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No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c., during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

B—H. 15a.

Number. Type. I inscription of Repairs. :s Vertical cross-tube Patch fitted round bottom of firebox. „ Plato on bottom of shell renewed, and new cross-tubes fitted. „ Several rivets in shell renewed. , Six new mudhole-doors fitted, and one opening compensated. „ Si.\ rivets renewed in firebox. ,, Throe rivets renewed in furnace, and patch fitted in firebox. Vertical field-tube One new tube fitted. ,, Retubed, and patch fitted on crown round uptake. „ Spigol fitted to manhole-door, and opening dressed out to lit. Vertical flue .. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening, and lour new vertical stays fitted. „ .. Compensating-Hni»s fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and patch fitted on shell under safety-valve chest. Foundation-ring repaired. Now spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptakes fitted. New uptakes fitted, and patch round bottom of shell. Patches fitted in firebox. Patch fitted on shell under safety-valve mounting. Patch fitted on shell under firedoor. Vertical tubular .. A number of rivets in shell renewed. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings". Crack in tube-plate welded. ('racked portion of firebox cut out and patch fitted. Eleven new tubes fitted. Five new tubes put in. Four new vertical stays fitted. New firebox, new crown, and new tubes fitted. One new vertical stay fitted. One new vortical stay fitted and patch on crown. . . Patch fitted on shell. ,, . . j Patch fitted round furnace-door. . . Retubed. Retubed, and compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. ,, .. Retubed, and new top tube-plates fitted. Several new tubes fitted. Several new rivets put in firebox. .. I Slight crack in tube-plate chain-pinned. ,, .. Thill portion of crown patched, and new vertical stay fitted. Water-tube . . Bottom row of tubes renewed. Eight tulies renewed. „ .. Four to]) rows of tubes renewed. Retubed. „ .. Top row of tubes renewed. I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 4 I I I :i l l I I l 7 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 18 1 7 I 1 I 1 2 I 1 4 1 148 Total.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. I I I I 1 I I I Air-compressing Asphalt-mixing Bacon-factory Bagmaking Bakery .. ; Belting. Machinery. Belting. .. i Shafting and pulleys. .. J End of shaft and belting. .. j Belting. .. ' Moulding-machine shafi. .. \ Side of driving-pulley. . . I Wheels of mixer,