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Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1909; of those added to and deducted from the Register during the Year 1910; and of those which remained upon the Register on the 31st December, 1910.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1910.

5 H. 16.

g =ls. Totals. 'ailing Vess Steam Vessels. Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net v , ; Cross Net Tonnage. * e8SCJ8 - Tonnage. Tonnage. < Sroes Tonnage. N<-. Tonnage* Upon the Kegister on the 31st December, 1909 .. .. .. .. 262 42»384 40,163 ■( jy [88,230 110,677 589 230,614 150,840 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time— Built at ports in United Kingdom Built at ports in British possessions abroad .. .. .. 1 Purchased from foreigners .. 1 Vessels transferred from ports in the United Kingdom .. Vessels transferred from portsin British possessions abroad .. .. I 1 Vessels registered de unvn .. .. 3 Tonnage added in consequence of remeasurement or alteration 214 53 132 53 5 2.905 [.254 21 1," 512 1 1 1 5 25 2 2.905 I .240 55 1. 154 ('44 54 3 5.973 .(.472 3 5.973 3.472 128 99 ■<>: 507 245 7 750 , 401 3 in 635 1.113 344 90 74 90 74 Total added .. .. 9 758 58l .(9 5-959 48 12,011 6,540 Deducted (rum the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost .. 1 Vessels broken up, decayed, &c. .. 4 Vessels converted into hulks, &c. .. 1 Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions .. .. .. ( Vessels registered de novn .. .. 5 Other vessels .. .. 3 Tonnage deducted in consequence ol re measurement or alteration 35 250 1.235 329 15 35 384 236 3 4-".17 3 2 7i 1 429 i.125 175 262 4 7 ■ 5 9 4 4.972 655 679 '-742 1,015 28 ;, 1 1 «i 559 1 ,40(1 624 Hi 1,157 286 15 307 4 686 : ' '3 249 338 4 3 8 3 8 I'otal deducted .. .. 17 2,248 2,113 [4 11,846 4,161 '.' 9.094 6,274 Vessels on Register on jist December, ! roio .. .. .. .. J 254 40,894 38,631 35a (19-2,637 112,475 606 151,106 233,531

Auckland Napier .. Wellington Nelson . . Lyttelton Timaru .. Ouncdin Invercargill : 'utis. Sailing Vessels. Steam Vessels. Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. I Vessels. JGross Tonnaije. Net Tonnage '53 , ii.776 12,468 I 153 . 18,457 9,794 6 ! 365 352 : -=5 ! 2,875 i 1,712 23 3i943 i>77 6 ! 42 10,588 j 5,307 8 195 191 12 2,106 1.033 « 5,521 5,300 14 ; 3,747 1,544 1,649 i,577 1 942 , 488 37 M,46o 14,027 -.14 152,764 , 92,034 4 985 940 I 11 1,158 563 Totals -34 40.894 38.631 352 " 192,637 j "2,475