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NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Exoellency the Right Honourable John Poyuder Uickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor ami Coinmander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. Mat it plhabb Youb Excellency,— We, the members of (In- North Island Representation Commission appointed by Your Excellency on the 20th day of July, 1911, have tin- honour to repori that we commenced our sittings on the 21sl day of July hist for the purpose of dividing the North Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette, and on the 13th day of September the Commissioners again met, and the objections and suggestions that were received were duly considered and dealt with by the Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached Schedule. The Commission subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the names and descriptions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. Given under our hands and seals, this sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred ami eleven. John Strauchon. (1.5.) Eric C. Gold Smith. (1.5.) W. Armstrong. (1.5.) James Trounson. (1.5.) H. S. Wardell. (1.5.)


No. " I Electoral District. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Address of Objector or Writer. t ircNion of Commission. 1 L> Kaipara Egmont Petition to include the Waipoua Riding in the Kaipara Electorate Resolution passed by the Stratford County Council asking for exchange of West Riding in Egmont Electorate for the Mangimingi and Omona district in Stratford Objecting to the Whangamarino Road Board to lie included in Thames Electoral District Str| henDoak,Kaihu, and 61 other (lharles Penn, County Clerk, of Stratford County Council Already inoluded in the now district. ( Complied with. Thames A. A. Kcis.s. Chairman, W h a n g a m a r i n o Road Board County Clerk, Rangitikei County Clerk Pukekohe Town Board I mpraol ioable. Manawatu Asks that the name of Manawatu be changed to Rangitikei Asks to be taken into franklin Electorate, instead of into Raglan Asks that the name of Manawatu be ohanged to Rangitikei, and suggests that the latter be called " Waimarino " Asks that Pukekohe Town Board be retained in Franklin Asks that name of Manawatu be changed to Rangitikei Request acceded to. 4 5 Raglan Complied with. (i Manawatu Town Clerk, Borough Council, Marion Request acceded to. Franklin W. P. Massey, M.P. Complied with. 7 s Manawatu Thames Inhabitants of Huntly Riding object to being included in Thames Electorate T. Brice, Chairman, Marton Chamber of Commeroe F. Harris, Clerk of Buntly Town District Town Clerk, Stratford Borough ' 'iHitici! Request acceded to. Impracticable. ID Stratford Forwards resolution carried at a public meet ing held at Stratford, asking that the whole of Hi,- Stratford County be included in Stratford Electorate, and that Mangimingi and Meremere be inoluded Electors of Umataoroa wish to lie included in the Waipawa Electorate Mr. J. (». Cobbeand i>1 others protesting against inclusion in Manawatu, and aekmgTto be put in Oroua Mrs. 15. M. Sullivan protests against inclusion of Porirua in 'Wellington Suburbs and Country District Complied with. Waipawa M. Walehe and T. H. A'Bear, Umataoroa D. H. Guthrie Impracticable. II 12 Manawatu Complied with. 13 Wellington Suburbs and Country District ; Stratford Mrs. Sullivan, Wellington Impracticable. Asking thai West Riding of Stratford County he included in Stratford Electorate, and not in Egmont Requesting that the whole of the Stratford County be included in Stratford Electorate Inhabitants of Katikati wish to remain in Tauranga Electorate, and object to be placed in Ohinemuri Petition from C. H. Cleaver and 131 others, asking that portion of Napier lying southeast of the Ngaruroro River be included in Hawke's Bay Asking to be put into Stratford instead of in Taumarunui Asks that the whole of Otahuhu Road District be included in Manukau Electorate Petition protesting against Castlecliff being taken out of Wanganui and being put in Patea Petition protesting against Castlecliff being taken out of Wanganui and being put in Patea (i. A. Marohant,Chairman, Stratford County Council. J. Masters, Mayor of Stratford <;. Vi■: •< \ Stewart, Chairman, Katikati Road Board C. H. Cleaver and 131 others ( (implied with. 1-1 15 Iβ Ohinemuri Partially oomplied with. 17 .Napier Petition disallowed. IN Taumarunui .. \\. Aylward, Pouatu Survey District E. West, Clerk Otahuhu Road Board (I, Mackay, Mayor of Wanganui, and four other local bodies G. Spriggins, Wanganui, and 116 others Cannot lie acceded to. Impracticable. 19 Manukau 20 Wanganui Acceded to. 21 I Wanganui Acceded to.