guide River to Barefefl Pass; thence towards the south-west by a right line to Tophouse, Wairau Valley, the place of commencement : including Arapawa, Forsyth, Chetwode. Blumine. and Motuauauru, and all adjacent islands. Hurl-mi. This district is bounded towards the north-east, north, north-west, and again towards the north-east by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Tophouse, Wairau Valley, to the mouth of the Clarence River ; thence towards the south-east by the sea from the month of the said Clarence River to the mouth of the Ashley River; ther.ce towards the south by the said Ashley River to the Ashley Gorge Bridge : thence towards the south-east generally by the Ashley Gorge Road to Sales Road; thence by Sales Road to Bay Road; thence by Bay Road to the Oxford—Rangiora Railway line; thence by the last-mentioned railway-line and the SheffieldOxford Branch of the said Oxford-Rangiora Railway line to the middle of the Waimakariri River ; thence towards the south-west by a line along the middle of the said Waimakariri River to its confluence with Staircase Gully Creek; thence by the last-mentioned creek to its source on the Mount Torlesse Range; thence again towards the south-east by a line from the last-mentioned point over Mount Torlesse to the source of a creek intersection, Run No. 171; thence by the last-mentioned creek to its confluence with the creek intersecting Section No. 9824, Block V, Kowai Survey District; theme again towards the south-west by the last-mentioned creek to its source at Porter's Pass," and again towards the south-east by a right line from the said Porter's Pass to the mouth of the Acheron River on the southern shore of Lake Lyndon ; thence again towards the south-west generally by a right line to Red Hill; thence by the summit of the Craigieliiirn Range to Trig. Station V ; thence by a right line u> Trig. Station W by the summit of the Black Range to Mount Davie ; thence by a right line from Mount Davie lo Mount Griffiths, on the Canterbury and Westland Land District boundary-line; thence again towards the northwest by the summit of the Southern Alps, Spenser Mountains, and St. Arnaud Mountains to Tophouse, the place of commencement. Kaiapoi. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the llurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the middle of the Waimakariri River at Bexley to the mouth of the Ashley River: thence towards the east by Pegasus Bay to the northern boundary of the Borough of New Brighton; theme by the northern and western boundaries of the said Borough of New Brighton to the Avon River; thence towards the south by the said Avon River to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 1068, by the road forming I he north-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section and the road forming the northern boundary of Horseshoe

Lake. Sections Nus. KiL'7, 2550, 1140, and Section No. LI3S to the north-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by Hill's Road to Green's Road, and by Green's Hi).id tv the Christchurch City boundary; thence towards the south-west and south-east generally by the Christ church City boundary to the southernmost corner of Section No. 1048; thence towards the west generally by the south-western and north-western boundary-lines of the hist mentioned section to Winter's Road; thence by Winter's Road tv North Road, and by the last-mentioned road tv the in,id forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 831; thence by the last-mentioned road lo the south western corner of Section No. 331 ; thence by the western boundary of the said Section No. Ml to Tische's Road : thence by Tische's Road to the mad forming the western boundary of Section No. 84N; thence by the last-men-tioned road to the Waimakariri River; thence by a right line to the middle of the said Waimakariri River: thence towards the south by the middle of the last-mentioned river to the place l of commencement. ( iikisii iifiic ii North. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the north-western boundary of the City of Christchurch from the north-western corner of the said city to the junction of Innes Road and Shirley Road; thence towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the City of Christchurch to North Avon Road; thence along the middle of North Avon Road to Bealey Avenue: thence along the middle of Bealey Avenue to Churchill Street; thence along the middle of Churchill Street to the River Avon: thence towards the south b\ the River Avon to the middle! of Salisbury Street ; thence by a line along the middle of Salisbury Street to Colombo Street : thence again Inwards the east by a line along (he middle of Colombo Street to a point in Cathedral Square in line with the middle of Worcester Street : ill :e again towards the smith by a line along the middle of Worcester Street to Rolleston Avenue; thence northerly along Rolleston Avenue, from the middle of Worcester Street, about ■> chains; thence by a right line parellel to Worcester Street to the western boundary of Haglej Park ; and thence towards the west by the western boundary of Eagley Park ami the western boundary of the City of Christchurch to the place of commencement. (Ihristchcri ii East, This district is bounded towards the north generally l>\ the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Colombo Street and Salis limy Street to the River Avon : thence by the River Avon to Fitzgerald Avenue; thence towards the east generally by a line along the middle of Fitzgerald Avenue to Ferry Road : thence along the middle of Kerry Road to Wilson's Road; thence along the middle of Wilson's Road to Charles Street; thence along the middle of Charles Street to Grafton Street; thence along the middle of Grafton Street to Ferry Road: thence along the middle of Ferry Road to Ensor's Road ; theme along the middle of Ensor's Road to the Christc lunch Lvttelton Railway line : thence along the said railway-line to Wilson's Road; t hence along the middle of Wilson's Road and the road along the north bank of the River Heathcote to Langdown Street; thence towards the south generally by a linealong the middle of Langdown Street to Rogers Street; thence along the middle of Rogers Street to Huxley Street; thence along the middle of Huxley Street to Ci'iyilc.n Street; thence along the middle 'of Croydon Slice! to Southampton Street: thence along thr middle of Southampton Street to Montrose Street; thence along the "middle of Montrose Street to Huxley Street; thence along the middle of Huxley Street to Colombo Street; and thence towards the west by a line along the middle of Colombo Street to its junction with Salisbury Street, t he place of commencement. C'hkistc iiridii South. This elistiict is bounded low aids the north by the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, the western boundary of Hagley Park to Cathedral Square; thence towards the east generally by the Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, tv tlie> Heathcote River at the south-eastern end if Langdown Street; thence towards the south-east and iinii generally by the Heathcote River to Barrington Road; tl cc by a line along the midelle of Bam'ngton Road to Conway Street; thence along the middle of Conway Street to l.yttelton Street; thence' towards the south-west and west generally by a line along the midelle tf Lyttelton Street and Hellewell Street to Lincoln Road ; thence along the middle of Lincoln Road to Moorhouse Avenue; thence along Moorhouse Avenue westward tv