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Lister, R. A., and Co., Limited, Durslov, England ; (7) ; 8756, 24th May. Locke, Lancaster, and W. W. and R. Johnson and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (1); 8766, 25th May. Locke, Blaokett, and Co., Limited, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England : (1); 8880, 8881, 15th July. Lohmann and Co., Bremen, Germany, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 9100, 18th October. London Manufacturing Company (see J. M. Rayner). Lonsdale, H. E., Christchurch,'New Zealand; (14); 8832, 22nd Juno. Lucas, J., Limited, Birmingham, England; (13); 9042, 20th September. Luther, A. M. (see Action Gesellschaft). Lyra Lead Pencil Company, Niirnborg, Bavaria ; (39); 8553, 12th February. MacEwan. J. 8., and Co., Limited. Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8601, 9th March. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8017, 8618, 15th March. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (47); 8619, 18th March. MacLaurin, D. A., Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 8930, sth August. MacLeod, D., and Co., Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 8564, 16th February. McCaw, Stevenson, and Orr, Limited, Belfast, Ireland ; (39), (50); 9077, 9078, llth October. McKelian and Ramsay (seo W. Ramsay). McKerras, J.. Kingsland, Now Zealand; (50); 9058, 29th September. McKinlay, R., and Sons, Dunedin, New Zealand; (38); 8812, 16th Juno. McLaren, J., Auckland, New Zoaland; (37); 8971, 29th August. McLeod Bros., Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand; (47); 9013, 9014, 10th September. McNab, N. S., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (6); 8774, 30th May. McNab, N. S., and another, Dunedin, New Zoaland; (6); 8843, 27th June. Maconochie Bros., Limited, London, England ; (42); 9283, 29th December. Magnolia Anti-friction Metal Company of Great Britain, Limited, London, England ; (5); 8919, 29th July. Marathon Photographic Company (see R. J. Gauntlett). Marmito Food Extract Company, Limited, London, England ; (42); 8520, 26th January. Marriott, J. W., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 9065, 4th October. Marshall Shoe Company, Richmond, Victoria; (38); 9245, 15th December. Marshall's Proprietary Company, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (48); 8883, 18th July. Marsuma Company, Congleton, England; (50) ; 8738, 17th May. Martolli, E., Auckland, Now Zealand; (45); 8830, 22nd June. Martins Limited, London, England ; (45); 8792, Uth June. Meadows, F. N. R., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8820, 18th June. Mildenhall, 'I'. J., Opunake, New Zealand ; (37); 8632, 30th March. Milne and Clioyce, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (47); 8582, 28th February. Milsom, E., Wellington, New Zealand ; (48); 9103, 18th October. Moffat-Virtue Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (2); 8723, llth May. Monteith, S., Reefton, New Zealand; (43); 8781, Ist June. Mooro, C, and Co., Limited, Heatley-in-Lymm, England; (42); 8530, Ist February. More, J. M., Melbourne, Victoria ; (5); 8507, 19th January. More, J. M., Melbourne, Victoria; (5); 9195, Ist Decembor. Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, London, England ; (16); 8624, 22nd March. Morrin, T. and S., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand; (6); 8630, 29th March. Motor Import Company, Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (1); 9134, 31st October. Motueka Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited, Motueka, New Zealand ; (42); 8748, 19th May. Mouatßros., Wellington, New Zealand; (42); 8838,24th June. Mumm, G. H., and Co., " G. de Bary," Rheims, Franoe; (43); 8701, 27th April. Munn, D., Hastings, New Zealand ; (3); 8597, Bth March. Munro, Clark, and Co., Auokland, New Zealand ; (50); 9227, 9th December. Munro, J., and Sou, Limited, Leith, Scotland ; (43); 8559, 15th February.

Murdoch, J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 8677, Uth April. Murray, Roberts, and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (2); 7813, 29th January, 1909. Myers, F. E., and P. A., " Myers, F. E., and 8r0.," Ashland. United States America ; (6) 8549, 9th February. Napier, D., and Son., Limited, London, England; (6), (13), (21), (22); 8685, 8686, 8«67, 8688, 19th April. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8591, 4th March. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington. New Zealand; (45); 8722, llth May. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand; (5); 8762, 25th May. National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal, Canada: (3), (48) ;* 8587, 8588, 3rd March. National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited, Invercargill, Now Zealand; (2); 9183, 24th November. National Musical String Company, New Brunswick, United States America ; (9); 9226, 9th December. National Phonograph Company, Orange, Now Jersey, United States America ; (8); 8486, 13th January. National Phonograph Company, Orange, New Jersey, United States America ; (8); 8594, 8595, 7th March. Natural Colour Kinematograph Company, Limited, London, England ; (8); 9256, 23rd Decembor. Neave, J. R., and Co., Fordingbridge, England ; (42); 8228, Ist September. Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriok, "Netherlands Distilleries," Delft, Holland; (15), (16), (39), (43), (43), (43); 8603, 8604, 8605, 8606, 8607, 8608, 10th March. Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limited, Wellington and elsewhere, New Zoaland ; (17); 8790, 7th June. New Zealand Candle Company, Limited, Kaiwarra, New Zealand ; (47); 9232, 9233, 9234, 9235, 9236, 9237, 9238, 9239, 12th December. New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Limited. Christohurch. New Zealand; (42); 8863. 8864, 7th July. New Zealand Salt Company, Limited. Christohurch, Ne« Zoaland; (42); 9114, 21st October. Nicholls, L. A., Kyabram, Victoria ; (13) ; 8943, 12th August, Nobel's Explosives Company. Limited. Glasgow, Scotland; (20); 8485, 13th January. North Bros. Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, United States America ; (13); 9223, Bth December. Nuttall, E., and another, " Impervos Manufacturing Company," Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 8848, 2nd July. Offley Forrester, Limitada, Oporto, Portugal; (43); 9254 23rd December. Oldman, W. L., " Grant 8r05.," Christchurch, Now Zealand (22); 9158, 15th November. Olive Bros., Limited, Woolfold, England ; (39); 8852, sth July. Oliver Chilled Plow Works, South Bend, United States America; (7); 8771, 28th May. Olsen, C. A., and Kleppe, Stavanger, Norway ; (42); 8917, 28th July. Ormiston Bros., Limited, Auckland, Now Zoaland; (37); 8746, 19th May. Orniond, M. M., " Ormond," Vevey, Switzerland; (45); 9218, 9219, 7th December. Ormond (see M. M. Ormond). O'Sullivan Rubber Company, Lowell, United States America 0 (40); 9041, 20th September. Otago Iron-rolling Mills Company, Limited, Burnside, New Zealand ; (5); 9144, 4th November. Owen and Davies, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (22); 9288, 9289, 31st December. Paling, W. H., and Co., Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (8); 8926, 3rd August. Parafiine Paint Company, San Francisco, United States America; (17); 9082, llth October. Parasuram Vencatachellum Subramoniam Pillai, " P. Vencatachellum," Madras, India ; (42); 9141, 2nd November. Parbury, Henty, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales; (31) ; 8718, 4th May. Parfumerie Monpelas (see Steinfels Freres). Park, W., and Co., Wigan, England; (13); 8504, 18th January. Parnham, R. R., Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 8545, 9th February. Partridge, H. E., and Co., Limited, Auckland, Now Zealand; (13); 8840, 27th June. Paterson and Barr, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (13): 8963, 26th August.