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I J. —ls.

Return of Convictions of Seamen &c., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, &c.-continued.


Name of Person Position held. Ship. Particulars of Offence, &c. Date of Conviction. Penalty imposed. i Mat.hie.son, W. McOormaek. T. P. .. A.B. .. Louisa (teug Waimate Absent without leave Indecency and assaulting constable . . .. ' 28/5/10 22/8/10 Fined £1 Is. (id. Fourteen days' imprisonment for indecency, lined lOt and ordered to pay for dainage to constable's uniforrr in default a further fourteen days' imprisonment. Kined £1 10s.. and OOBtB 7s. Three days' imprisonment, and to pay costs. Three days' imprisonment, and to pay costs. Fined £1, or seven days' imprisonment. Fined 10s., and 7s. costs, or two days' imprisonment. One month's imprisonment. Fined £1 Is. lid. Fined £1, or two days' imprisonment. Three days' imprisonment, and pay costs. Fined two days' pay. and costs 7s. One month's imprisonment. Pined 5e* f and oosts 7s. Detained until departure of vessel : prohibited immigrant Three days* imprisonment, and costs 7s. Two months' imprisonment, and 11s. 3d. costs. One month's imprisonment. Fined two days' pay. Fined £2. and to pay 10s. damages, or seven day- ia prisonment. Three days' imprisonment, and to pay costs. Fined £2 10s., and 7s. costs, or one month's impriaoi ment. Three days' imprisonment, and costs 7s. Fined £1 and costs. One month's imprisonment, or placed on board befoi vessel's departure. Fined £f> and costs, or two months' imprisonment. Fined £.") and costs, or two months' imprisonment. Fined £5 and costs, or two months imprisonment. Fined 10s. and costs. Two month.-.' imprisonment, and 1 Is. 3d. costs. One month's imprisonment. Fined 10s., ami costs 17s. To be detained in custody until sailing of vessel. Fined two days' pay, and 7s. costs. Seven days' imprisonment. Fined two days' pay, and costs 7s., or one day's imprieoi ment. McCormaek, T. P. Mclndoe, J. McDonald. .1. McEwan, W. McLean, N. Nicholson, ,1. Ogilvy, G. O'Neill, L. O'Neill, L. O'Neill, J. Quinn, T. Ross, Charles Rowland, G. Ridout, Thomas . . Ridout, ThomaR . . Richardson, V. Regan, P. Smith. John Trimmer Greaser Fireman Fireman .. A.B. .. .. A.B. .. .. A.B. . . .. A.B. . . .. J A.B. . . Fireman Fireman Trimmer .. A.B. . . .. A.B. . . .. A.B. .. .. I Fireman .. A.B. . . Waimate Cornwall Cornwall Corinthic Morayshire Clan McLaren . . Louisa Craig Cornwall . . Cornwall . . Kumara Clan Grant Waimate Tongariro Kaipara Kaipara .. i Indraghiri . I Otaki .. Waddon Neglect of duty and assaulting boatswain Absent without leave Absent without leave Assaulting second engineer Desertion Desertion Absent without leave Drunk Absent without Jeave Absent without leave Desertion Bad language Absent without leave Absent without leave Disobeying lawful commands False declaration Absent without leave Theft of books and breaking window 15/6/10 i 3/10/10 3/10/10 31/10/10 l/li/10 31/12/10 28/5/10 5/10/10 3/10/10 29/3/11 14/2/11 15/6/10 15/10/10 10/1/11 14/1/11 3/9/10 31/12/10 30/9/10 Sheridan, T. Stewart, George . . Fireman Boatswain .. J Cornwall Rimutaka Absent without leave Embezzling cargo 3/10/10 20/1/11 Steen, T. Smith, William . . Schmidt, P. .. A.B. .. Fireman Fireman Kaipara .. j Monowai Kiinutaka Absent without leave Drunk and disorderly Desertion 10/1/11 2/1/11 7/2/11 Smith, A. Stillway, .John Stewart, William. . Spiers, A. Steen, T. Symons, J. Taylor, J. E. I'n'nella, Raffaeli Williamson. R. . . West, T. Vincent, E. Fireman Fireman Fireman Steward .. A.B. .. Fireman Fireman Fireman Fireman .. A.B. .. Surrey . . Surrey Surrey Monowai Kaipara Turakina Opawa. . Doridr . . Otaki Gertie . Rimutaka Assault ■ . . Assault Assault Drunk and disorderly Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Absent without leave Assaulting chief engineer Absent without leave 1/3/11 1/3/11 1/3/11 28/3/11 14/1/11 6/3/11 29/4/10 15/4/10 22/10/10 23/1/11 27/2/11 I