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No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. ! Horse- I Purpose for which need ' 1 DiA J? eA . eI of Cylinders of ; jruipoBe ior wiuui uawi. of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. Class of Drivf 1 ! , required. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT— eontirmt i. I'uiii Gold-dredging Company Quin and Part y Raymond, I. W. Reid, William, jim. . . Lowbum.. .. Gold-dredge Charlton Valley .. Papatotara .. Hauling .. ,, .. Sawmill .. Nightoaps Distriol General work Liowburn.. .. Gold-dredge Murray River, Stew- Sawmill .. art Island dutha River .. Gold-dredge 20 7 and I i | It) 7 and I I | Id Two 7 56 Two 9*1 9 J I'll S and I2 : ; 14 Two 84 US 8 and 12 : ; :i!l Sj and 17 Two second class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. One first class ami two second class. I Second class. ( tae firsi class and two second class. Ditto. Riley's I; i • \ h al (told-dredging (lompany Riniu Sawmilling Company .. Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company (No. 1 1 Rise and Shine < (old-dredging < lompany (No. 2) Rising Sun Gold-dredging Company .. Rodger, A. \Y. Rosedale Gold-dredging Company Clutha River .. Gold-dredge Birohwood .. General work Waikaka Valley .. J Gold-dredge Waimumu .. .... Waikaka Valley 40 10 and Iβ 9 20 7 and IJ.j 20 8 and 13 20 7 I and I I ] Locomotive and traction. Three second class. One first class and two second class. Three seoond class. Royal Venture Gold-dredging Company Star i ktld-dredging < lompany Saunders, P. J. South Hillend .. Threshing and eharTcutting Hokonui .. .. Chaffcutting „ .; .. General work Gorge Road . . Flax-mill.. Of a ut an District .. | General work Ma I a ura Island . . Flax-mill. . Otautau District .. General work Dipton .. .. General work .. Steam laundry Sawmill T< • Waewae .. „ .. Athol .. .. Threshing Southland .. Hauling Invercargill .. Engineers' shop .. 8 !) c 8J 8 9 10 71 and I I I 6 j 8 14 Two 8] 8 7 " 8 8< 22 10 27 13* 14 Two H$ S li and 9j li 5j and !).', 14 7 and 1H,;., Locomotive, and traction. Ditto. Seoond olass. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and tract i<111. I >itto. ; First class. Scott, 1). ... Seifert, Aliord, and Co. Shaw. John Shaw, William Sheedan Bros. Sinclair Bios. Sinclair, F. Smith and Co. Sopor. G. A. Southland County Counoi] .. Southland Engineering Company (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat Company .. »• Southland Sawmilling Company Southland Timber Company. . Southland Woollen-mills South Waikaia Gold-dredging < lompany Sutherland. William Sutton, Joseph Blufi .. .. Electrio light and freezing works i Inveroargill .. Manure-works .. i Mataura .. .. Freezinj; and elect 1 n> , ligW Blufi .. .. Ditto Papatotara .. Sawmill .. Te Waewae .. ,, Waimimi. . .. „ Waikouro .. ,, Otautau . . .. ,, Rosedale .. Woollen-mills Waikaia .. .. Gold-dredge Gorge Road .. Sawmill Winton .. .. General work Woodlands .. Meat-works Aparima District .. j General work Pahia .. .. Sawmill Waimatua .. ,, West Plain* .. Brickworks Longwood .. Sawmill Wyndham .. Machine-shop Waikaia . . .. Gold-dredge Little Waikaka .. Waikaka Vallev .. 102 II and 22. 13 and 24 36 10 I2S 16 and 21 50 II and 22, 13 and 24 20 Two 11 20 Two 10 20 Two JO 20 Two 10 16 Two 9i 14 7 and 11 20 S and 12; 14 Two 8.1, S !) 42 8 8 f,J and KM 28 Two 12.'. Iβ Two 10 20 Two Id 36 12 Iβ 5 26 f» and 18 20 li and ll| Iβ 7 and II 16 7 and 11 Second class. First olass. Second class. One first class and two second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. One ftrst class and two second class. Three s e e o h d class. Ditto. Tait, \V. E., Wooi 11 1 Mi at-works .. Taylor. William Timpany Bros. Todd, T., and Sons.. Trail! Bros., and Smythies .. Trapski, J. Waikaia Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Forks Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Syndicate Gold-dredging Company (No. 1) Waikaka Syndicate Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Waikaka United Gold-dredging Company Little Waikaka JO U and 17 One first class and two second class.