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No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name o( 0« uer. wiiiic Boiler used. HorsePnrnnan for whii-h iiand Power Diameter of Cylinders of Class of Driver I '" I " M "" U " IM,1 of Engines, in Inches. required. Boiler. | AUCKLAND SOU! TH DISTRICT— continued. Ellis and Burnand . . Fraser, 0... ( lardner and Sons .. Qilberd.'b. Jarrett, C. Jarrett, ('. and (Son Lee and McKenzic . . McPherson and Stevens Mountain Rimu Timber Company ,. »> New Zealand Dairy Association Northern Timber Company .. »» ■ • Ongarue .Sawmilling Company Primrose, John l'ukuweka Sawmilling Company Roc, A. VV. Hoosc, ('. . . Rotorua Rimu Timber Company Seifert, F. Steele, W Taringamutu Timber Company Taupiri Coal Company ,» • • »» • • ,, * • »> • • Taupo Totara Timber Company Hamilton Manga pee hi Manunui Otorohanga Rototuna Manunui Auckland Province Cambridge District Waikato District .. Mamaku Manunui Mamaku .. >» Mgaruawahia Taupiri .. y> Ongarue Waikato District . . Matapuna Piriaka Mamaku . . ,, Mercer Mamaku Towai Oxford Bush Waitangi.. i> Huntly .. >» ■ ■ • ■ i Mokai Joinery-works .. 44 15.1 First class, Log-hauling . . 2:s Two 8 Second class. Sawmill .. .. .10 Two 14 Firsf class. 65 Two 14 ,, .. .. 16 Two 8j Second olass. Traction .. . . 17 Two !l.l Locomotive and traction. J 2 Two 9 Ditto. Sawmill .. .. 69 18£, Hi, and two 12 First class. .">!( ])itl<» 51 IS and 14.J ,, . . . . 14 Two 10 Second class. „ .. .. 25 I I First class. ,, .. .. <i 7 Locomotive and and traction. ,, .. .. 73 17 First class. Traction .. . . X '['wo 7 Locomotive and traction. Log-hauling .. 17 Two 8J Second class. Well-sinking .. •'! .'i.l and (i Locomotive and traction. Threshing .. 6 7i Ditto. ,, . . ."> 5 a.tid S. 1 . ,, Sawmill .. .. Hi Two 10 Second ola 20 Wi „ .. . . 51 l(i First class. „ .. .. 7(i l(i Hauling .. .. 12 Two 71 Locomotive and traction. Dairy-factory ..34 Hi First class. Sawmill .. . . Sli 14 Second elass. Log-hauling . . I "i Two II „ Traction . . .. !i Two X Locomotive and traction. Log-hauling .. 16 Two S. 1 , Second class. Sawmill .. . . 38 IS " First elass. Threshing i> <S Locomotive and traction. Hauling .. . . ■'>!, l> Ditto. Sawmill .. 38 12 Second class. .... 38 14 Traction .. .. 20 Two 9j Locomotive and traction. Sawmill .. .. 42 I f> First class. ,, .. .. 27 12 Second class. Traction.. .. 12 Two 6 Locomotive and traction. Pumpiii".. 25 7 Second class. Sawmill .. .. 50 Hi First class. .. 12 7 and ll| Second class. .Sawmill . . 32 13 45 I.V; First class. Traction.. .. 12 Two 10 Locomotive and traction. Sawmill .. .. 44 16 First class. „ 44 10 Winding and air- 35 Two 18, two 18, 12 First class and compressing winding. Winding and haul- 30 18, two 18, 12 Ditto. ing - . Hauling coal . . 20 Two 11 i First class. Pumping and wind- 14 Two !) Winding. ing Pumping and ail , - 75 18, 17$, and 10 First class. compressing Pumping, winding, 42 Two 14], 14, 9, 2 First class and and air-oompres- winding, sing Traction .. .. IS Two 10 Locomotive and traction. Pumping ami air- II Two 7, two 10 First elass. compressing Winding and haul- :!() Two 18, two 18, 12 First elass and ing winding. Pumping.. .. 75 9| and Is First class. Pumping and wind- 77 Two 8, two 9, two 11 j First class and ing winding. Log-hauling .. is Two lo Second olass. Traction .. .. 20 Two 12 Looomotive and