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Class —Building (Windows and Doors). I Door. (See Strong-room door, Sliding-door.) Door-check and alarm ; C. Rumann ; 28669, 2nd~November. Door-spring ; J. Stewart; 28820. 2nd December. Door-stop ; W. A. Shcphard ; 27550, 13th Aprils Draught-excluder ; J. Garner ; 27668, 30th April. Draught-excluder ; J. Fraser ; 28077, 15th July. Draught-preventer ; T. Hurd ; 28857, 7th December. Dust and draught excluder; A. Linard ; 28435, Uth'Soptember. Fanlight opening and closing ; A. B. Hcrrold ; 28896, 17th j December. Glass-securing in roofs ; B. G. Hall; 28023, 30th Juno. Lcadlight, reinforced ; G. R. Barham and J. H. Williams ; ! 28222, 10th September, 1909.f Sash ; J. Mitchell; 27449, 19th March. Sash ; J. A. Walker ; 28356, 29th August. Sash-counterbalancer ; W. J. Nuttall; 27657, 29th April. Sash raising apd lowering; C. J. Sanderson; 28670, Ist November. Sash raising and lowering ; C. J. Sanderson ; 28884, Uth | December. Sash-support; W. J. Milligan and A. Swindale ; 28602, 18th October. Strong-room door; H. Schlaadt; 28440, Uth September. Skylight; A. W. Pirie ; 27164, 15th January. Skylight; P. Hastings and G. Land ; 27489, 31st March. Skylight; J. W. Glennie ; 27883, 13th June. Skylight; C. H. Fabian ; 28125, 21st Julv. Skylight; J. A. Short; 28241, llth August. Sliding-door; J. Blair-Mason, J. Loudon, and G. A. Lee ; 27200, 24th January. Trap-door guard ; E. H. Burrows ; 28225, 9th August. Ventilator, door and window; C. Chapman; 28095, 15th JulyWindow ; W. H. Frith ; 27285, 12th February. Window ;W. J. Nuttall; 28210, 6th August. Window anti-rattler ; H. G. Lazarus, G. Sykes, and W. E. Hughes ; 28765, 23rd November. Window-hanging and easement-fitting: J. M. Cameron; 28524, 30th September. Window-ventilator; J. S. Kruskopf ; 27291, llth February. Class—Chemicals. Amides, cyanamides, &c, manufacture of; E. A. Ashcroft; 28647, 27th October. Catalytic synthesis of methane ; F. Bedford and C. E. Williams ; 28097, 21st July, 1909.f Filtering-apparatus; P. C. C. Ishorwood; 27453, 22nd March. Kotone-preparation; T. H. Eastorfield and C. M. Taylor; 27607, 21st April. Liquids, treatment of ; C. Neff and A. Brandes ; 27429, 15th March. Sodium - amalgam manufacture ; H. P. Ewell; 28388, sth September. Tungsten-manufacture ; W. D. Coolidge ; 28367, 23rd February^ Class—Cleaning, Polishing, and Grinding. Boot-cleaning outfit; J. M. Neal; 28723, llth November. Boot-cleaning pad and holder; C. H. Williams ; 28337, 27th August. Furniture-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28312, 23rd August. Furniture-reviver ; H. Dempsey ; 27218, 31st January. Knife-cleaner ; R. Long ; 28139, 18th August. Leather-polish ; Midas Limited ; 27465, 22nd March. Leather-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28310, 23rd August. Linoleum-polish ; T. M. Smith ; 27660, 30th April. Liquid-shine for furniture ;G. J. Colthurst; 27268. 7th February. Metal-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28312, 23rd August, Pipe cleaner, smoking-; C. W. Wild ; 28733, 15th November. Sheets and boards for polishing; F. V. Raymond; 28314, 23rd August. Vacuum cleaner; Vacuum Specialty Manufacturing Company ; 27777, 25th May. Window-cleaner ; E. Henshaw ; 28731, Uth November. Class—Closets and Urinals. Closet, dry ; W. F. Lietz ; 27197, 25th January. Closet-seat; A. Gray ; 28424, 12th September. Closet-seat ; G. H. Lockett and F. C. P. Fiddy ; 27320, 15th February. Closet seat and pan ; G. Gallop ; 28066, 2nd November. Closet-seat cover; L. E. Cassrcls and VV. J. Rutherford; 28786, 26th November. Commode, &c. ; A. R. Christian ; 27234, 31st January. Commode ; H. August; 28892, 13th December.

Flushing-apparatus ; J. O. Suckling, A. H. Herbert, and E. Page ; 27177, 19th January. Flushing-apparatus ; E. J. Chilton ; 27393, 3rd March. Flushing-apparatus ; C. G. McKollar ; 27999, 29th June. Flushing-apparatus; J. J. Blockley ; 28355, 29th August. Flushing-apparatus ; W. Beamish ; 28373, Ist September. Flushing-apparatus ; C. G. McKellar ; 28406, 9th September. Flushing-apparatus; C. L. Newland; 28533. 6th October, 1909.f Flushing-apparatus ; E. J. Chilton ; 28590, 15th October. Flushing-apparatus ; F. Stubbs ; 28751, 16th November. Flushing-cistern ; T. Duckmanton ; 28677, 3rd November. Flushing-cistern ball-cock valve- ; E. J. Chilton ; 27585, 19th April. Valve, float; C. G. McKellar ; 28781, 23rd November. Valve shut-off ; T. Miller ; 28194, Ist August. Class—Coin-freed Mechanism. Coin-freed machine; N. R. Stiles; 27153, 12th January. 1909.t Coin-freed machine ; W. A. O. Schruth and W. R. Mackay 28767, 23rd November. Coin sorting and distributing apparatus; G. R. Denton; 27541, 16th April, 1909. f Vending-machine ; F. C. Kainer ; 27245, 17th March, 1909. t Class— CDOling and Freezing. Air-circulating apparatus ; J. Macmeikan ; 27639, 27th April. Beer-cooler ; G. Gibbs ; 28164, 28th July. Cooler and water tank ; C. O. Morse and A. Gray ; 27244, 3rd February. Cooling-composition; W. Fisher; 27158, 13th January. Ice-chest; E. A. G. Hamlin ; 27115, sth January. Ice-chest; H. M. Clark ; 27186, 19th January. ' Ice-cream freezer ; C. Grayland ; 28475, 22nd September. Ice-cream freezer; C. Y. Dally; 28529, Ist October. L'quid-cooloi; D. B. Morison ; 28811, Ist December. Liquid-cooler ; J. May ; 28833, sth Decembor. Refrigerating-compressor valve ; F. H. Tetlcv ; 28627, 25th October. Refrigerator ; O. Peez and K. Joosten ; 27173, 17th January. Safe, food-; C. Craig ; 28063, 12th July. Safe, meat- ; C. Johnston ; 28383, sth September. Class—Cultivating and Tilling. Cultivator; K. Koszegi and E. Szechenyi; 27479, 30th March. Cultivator ; J. Stuart-Edward ; 27747, Uth May. Cultivator ; C. Lowe ; 28405, 9th September. Harrow; T. J. Watson and J. Mclntyre; 27372, 28th February. Harrow ; W. Morris ; 27616, 22nd April. Harrow ; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 27942, 21st June. Harrow ; L. E. Hogbacka and W. B. Ingram ; 28006, 30th June. Harrow and draught-equalizer ; G. W. Penney ; 27426, 12th March. Harrow, disc ; R, Gibb and J. Parker ; 28536, 3rd October. Harrow-seat; W. H. Johnstone ; 27927, 20th June. Hocing-machine ; T. E. O'Brien ; 27408, 24th March. Horse-hoe ; R. Gibb and J. Parker; 28537, 3rd October. Manure grinder and mixer; R. J. Hobbs; 27187, 21st January. Plough ; J. and H. McLaren ; 27189, 19th January. Plough ; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 27258, 7th' February. Plough :, G. Gray ; 27389, 3rd March. Plough ; E. M. McLauchlan ; 27901, 15th June. Plough ; J. Trapski; 28218, Bth August. Plough ; W. Mcßae ; 28366, 31st August, Plough-coulter stalk and clip; A. S. Shepherd ; 27693, sth .Ma v. Plough, disc ; L. F. Laurent; 27576, 18th April. Plough, disc ; P. A. Nikolaison ; 28546, sth October. Plough, hdl-sido ; P. A. Nikolaison and J. Palleson ; 27998, 29th June. Plough mould-board ; P., Patterson and E. J. Joyce ; 28242, llth August. Plough-skoith, securing, to beam; M. Earl; 27360, 26th February. Ridging-machine and roller ; G. Gray : 27619. 21st April Roller, agricultural; G. Gray ; 27888, llth June. Roller, garden- ; J. B. Moir ; 27912, 15th June. Roller-harrow ; L. E. Hogbacka and W. B. Ingram ; 28006, 30th June. Stone-gathering machine ; A. Burnham ; 28321, 24th August. Stump-jumping implement; J. F. Mellor; 27154, 13th January. Subsoilcr; T. H. Tidd ; 28687, 3rd November. Turnip - thinning machine; T. E. O'Brien ; 27468, 24th March.