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Threshing-machine sheaf-band cutter ; D. A. Ewing ; 28391, 7th September. Threshing-machine suction fan ; J. Greenslade ; 28722, 10th November. Threshing-mill belt-reel; W. Hamilton ; 27427, 12th March. Class — Seed-sowers. Fertilizer-pulverizing machine ; G. Honywood ; 27570, Uth April. Manure, liquid-, distributor; H. H. C. Schulze ; 28080, 15th July. Mixing machine, grain and fertilizer ; G. Honywood ; 27569, Uth April. Mixing machine, grain and fertilizer ; G. Honywood; 27655, 27th April. Potato-planter ; T. Balfour ; 28530, 4th October. Potato-planter; A. Moad and A. J. Jervie; 28746, 17th November. Seed-sower ; D. Stewart; 27193, 25th January. Seed-sower ; G. Hutchinson ; 27553, 9th April. Seed-sower; T. Cree and C. B. Higgs ; 27695, sth May. Seed-sower ; E. Moss ; 28301, 19th August. Seed-sower ; W. G. Gordon-Jones ; 28470, 21st September. Seed and fertilizer sower; Duplex Seed Drill Company Proprietory, Limited ; 28300, 19th August. Seed and fertilizer sower; J. Y. M. Comrie ; 28651, 31st October. Class — Sewing and Knitting. Knitting-machine ; W. H. Beale and H. 0. Hewett; 27157, 13th January. Sewing-machine ; F. J. T. and H. C. Bell; 28030, sth July. Sewing-machine ; W. J. Johnson ; 28085, 15th July. Sowing-machine ; W. J. Johnson ; 28086, 15th July. Sewing-machine attachment; E. L. Tillotson; 27596, 29th April, 1909. f Sewing-machine belting; M. Friar and V. C. Richards; 28380, 2nd September. - , Sewing-machine darning-attachment; P. Holton ; 28186, Ist August. Sewing-machine, boots. (See Class-—Boots and Shoes.) Class — Sheep and Cattle. Animal-feeding appliance ; R. E. Rose ; 27914, 18th June. Animal-feeding device ; V. Furphy ; 28429, Uth September. Animal-log fastener ; A. H. Hansen ; 27290, Uth February. Animal-leg fastener ; W. Chowen ; 27962, 24th June. Animals, throwing and securing; H. H. Wallace; 27262, Bth February. Beeswax foundation-comb; W. H. Reader; 28411, 12th September. Brooder ; J. M. Quinton ; 28240, llth August. Castrating-instrument; E.Hale; 27811, Ist June. Castrating - instrument; G. W. McKenzie; 28336, 25th August. Cattle-enclosure ; W. L. Boyce ; 28915, sth May.f Egg-laying recorder ; W. M. Boss ; 28147, 26th July. Feed-trough ; W. W. Mcßae ; 22283, 17th August. Hobble or hopple ; W. H. Denton ; 28370, 2nd September. Hobble or hopple ; W. R. Williams ; 28597, 4th November, 1909.f Lamb-searing appliance ; E. Hale ; 27416, llth March. Manger ; H. H. L. Parker ; 28050, Bth July. Manger ; T. M. Swinton ; 28614, 20th October. Pig-holder ; S. White ; 28742, 16th November. Poultry-feed box ; J. Stewart; 27152, llth January. Poultry-feed box ; P. W. M. Holt; 27800, 28th May. Poultry-nest; H. Irwin ; 27824, 4th June. Poultry foster-mother ; E. Shadgett;] 28560, Bth October. Sheep-dip ; W. G. Little ; 28213, 20th November, 1909. t Sheep-dip race ; A. J. Cameron ; 28516, 29th September. Class —Sheep Shearing and Clipping. Driving-gear, overhead ; F. J. S. Caverhill; 27798, 30th May. Machine-shears ; G. Massey ; 27461, 23rd March. Machine-shears; A. G. L. Neighbour; 27654, sth June, 1909-t Machine-shears ; G. Massey ; 28121, 21st July. Machine-shears; G. Massey; 28348, 30th August. Machine-shears ; J. Hind ; 28502, 28th September. Machine-shears; R. Falkiner and P. Boll; 28038, 6th December, 1909.f Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener; W. J. Tinline ; 28099, 18th July. Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener ; W. Southwell; 28557, 3rd October. Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener; G. Brydon ; 28725, 10th November.

Class—Shop and Hotel Fittings. Aerating liquids; H. Pearce and W. Barratt; .27917, 28th June, 1909.t Aerated-water manufacture; A. V. Graham; 27547, 13th April. Aerating-machine ; J. Dixon and J. C. F. Lawrence ; 27743, 16th October, 1909.f Article-displaying device ; H. L. Day ; 28425, 13th September. Beer-dispenser; J. Berryman ; 27141, llth January. Carpet, &c., exhibiting apparatus; W. Franklin; 27676j 4th May. Cash receiving, storing, and delivering: M. T. Browne; 28403, Bth September. Cash-register; Imperial Cash Register Company, Limited ; 28889, 17th December. Liquid-delivery, socket and screw-plug ; J. Sharpe ; 27748, 18th May. Liquor-delivery in measured quantities; D. Griffiths and W. R. Wilthew ; 28565, llth October. Paper, twine, and label holder; W. W. Smith and A. C. Murray ; 28253, 13th August. Show-case, metal clip for; W. Hoyland; 27212, 28th January. Class — Stationery, Office Requisites, Bookbinding, &c. Arithmetic-teaching by tokens, &c. ; F. Lough; 28033, 4th July. Blotting-paper holder; L. W. Alexander; 28638, 25th October. Bookbinding ; D. Taylor ; 28667, 29th October. Book, loose-leaf ; H. M. Douglas ; 28794, 29th November. Book, loose-leaf ; E. S. Sibun ; 28831, 17th December, 1909.f Calendar, &c. ; W. J. Floessell; 28706, Ist December, 1909.t Counter-sales check-book ; C. B. Smith ; 27877, 9th June. Envelope. (See also Letter-sheet, Memorandum, Telegraph form.) Envelope ; R. N. Chubb ; 27149, 10th January. Envelope ; D. M. Paton ; 27554, Uth April. Envelope ; J. Schadick ; 27790, 26th May. Envelope ; R. A. 0. Walter ; 28676, 4th November. Envelope and letter-paper; 0. A. Bourbean; 28620, 22nd October. Envelope-sealing; P. N. M. MacDonald; 27140, llth January. File, document-; P. J. Gossling ; 27595, 20th April. File, document- ; P. J. Gossling ; 27696, 6th May. Fountain-pen ; E. G. Gresham ; 28182, 30th July. Invoice and account book ; F. Currie ; 28922, 22nd December. Ledger, &c. ; A. Robertson ; 27771, 24th May. Letter-card; A.Gray; 27874,'11th Juno. Letter form ;A. Gray ; 27862,'9th June. Letter-sheet and envelope ; A. Gray ; 27833, 7th June. Memorandum, despatch form and envelope; S. Salek. J. E. Ffrost, and A. Parker; 27625, 25th April. Music-holder; A. Simonson and G. King; 27287, 12th February. Order form, &c. ; F. W. B. Greville, A. McNeill, and D. L. Mclnnes ; 28212, 4th August, Paper-bag-making machine; C. L. de Jersey; 27241, l< _3rd February. Paper-folding device ; E. Moss ; 28329, 25th August. Paper folding, gumming, &c. ; S. Salek and J. E. Ffrost; 28157, 27th July. Paper holder and deliverer; R. Dunne ; 27807, 30th May. Paper holder and deliverer; R. Dunne and A. J. Park; 28450, 16th September. Paper-manufacture from wood; J. C. W. Stanley; 28749, Uth December, 1909.f Paper-tube machine ; Mono Service Vessels, Limited ; 27480, 30th March. Pen-nib reservoir attachment; J. Sharp, jun., and F. L. Peterson ; 28249, 12th August. Post-card, stereoscopic ; H. C. Gore ; 27142, llth January. Protractor, &c. ; W. M. Mackintosh and T. Walton ; 28663, 2nd November. Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27199, 25th January. Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27363, 25th February, h f~s,u efl Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27580, 16th April. Stamp supply and affixing machine ; P. G. E. Daniel and C. A. H. Bullock'; 28628, 25th October. Telegraph-form closure ; A. Gray ; 27891, Uth June. Telegraph form and envelope ; A. Gray ; 27884, 13th June. Telephone-tablet; A. Holden ; 28924, 21st December. Time and wages book ; J. E. Ffrost and S. Salek ; 28659, Ist November. Time-table; H.T.Davis; 28904, 20th December.