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British and Colonial Lighting Company, Limited, London, England ; (18); 8810, 15th Juno. British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, Limited, Bristol, England ; (6) ; 8854, 7th July. British Imperial Oil Company, Limited, London, England ; (4), 8733; (47), 8734, 8735, 8736, 8737, 17th May.' British Imperial Oil Company, Limited, London, England ; (47); 9029, 9030, Uth September. Brizard, M., and another, Achard and Glotin," Bordeaux, Franco ; (43) ; 8498, 18th January. Brooks, J. 8., and Co., Limited, Birmingham. England ; (37); 8714. 8715, 3rd May. Brooks, J. 8.. and Co., Limited, Birmingham, England ; (49) ; 8937, 9th August. Bryant and Co., Limited. Napier, Now Zoaland; (42); 8679, i sth April. Bryant and Co., Limited, Napier. New Zealand ; (42); 9160, 17th November. Bryant and May, 801l and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now ■ Zealand ; (47) ; 9185, 24th November. Buchanan, A., Palmerston North. New Zealand ; (42); 8785, 2nd June. Buchanan, J., and Bros.. Limited, Glasgow, Scotland ; (42); ; 9119, 25th October. Bullock, A. J., Auckland. New Zoaland; (18); 8952, 18th August. Bullock, VV. J., Dunedin, New Zoaland; (2); 9053. 27th September. Bullock, VV. J., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (2); 9172, 23rd November. Burroughs, Welloome, and Co. (see H. S. Wellcome). Burson, H, and Sons. Christohurch. Now Zealand; (50); 8819, 18th Juno. Burt, A. and T., Limited. Dunedin and elsewhere, Now Zealand ; (13). (18) ; 8982, 8983, Ist September. Burt. A. and i\. Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, Now Zealand ; (40) ; 9177, 23rd November. Buzacott and Co., Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (7); 8951, 17th August, Cameron, B. W., and Co.. Wellington, Now Zealand; (50);, 8629, 2 Ith March. Cameron, R. W., and Co., Sydney, Now South Wales, and elsewhere ; (47); 9087, 9088, 13th October. Caravonica Cotton Company, Limited, London, England ; (4); 8478, 4th January. Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, United States America; (50) ; 9169, 21st November. ' Carter. .!., and I 0., London, England ; (46) ; 8708, 3rd May. Carter, R. H., Katikati, New Zealand; (12); 9044, 21st September. Garter, W., Winton, New Zoaland; (22); 9191, 28th November. Castle, F. and C. G., Wellington, New Zealand : (48) ; 8755, 24th May. Castro (see Do Castro). Cathie and Sons, Limited. Wellington, New Zoaland ; (38) ; 8877, Uth July. Cathie and Sons, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (38); 8948, 15th August. Cerebos Limited, Greatham, England; (42); 8682, 19th April. Chambers. 8.. Havelock North, Now Zealand: (43); 8818, 17th Juno. Champion and Sloe, Limited, Ijondon, England ; (42); 1 8627, 8628, 24th March. Chapman, W. H„ Wellington, New Zoaland ; (47); 8865, Bth July. Chatterton, S., lOllerslie. New Zealand; (50); 9057, 29th i September C'hemischo Fabrik, Dr. R. Schouble und Dr. A. Hochstetter, Tribuswinkel, Austria; (3); 8493, 13th January. Chemische Fabrik, Dr. R. Scheuble und Dr. A. Hochstetter. Tribuswinkel. Austria ; (3); 9161, 17th November. Ghipman Limited, New York, United States America, and Sydney, Now South Wales ; (6) ; 8699, 8700, 27th April. Chipman Limited, New Vork, United States America, and Sydney, Now South Wales; (17); 9148,9149, 10th November. Chipman Limited, New York, United States America, and Sydney, New South Wales, and elsewhere ; (50); 9220. 7th December. Chipman Limited, New 'Vork. I'nited States America, and Svdnej-, New South Wales, and elsewhere : (6) ; 9282, 29th December. Christie Bros. (T. and W.), Gore, New Zealand ; (22) ; 9066, 28th September. " Citex " Fire Extinguisher Company, Limited, London. England ; (6); 9075, 6th October. Claringbull, H. G. W., Richmond, Victoria; (3); 8813, 16th Juno.

Clark, *R. 1., and Co. (Australasia), Limited, Sydney, New "JSouth Wales; (1); 8490, 8491, 8492, 13th January; (1); ' 8514, 25th January ; (1); 8531, Ist February ; (1)'; 8783. 2nd Juno; (1); 8795, 9th June; (1); 8895, 19th July; (1); 8976, 31st August; (1); 9142, 3rd November. ' Clarkson, W. 8., and Sons, Riccarton, Now Zealand ; (42) ; 9125, 25th October. Clay, J. H., Wanganui. Now Zoaland ; (48); 8787, 6th Juno. Clement Talbot, Limited. London. England ; (22); 8788. 8789, 6th June. Cocks, A., and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now Zoaland ; (14), (10); 9286, 9287, 30th December. Cole, P., Christchurch. Now Zealand : (60): 8563, 16th February. Collie. R.,' and Co., Melbourne, Victoria : (39) ; 9198, Ist December. Collior, A. W., London, England ; (39); 9268, 29th December. • Columbia Phonograph Company (General), New York, United States America ; (8); 8678,' Uth April. Commercial Cars, Limited. London, England: (22); 9196, Ist December. Consol Automatic Aerators. Limited, London, England : (6). (42): 8980, 8981, Ist September. Cook, E., and Co., Limited, London, England ; (2); 8960, 23rd August, Cooper, Garrard, and Co., Wellington, Now Zoaland; (1); 9031. 14th September. Corban, A. A„ Henderson, New Zealand ; (47); 8775, 30th May. Cotton, F. H., Christchurch. New Zealand ; (50) ; 8526. 28th January. Court, G., and Sons, Limited, Auckland, Now Zealand ; (38), 9246. 16th Decembor. Courvoisier Limited. Jarnao, France; (43); 8499, 18th January. Craig and Aitken, Sydney, New South Wales; (48); 8487, 13th January. Cravenette Company, Limited, Bradford, England; (24), 8824; (31), 8825;' (34), 8826; (38), 8827 ; 21st June. Crockett and Jones, Northampton, England ; (60); 8527, 8528, Ist February. Cronin, E. J. D., Auckland, New Zoaland ; (3); 8844, 27th Juno. Cronin, E. J. D., Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 8906, 26th July. Crown Porfumery Company, London, England ; (48); 9189. 25th November. Cuming, Smith, and Co., Proprietary, Limited. Melbourne. Victoria ; (2); 8899. 26th July. Dais}- Vacuum Cleaner Company, Limited. Birmingham, England ; (6); 9101, 18th October. Darvall, G. W., Wellington, Now Zealand ; (60) ; 9103. 19th November. Darvall, G. W., Wellington. Now Zoaland ; (50); 9214, 7th December. Davies, H. W., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand; (18); 8532, 2nd February. Do Bary (see G. H. Mumm ami Co.). De Cas'tro, J. W.. Masterton. Now Zealand : (2) ; 9126, 26th October. Delacour Bros., Limited. London. England : (50) ; 8489, 13th January. ! Delacour Bros., Limited. London, England ; (50); 9127, 26th October. Demuth, R., London, England ; (3); 9084, 13th October. Denman, T., and Co., London, England; (2); 9213, 7th December. Dennison, P., " Dennison Watch-case Company," Handsworth. England; (13), 8757; (14), 8758. 8759.'8760; 24th May. Dennison Watch-case Company (see F. Dennison). . Dent, Allcroft, and Co., London, England ; (38) ; 8933, 6th August. Dewsbury, J., and Son., Walsall. England ; (14); 8872, 12th Julv. Dil, VV. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 9116, 24th October. Dingo Medicine Company (see R. A. Dutton and E. Dutton). Dixon, E. S., Palmerston North, Now Zealand ; (42); 8690, 22nd April. Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand; (50); 9128, 9129, 9130, 9131. 9132, 29th October. Dooley, M., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (2); 8539, 4th February ; (3); 8581, 26th February. Drapery and General Importing Company of Now Zealand, Limited. Wellington, Now Zealand : (6) ; 9104, 19th (tetober. Duckworth and Co. (see VV. Duckworth). Duckworth, W., "Duckworth and C0.," Manchester, Kngland ; (42), (44); 9067, 9068, 4th October,