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Iron-production from ore ; W. S. Simpson and H. Oviatt; 28416, 13th September. Metal-uniting composition ; N. Harvey ; 27857, 9th June. Sand moulds for cast-iron pipes, machinery for making; G. J. Hoskins ; 28324, 24th August. Shaping-machine spring and guard ; H. Elliott; 28859, 7th December. Sheet-metal-slitting machine; C. P. Curlewis; 28841, 7th December. Sheet-metal-slitting machine; C. P. Curlewis; 28842, 7th December. Solder; P. J. Tobin ; 28761, 21st November. Solder ; J. A. Cochrane ; 28825, Ist December. Spouting; E. G. Sander and H. Mander ; 28117, 18th July. Spouting-bracket-forming machine; VV. B. Topp ; 27831, 6th June. Spouting-machine ; A. R. Agnew ; 28371, Ist September. Steel-production from ore ; W. S. Simpson and H. Oviatt; 28416, 13th September. Class —Minerals. Auriferous-material treatment ; R. T. Stewart; 28691, 7th November. Coal-washing means; R. S. Benson, and Head, Wrightson, and Co., Limited ; 28736, 15th November. Coal-washing moans ; R. S. Benson, and Head, Wrightson, and Co., Limited ; 28929, 29th December. Concentrator ; E. Deister ; 27198, 25th January. Concentrator; F. and H. Dallemagne; 27636, Bth May, 1909.t Concentrator ; H. E. Wood ; 28172, 29th July. Concentrator ; E. Doister ; 28389, sth September. Concentrator; R. T. Carter; 28522, 29th September. Filter; Butter's Patent Vacuum Fillir Company, Incorporated ; 27714, llth May. Filtering-apparatus ; W. W. Bobacher ; 28267, 13th May.t Filtering-apparatus; W. W. Robacher; 28268, 13th May.t Filtering-machine ; J. Drago ; 28882, 21st February, t Filtering-solution ; W. E. Clark ; 27850, 9th Juno. Filtration process ; E. Burt; 27505, 31st March. Gas, bringing, into contact with liquid ; The Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited ; 28698, Bth November. Gold-extraction process ; M. J. Connor and W. H. J. Ridley ; 27839, 6th June. Gold, obtaining, from boach-sand ; S. Johnson; 28052, llth July. Gold, obtaining, from beach-sand; W. H. J. Ridley and M. J. Connor; 28298, 19th August. Gold, obtaining, from ores ; R. Wales ; 27667, 30th April. Gold, obtaining, from river-beds ; H. Morgan ; 27701, 4th May. Gold, obtaining, from river-beds ; A. J. Shaw ; 28381, 3rd September. Gold-separating apparatus ; J. Bate, H. F. McLeod, M. J. Connor, and M. H. Scott; 27829, 2nd June. Metal-extraction; W. Hommel and H. T. Durant; 28807, 7th December, 1909.f Metallic-particles separating; M. R. de Colombier and J. Clement; 28418, 13th September. Ore-roasting furnace ; T. Edwards ; 28427, Uth September. Ore - roasting - furnace feed ; T. Edwards ; 28428, Uth September. Ore-reduction ; H. E. Haultain and J. W. Moffat; 27520, 2nd April. Ore-separation; W.M.Martin; 27210, 24th February, 1909. t Ore-separation ; J. S. Island ; 28134, 21st July. Ore-separation ; J. D. Wolf ; 28851, Bth December. Ore-treatment; J. Jones and H. S. Bohm ; 27330, 18th February. Ore-treatment; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27335, 21st February. Ore-treatment; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27524, 7th April. Ore-treatment; G. Johnson ; 27597, 20th April. Ore-treatment; W. M. Martin ; 27820, Ist June. Ore-treatment; Clancy Metals Process Company; 28572, llth October. Ore-treatment; Murex Magnetic Company, Limited ; 28870, 13th December. Slimes-removing apparatus ; F. J. R. and I. S. Floyd ; 28404, Bth September. Sluice-box ; T. C. Donnelly ; 27737, 14th May. Solids and liquids distributing in vats, &c. ; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27270, 9th February. Solids and liquids separating; H. Hooke; 28304, 21st September, 1909.t Tank or vat; J. D. and A. McLaurin ; 28054, 12th July. Vat for separating solids ; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27797, 30th May. Minerals (Magnetic Separators). Metallic - particles separation; M. R. de Colombier and J. Clement; 28418, 13th September.

Class —Minerals (Stampers and Pulverizers). Pulverizer; G. A. Browne and P. C. Forrester ; 27381, 2nd March. Tube-mill feed ; J. E. Thomas ; 28226, 9th August. Quartz-crusher ; G. Johnston ; 28902, 20th December. Class —Oils and Lubricators. Axle-cap ; J. Howcroft; 28885, Uth December. Axle-cap ; R. McNaughton ; 27172, 18th January. Axle-box lubricator ; C. E. Fisher ; 28331, 26th August. Axle-lubricator ; S. R. Palmer ; 27846, 7th Juno. Axle-lubricator ; P. Martin and F. Humphries : 28387, 6th September. Axle - lubricating device; B. Hamburger; 27174, 19th January. Drilling-machine lubricator; C. A. Oldman; 28362, 31st August. Lubricating bearings ; J. Johnston ; 27679, 4th May. Lubricator-feeder ; A. Bilsland ; 28621, 22nd October. Oil - extraction from peat; R. F. Moore; 28869, 10th December, oil-production from kauri-swamp soil; S. R. Trevor; 28777, 24th November. Oil-production from swamp lands; S. R. Trevor; 27318, 18th February. Oils, treatment of; G. Turner ; 27113, sth January. Petroleum, &c, oils ; S. Wohle ; 27765, 12th October, 1909.t Petroleum and shale oil; H. VV. Knottonbelt; 27584, 19th April. Class—Paints and Painting. Coating for metal parts of water-motors; E. N. Davies--27751, 18th May. Dye for hair and fibre; F. V. Raymond; 28311, [23rd August. Oil-production from kauri-swamp soil : s. R.Trevor; 28777. 24th November. Paint; J. and T. Anglim ; 28162, 28th July. Paint-applying method ; F. Andrews ; 27482, 30th March. Paint, stain, &c, manufacture; F. V. Raymond; 28313. 23rd August. Waterproof coating-solution ; C. Simonsen ; 27527, Bth April. Waterproof coating-solution ; C. Simonsen ; 27528, Bth April. White-lead pulverizer and mixer; S. Winn ; 27394, 7th Mareh. Class—Pipes, Tubes, and Hose. Concrete pipes, girders, &c. ; E. J. and VV. R. Hume ; 28497, 27th September. Conduit, moulding ; K. Taylor ; 28604, 18th October. Earthenware-pipe manufacture; Yarrow and Co. (Bolton) Limited ; 27867, Bth June. Earthenware-pipe socket; J. Muir; 27671, 3rd May. Hose-coupling ; P. C. Wheeler ; 27533, 9th April. Joint, steel, for suction-pipe; B. A. Riley ; 28523, 28th September. Locking-bar pipe-plate bender; G. J. Hoskins ; 27678, 4th May. Lock-joint coupling ; J. K. Bulger; 27801, 28th May. Metal-pipe manufacture; F. E. Ries; 27237, 3rd February. Obstruction - removal from pipes ; H. Lowry ; 28763, 23rd November. Pipe; J. A. Arthus, VV. L. F. Wright, and J. D. Caldwell--28353, sth November, 1909.1 Pipe-branch service connection ; B. Ballantyne and Stewarts and Lloyds, Limited ; 27728, 18th September, 1909. f Pipe--jointing ; J. G. Stewart; 27727, 15th June, 1909.f Pipe-moulding machine ; R. Ardelt; 28640, 27th October. Prevention of obstructive deposits in mains; W. VV. Martin • 28854, Bth December. Service-pipe coupling, hot-water; E. G. Weight. A. .1. Griffiths, and T. Ballinger; 27892, Uth Juno. Union-joint; C. W. Seale ; 27742, 18th March. Union-screw ; H. G. W. L. Noy; 27361, 25th February. Water-pipe-leak repairing; J. Gilmour; 28919, 23rd December. Class—Preserving. Fish-preserving process; J. R. Henderson ; 27351, 24th February. Food-preserving ; L. Fulda ; 27590, 19th April. Meat-preserving; H. T. Sheppev and T. 'I'. Boyle ; 27680, 4th May. Meat-preserving ; O. Ahrens ; 28179. 30th July. Preserving-apparatus ; G. M. Allen ; 27770, 24th May. Timber-seasoning; J. House; 28810, Ist December. ' Wood, canvas, &c, treatment; A. Carron ; 28051, llth July. Wood-preserving process;] VV. B. Chisholm ; 27150, 16th February, 1909.f