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SOUTH ISLAND REPKESENTATION COMMISSION REPORT. To His Excellency the Kiurht Honourable John Poynder Diokson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor and Cominander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Yocb Excellency, — We. flic members of the Smith Island Representation Commission appointed by Four Excellency on the 17th day of July, 1911, have the honour to report that we commenced our sittings on the 21st day of July last for the purpose of dividing the South Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette, and the objections and suggestions that were received were duly considered and dealt with by the Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached Schedule. The Commission subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Four Excellency's consideration the names and descriptions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. It was found that the boundaries of the Tuapeka and Taieri Electorates had to be so altered as to render either name unsuitable, and your Commission therefore decided to name the newly defined district " Otago Central," as better describing the same. It was also decided, as the Geraldine Electorate has been altered so as to exclude Geraldine Town and most of the county, that the electorate shall be renamed " Temuka." Given under our hands and seals, this sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. B. H. Wilmot, Chairman. (1.5.) T. N. Brodrick. (1.5.) G. H. M. McClurb. (1.5.) Harry Qtjane. (1.5.) Chas. S. Reeves. (1.5.)


No. Electoral l.'istriot. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Address of (bjector or Writer. Decision of Commission. 1 Nelson Protesting against any portion of the Sounds County being included in Nelson Electorate, as Nelson is an urban electorate Suggesting that the following area be added to the Grey Electorate: " All that area commencing at the south-western corner of the Borough of Greymouth, thence towards the west by the sea to Nelson Creek, thence towards the south-west by Nelson Creek to the western boundary of Arnold Survey District, thence towards the east by the western boundary of Arnold Survey District to the Borough of Greymouth, thence towards the north-west and north-east by the said Borough of Greymouth to the place of commencement " Protesting against Waiuta being included in the Westland Electorate M. Greensill Impracticable to alter proposed boundaries. Suggestion disallowed 2 Crey .. E. Elliott and 17o others Westland E. R. Gale and 110 others Impracticable to alter proposed boundaries. Cannot be given effect to. Hurunui Objecting to the Cass Riding of the Tawera County being included in the Hurunui Electorate Suggesting that the whole of Spreydon Borough be included in Christchurch South Electoral District Petition from the residents of Epworth and Waiapi districts, requesting that they be placed in the Geraldine Electorate Objecting to the Geraldine District boundary extending too far south, and that the community of interest in the district is destroyed thereby Suggesting that the name Geraldine should be changed to either " Temuka " or " Gladstone " Forwarding copy of following resolution : " That this meeting emphatically protests against the proposed alteration of boundaries of the Waitaki Electorate " Writing on behalf of a large number of electors approving of the proposed Waitaki Electorate D. D. Macfarlane .. 5 Christchurch South John Hadfield Impracticable t o alter proposed boundaries. Ditto. Ashburton F. Green and 69 others Geraldine R. Banks, Clerk, Mac- i kenzie County Council Cannot be otherwise arranged. ,» T. Buxton, M.P. Name " Temuka " adopted. Waitaki F. J. Hitchins, Secretary, Independent Order of Oddfellows Impracticable t o alter proposed boundaries. lo J. A. Macpherson .. Received.