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Blind, Venetian- ; A. J. Rison and W. A. Allen ; 28770. 23rd November. Blind, Venetian-, check action; E. M. Thompson; 28161, 26th Julv. Blind! Venetian-, check action; E. M. Thompson ; 28612, 20th October. Blind head. Venetian- ; F. Brown ; 27710, 6th May. Bunk, <fcc, self-levelling ; Anno of Lowonstoin Werthcim ; 28461, 20th September. Castor; J. J. Macky; 27895, llth Juno. Chair, deck- ; C. D. Dwight, H. A. Mercer, and F. Baker ; 27357, 24th February. Chair, folding- ; J. Riddles ; 28343, 20th August. Child-holder ; T. Mence ; 27629, 26th April. Cot, child's ; J. H. Walton ; 28548, 3rd October. Cot for attachment to bed ; H. A. Atkinson, A. C. Zimmerman, and O. E. Pound ; 27374, 2nd March. Cot, self-levelling : Anne of Lowonstoin Wertheim ; 28461, 20th September. Couch; J. Dunbar; 27309, 12th February. (touch ; J. A. McKinnon ; 27463, 22nd March. Curtain-pole ; T. H. White ; 28142, 25th July. Curtain-pole lifter; W. J. Burk ; 27823, 2nd June Curtain-pole lifter; W. Jones. H. H. Moon, and G. W. Mosc--Icm : 27969. 23rd June. Curtain-ring ; M. E. Stratford-Henniker ; 27562, 15th April. Curtain-rod; F.Andrews; 28571, llth October. Curtain-suspender ; O. R. Peterson ; 27804, 31st May. Fender ; J. E. Burns ; 27447, 21st March. Fire-guard ; J. E. Burns ; 27795, 30th May. I'm guard; L. H. R. Davies ; 28469, 21st September. Furniture centre-piece ; C. Moon ; 27845, 7th June. Hat-rack; W. J. Spenee ; 28017, Ist July. Manuscript, &e., support; F. S. Phillips ; 28034, 7th July. Mattress; D. McCrae; 27188, 21st January. Mattress-manufacture; D. McCrae; 27893, Uth June. Mattress, wire-wove; A. Bichards and J. Barnett; 28167, 27th July. Pioture-hanging device: W. Duggan, jun. ; 27707, 7th May. Best. loot-, and boot-polish holder; A. J. Day; 28100. 18th Julv. Seat, 'collapsible ; VV. McLeod ; 27229, Ist February. Seat, collapsible ; W. McLeod ; 27515, sth April. Suspending bird-cages, &c. ; H. Sewill; 27144, 19th March, 1909-t Table : H. M. Levinge ; 27574, 16th April Wardrobe ; R. and F. E. May, and A. W. Railton ; 27273, llth February. Wire mattress, securing, to bed ; W. G. Dement and W. F. Walker ; 27863, 9th Juno. Wire-weaving machine; C. H. Sinclair, W. Woods, H. B. Schrotke, and M. Von ; 28345, 27th August. Class—Gas-manufacture (for Lighting, Heating, or Power purpose.;). Acetylene-gas drying ; H. W. Davies ; 27474, 29th March. Acetylene-generator; G. L. Burton; 27107, 13th January. Acetylene-generator; W.Lewis; 27192, 24th January. Acetylene-generator ; J. B. Kelly ; 27349, 23rd February. Acetylene-generator ; T. Park ; 27567, 18th April Acetylene-generator; R. L. H. Murray ; 27587, 19th April. Acetylene-generator ; G. Gumming ; 27646, 25th April. Aoetylene-generator ; J. Christie ; 27758, 18th May. Acetylene-generator; J. Macpherson; 27788, 26th May. Acetylene-generator ; W. Carr ; 27810, Ist June. Acetylene-generator; C. V. Woodfield; 27898, Uth June. Acetylene-generator ; J. Mead ; 28009, 12th July. Acetylene-generator ; G. L. Burton ; 28089, Uth July. Acetylene-generator; J. Bailie and W. H. Colwoll; 28090, 15th August. Acetylene-generator ; T. Mills ; 28542, sth October. Acetylene-generator ; F. J. Shelton ; 28008, 19th October. Acetylene-generator; T. G. Allen ; 28079, 4th November. Acetylene-generator ; G. P. Dyer ; 28755, 16th November. Acetylene-generator regulator ; C. C. Wakefield ; 28492,27th September. Air-gas manufacture; E. S. Baldwin; 28057, 12th July. Carburetter ; S. Jonas ; 27557, 23rd June, 1909.t Carburetter; VV. M. and L. M. V. Quirk; 27853, 9th June. Gas-compressor ; R. Sinclair ; 28768, 23rd November. Gas-compressor ; G. T. Voorhoos ; 28932, 29th December. Gas-controller; E. W. Blake ; 27632, 27th April. Gas-plant tar-extractor ; W. Nelson ; 28813, Ist December. Gas-production; A. T. Cambridge ; 27525, 7th April. Governor; Bell Gas-saver Company, Limited; 27156, 13th January. Hydrocarbon-gas generator ; A. S. Ford ; 28133, 23rd July. Hydrocarbon - gas manufacture; Hydrocarbon Converter Company ; 27228, Ist February.

Hydrocarbon - gas manufacture ; The Clapham Gas-light Manufacturing and Agency Company, Limited; 27865. Bth June. Petrol-treatment for gas-engine ; E. J. Boesch ; 28305, 23rd August. Petroleum and carbide gas generator; J. Mead ; 28069, 12th July. Producer-gas furnace ; R. Sanderson ; 28827, 6th December. Class—Harness (including Covers for Animal). Bridle ; F. Keely ; 28814, Ist December. Bridle ; J. D. Matheson ; 28302, 22nd August. Buckle ; J. Stevens ; 27379, 2nd March. Draught-saddle; A. I). Wigram ; 28320, 24th August, Hames ; H. A. Torr ; 27957, 24th June. Hames-fastener; D. Brigham ; 27190, 19th January. Harness ; W. H. Trogoning and W. I. Aston ; 28183, 30th July. Hock-boot; A. H. Duxficld ; 27787, 27th May. Horse-collar; S. G. Browne ; 27658, 27th April. Horse-collar; T. E. O'Brien ; 27704, 7th May. Horse-collar ; E. Fischer ; 27940, 21st June. Horse-collar ; H. A. Torr ; 27957, 24th June. Horse-collar ; S. B. Whcway ; 28079, 15th July. Horse-collar pad ; W. S. Wilkinson and A. S. Harper; 27621, 21st April. Horse-collar pad ; W. S. Wilkinson, and A. S. and G. H. Harper ; 28024, Ist July. Horse-controller ; M. Barraclough ; 27250, 4th February. Horse-controller ; W. G. Gibbs ; 28623, 24th October. Horse-cover ; T. J. Mildenhall ; 27484, 30th March. Horse-cover; S. Boattie ; 27573, Kith April. Horse-cover; J. Bruce and W. A. Tuck; 28748. 17th November. Horse-shoe-making machine; R. J. Fry ; 28547, 23rd December, 1909.f Leg-fastener ; W. Chowen ; 27902, 24th June. Reins - attachment; R, and J. H. Love; 28787, 25th November. Rein-buckle ; G. Hood ; 25220, Bth August. Saddle. (See also Draught-saddle.) Saddle ; S. G. Browne ; 27659, 27th April. Saddle ; L. F. C. Haverland and J. H. Thomas ; 28377, 2nd September. Saddle, basket attachment to; E. A. Allan ; 28443, 16th September. Stirrup ; L. Rimoldi and R. J. Heffron ; 27871, 10th June. Stirrup-leather release ;' H. J. Mcßeth and T. M. Taylor; 27948, 23rd June. Tug-buckle and brceching-connection ; T. H. Dixon ; 28649, 25th October. Whip-thong, fastening, to handle ; H. H. Gilshnan ; 27684, sth May. Whip-thong, wire-bound; J. McLaren ; 28175, sth September. Class—Harvesting. Fruit-grader ; R. B. Witty ; 27440, 18th March. Fruit-grading apparatus; E. R. Shield; 28447, loth September. Lawn-mower attachment; A. E. Young and G. G. Holmes, jun. ; 28910, 19th December. Lawn-trimming machine ; H. T. Heron and E. Rowo ; 28358, 29th August. Potato bagger and digger; B. Widdowson; 27249, 4th February. Potato-grader ; VV. Burness ; 27995, 27th June. Class—Heating. Baby, &c, warmer; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Bod, &c, warmer; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Boiler-insulation-attaching composition ; E. Foster; 27373, 2nd March. Briquette; N. Testrup; 27943, 21st Juno. Briquette-binding composition; C. T. Swanell; 28591, 17th October. Califont. (See Water-heater.) Coke-manufacture, &c. ; VV. S. Simpson ; 28414, 13th September. Fire-kindler ; A. C. Sandford ; 27653, 26th April. Fin place ; J. M. Reid and W. Wills ; 28442, 16th September. Fire-screen; B. M. Maunder and R. King; 28244, 12th August. Food, &e., heater; M.Alcorn; 27500, 31st Mirch. Food-warmer, &c. ; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Fuel; H. Stuart; 28028, 4th July. Fuel; Ovex Fuel Company, Limited ; 28564, llth October. Fuel-manufacture ; W. G. Mendell; 27367, Ist March.