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No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

'umber. TypeDescription of Repairs. 2 1 I 1 1 1 5 1 I I I 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 I ] 1 1 I 20 1 I I 1 2 i> 9 2 Lancashire .. ' Patch riveted over longitudinal seams. Two longitudinal seams oovered with joggled patches, and eighty rivets renewed. „ . . Two new Galloway tubes fitted. Lancashire tubular A number of rivets renewed in furnaces. Circumferential seams pared and caulked. Retubed. Locomotive . . Five new screwed stays put in firebox. „ . . New mudhole-door fitted. .. Patch fitted on bottom of firebox. „ . . Patch fitted on side of firebox. „ . . Patch fitted on bottom of outside of firebox, and eight new screwed stays fitted. ., .. Patch in firebox extended. .. Retubed. ,. . . Retubed, and defective patch renewed. „ .. Retubed, and fifty new screwed stays fitted in firebox ; patch fitted mi front tube-plate, and several rivets renewed. „ .. Retubed. and new tube-plate fitted. „ . . Sixteen screwed stays in firebox renewed. „ .. Tube-ends in firebox expanded. Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox. „ .. Twelve new tubes fitted. ,, .. Two patches fitted in firebox. Two sight-holes cut, and tapered plugs fitted. ,. .. Wasted part of front tube-plate sheathed. Manure-dryer . . Manhole-doors reriveted. „ .. New bottom fitted. ,. .. One new plate fitted in bottom. Marine .. Patch fitted in bottom of combustion-chamber, and two If in. barstays fitted through tube-plates. ,, .. Patch fitted over flanging at bottom of furnace . . Retubed. „ . . Several rivets in shell removed. Multitubular .. Bottom of circumferential seam reriveted. u .. Brickwork rebuilt, and several defective rivets renewed. ,, .. Brickwork repaired. ,, .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and blow-off pipe fitted. ,, . . Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and new mud-leg fitted. „ .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and new plate fitted. „ .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. „ .. I Circumferential seams on bottom recaulked. ,, . . Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. „ . . Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. „ . . Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-opening, and new dooi fitted. 1 1 2 I 1 1 •2 J ] i 1 o 2 I (i 1 1 14 3 „ . . Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening, and three new tubes fitted. „ . . Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening and manhole-door repaired. Cracked portion out but of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Defective plate cut out of bottom of shell, and new plate fitted. ,, .. j Fifteen rivets renewed in shell. Five new stay-tubes fitted. ■ .. ! Flanged compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. ,. . . Fourteen new tubes fitted. ,, . . Lamination cut out, and patch fitted. . . Manhole-door spigots renewed. Manhole-door spigots reriveted. Manhole-openings dressed out, and new doors fitted. Mudhole-openings dressed out, and new doors fitted. Mudhole-opening dressed out, and new spigot fitted to door. New manhole-doors fitted. ,, . . New manhole-door fitted, and compensating-ring round opening. New manhole-door aud new mud-drum fitted. ,, . . New mudhole-doors fitted. ,, .. New mudlegs fitted. )i