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Milking-machine teat-cup; A. J. Gray and A. E. Missen ; 28021, 29th Juno. Milking-machine teat-cup; J. A. Webby; 28293, 19th August. Milking-machine teat-cup; Ridd Milking-machine Company, Limited ; 28554, 7th October. Milking-machine teat - cup ; J. Paterson; 28744. Uth Novemlier. Milking - machine teat - cup ; S. D. Currie ; 28927, 24th December. Milking-machine teat-cup : A. Gillies ; 28800, 24th December, 1909.+ Milking - machine teat-cup; A. W. Reid; 28712, 10th November. Milking-machine toat-cup; D. T. Sharpies; 28728, llth November. Milking-machino teat-cup lining; H. Droutlege; 28695, Uth October. Pasteurizer; J. Smaill; 27732, 12th May. Pasteurizer; J. D. Hunter; 27918, 16th'June. Pasteurizer; J. F. Batcy ; 28379, sth September. Pasteurizer ; T. W. McDonald ; 28483, 24th September. Pasteurizer; A.H.Hanson; 28050, 31st October. Pasteurizer; W. L. Johnstone and A. Hosking; 28672, 3rd November. Pasteurizer; A. H. Hanson ; 28876, 15th December. Pasteurizer-regulator ;N. L. Dahl; 28743, Kith November. Pastourizing-brush carrier; J. D. Hunter; 27224, 29th January. Class—Drains and Sewers. Nightsoil, &c, treatment; G. S. McArthur and 51. M. Millikin ; 27691, sth May. Class —Dredging and Excavating. Dredge ; P. N. Kingswell and D. W. Duthio ; 27324, 17th February. Dredge; E. Brock ; 27842, Bth June Dredge; H.Morgan; 28511, 27th September. Drcdgo-bucket; W. Cutten ; 27125, 7th January. Dredge-bucket; G. G. Holmes ; 28091, 15th July. Drcdgo-bucket cleaner ; W. Cutten : 27125. 7th January. Dredge-bucket cleaner ; G.G.Holmes; 28091. 15th Jui v. Dredge-bucket cleaner ; W. J. Hoy ; 28008, 30th Juno." Dredge-bucket cleaner ; H. G. Roiinor ; 28071, 11 th July. Dredge-grab ; W. T. Taylor ; 27575, 18th April. Dredge-grab ; G. G. Holmes ; 28091, 15th July. Dredged material, removal from ships' holds : O. Friihling ; 28452, Bth April.t Drilling-machine; J. P. Karns Tunnelling Machine Company ; 27955, 22nd June. Drilling-machine-cuttor head; ,1. I'. Karns' Tunnelling Machine Company ; 27950, 22nd June. Earth-auger; Standard Earth Auger Company, Incorporated; 28113, 19th July. liarth-scoop ; E. C. Bank ; 27169, 18th January. Excavator ; P. Whiley ; 27774, 25th May. Excavator ; J. Symes ; 28894, 16th Decemlxr. Hydraulic-nozzle elevator ; J. Bruce ; 28648, 29th October. Stone - quarrying apparatus ; J. H. Gay : 28816, 2nd December. Suction-dredge pipe ; T. Shaw, sen., and T. Shaw, jun. ; 28476, 22nd September. Class —Drying. Clothes airer and drier; A. A. Allan; 27864, Kith July, 1909.t Clothes-horse; E. A. Langt'ord ; 27938, 21st June. Clothes-line apparatus ; W. G. McGce ; 28695, 7th November. (Hothes-peg ; M. S. Collier ; 27772, 23rd May. Clothes-peg; A. G. McPhail; 27911, 15th June. Clothes-peg; G. F. Ollerenshaw ; 28204, Ist August, Clothes-peg ; A. L. J. Tait; 28798, 20th November. Clothes-suspending apparatus ; A. M. MacLeod ; 27637, 24th April. Stone-drying means ; T. W. Hannam ; 28288, 18th August. Class—Electricity and Magnetism. Accumulator attachment; C. A. Oldman; 28360, 31st August. Battory-jar, &c. ; C. A. Oldman ; 28301, 31st August. Battery, secondary ; J. Stone and Co., Limited, and A. H. Darker ; 27403, 27th March, 1909. f Contact-linger for electrical controller ; R. C. Lyness ; 28012, 29th June, 1909. t Dynamo, eh o'.'rio machine ; J. Lecoche ; 28697, Bth November. Dynamo, ciootrio and motor; H. B. van Daalen ; 27779. 15th Juno, 1009.+

Dynamo, electric and motor; A. H. Midgley and C. A 'Vandervcll; 28266, 16th August. Electric cooker ; W. R. Millar ; 27993, 28th June. Electric cooker ; J. C. P. Kirkwood ; 28633. 25th October. Electric cooker, &c. ; V. Nightingall ; 28829, 6th December. Electric induction-coil; A. C. Death ; 27171, 18th January. Electric-machinery controller; H. B. van Daalen ; 27778. 16th June, 1909. t Electric train control system ; F. VV. Prentice ; 28265, 16th August. Electrical circuit cut-out; A. E. Partington; 27549, 13th April. Electrical onorgv transformed into heat-energv ; G. G. Bell; 27300, 15th February. Electrical heater and cooker; E. W. Ackland; 27571. 15th April. Electrical-heater controller; J. C. P. Kirkwood; 28691. 7th November. Electrical oscillations, producing ; E. Phillips ; 27276, 10th February. Electrical oscillations, producing; E. Phillips; 28551, 6th October. Electricity-rectifier; T. J. Murphy ; 27155, 13th January. Electrolyte; VV. H. Waters; 27905, 16th June. Electro-mechanical selector; E. G. Godfree; 27800, 31st May. Galvanic battery ; J. E. Preston ; 28903, 20th December. Hanger for wire-conductors; A. E. Boots; 27392, 7th March. Insulating-composition; H. P. Rasmussen; 27628, 22nd April. Insulating-composition; H. P. Rasmussen; 28330, 25th August. Insulating - composition; H. P. Rasmussen: 28535, 3rd October. Insulating - composition ; H. P. Rasmussen ; 28682, 4th November. Insulating electric wires ; C. W. Martin ; 28822, sth December. Insulator, attaching wires to ; W. E. Bandfiold ; 27170, 18th January. Railway-carriage lighting, heating, &c. ; J. Stone and Co., Limited, and A. 11. Darker; 27848, 9th June. Water-heating by electricity; .1. C. I'. Kirkwood; 27079. 3rd May. Class—Engines (Steam), including Rotary Pumps. Engine, hot-water utilizing; F. A. Turner and G. Davies: 27477, 30th March. Engine, reciprocating- ; G. Thurston ; 28783, 25th November. Fluid-propulsion ; N. Tosla ; 28853, Bth December. Governor ; F. Tanner, H. J. Harris, and H. Burt : 27697. 6th May. Marine-engine-racing prevention; E. F. Bressey; 27890, sth March. Marine-enginc-racing prevention ; F. Tanner, H. J. Harris. and H. Burt; 28151, 26th July. Marine-engine-racing prevention ; A. G. Mackay; 28092. 16th July. Piston-rod packing-device ; J. S. Lawrio ; 27445, 18th March. Pump ; C. E. Rillstone ; 27930, 20th Juno. Pump ; H. L. Bickcrton ; 27930, 21st June. Rotary engine ; W. Norgrove ; 27217, 31st .January. Rotary engine ; W. C. Haines ; 27536, llth April. Rotary engine; The Pittler Universal Rotarv Machine Syndicate, Limited ; 28059, 12th July. Rotary-engine; The Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited ; 28224, 9th August. Rotary engine; W. A. Beard; 28417,215t December, L909.f Rotary engine ; J. W. Rooncy ; 28629, 21st October. Rotary engine; A. L. J. Tait'; 28799, 26th November. Rotary motor ; G. VV. Mascord ; 27578, 19th April. Rotary motor ; VV. Henning ; 28593, Uth October. Rotary pump ; T. Umrath ; 28297, 19th August. Rotary pump; W. A. Board ; 28417, 21st December. Slide-valve; E. Richardson and J. T. Marshall; 27272, 9th February. Spark-arrester; G. H. B. Steele, A. H. Boulter, and J. Hargreaves; 27311, 16th February. Spark-arrester ; C. Hogan ; 27614, 22nd April. Spark-arrester ; H. A. Livingstone ; 27734, 13th May. Spark-extinguisher; C. J. Green; 27537, llth April. Steam-engine; T.Miller; 28053, 9th July. Steam-engine ; J. Littleton ; 28364, Ist September. Steam-engine, autogyral; F. Casey; 27201, 25th January, 1909.f Steam-exhaust utilizing ; E. D. Berry ; 27902, Uth June. Turbine ; F. R. McLean ; 27256, 7th February. Turbine ; R. E. Smallbone ; 27805, 31st May." Turbine ; H. L. Bickerton; 27936, 21st Juno.