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Volk. F. W., and another, Ashfield, New South Wales ; shirtcollar ; 28510, 28th September. Von, M., and others, Auckland, Now Zealand ; wire-weaving machine; 28345, 27th August. Von Arco, G. G., Berlin, Germany (see E. Phillips. Nos. 27276. 27945, 27946, 27947). Von Kramer, H.. Erdington, England : wireless telephone ; 28626, 25th October. Von Pittler, W., London, England (see Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate. Limited, Nos. 28059, 28224). Voorhees, G. T., New York, United States America ; gascorn pressor; 28932. 29th December. Voss, H., Waimate, New Zealand ; windmill - controller : 28673, 3rd November. Voss, W. A., and another, Rayleigh, England ; fungicide ; 27481, 22nd July, 1909.t Vowell, C, Ngaruawahia, New Zealand ; ships' well-sounding apparatus ; 27248, 3rd February. Wainwright, E. P., and another, Hastings, New Zealand; vehicle-controller; 28586, 15th October. Wakefield, C. C, London. England; acetylene-generator; 28492, 27th September. Wakelv, W. W.. Featherston, Now Zealand ; flax-stripper : 27832, oth June. Wales, R., Dunedin. New Zealand : gold-obtaining from river-beds ; 27667. 30th April. Walker, G., and anothor, Tuakau, New Zealand; alcohol from flax-waste ; 27702, sth May. Walker, G., and another, Te Kuiti, New Zealand : wiremattress clamp ; 27803. 9th June. Walker, J. A., Devonport, Now Zoaland; sash-frame ami sash ; 28350, 29th August. Walker, J. W., Hastings. Now Zealand: music-turner; 27388, sth March. Walker, W. P., and another, To Kuiti. New Zealand : wiremattress clamp ; 27863, 9th June. Wallace, A. C. J., Marton. Now Zealand : sook and stocking : 28886, 16th December. Wallace, A. C. J., Marton, New Zealand ; swingletree ; 28887, 16th December. Wallace, H. H., Oamaru, New Zealand ; animal throwing and securing ; 27262, Bth Febr Wallace, H. V., Auckland. Now Zealand: wall-plaster; 28681, 4th November. Wallace, H. V., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; plaster ; 27791, 27th May. Waller, VV., and another. London, England : tins, &c, manufacturing machine ; 27540, 12th April. Wallis, 8., Petone, New Zealand; picture-mount cutter; 27108, 17th January. Wallis, T. P., Auckland, New Zealand ; securing turnerymaterials ; 28027, 4th July. Walter, R. A. 0., Wade, New Zealand: shirt-collar: 28675, 4th November. Walter, R. A. 0., Wade, New Zealand : envelope ; 28676, 4th November. Walton, F. H., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; basket-bottom ; 28772, 23rd November. Walton, J. H., Hokitika, New Zealand; cot; 28548, 3rd October. Walton, T., and anothor. Manchester, England ; combination tool; 28663, 2nd November. Warburton, J., Linwood, New Zoaland: human-flight equipment; 27417, llth March. Ward, D. 0., Illinois, United States America (see Chipman Limited. No. 27175). Ward, T. E., and another, Balmain, New South Wales; totalizator ; 28473, 22nd September. Wardrop, It. S., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; plaster; 27791, 27th May. Warren, F. H., Swampscott. United States America (see United Shoe .Machinery Company, No. 27137). Warnock, J. A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; box ; 27531, Bth April Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Victoria; hoel-trimming-inaehine tool-shield; (United Shoe Machinery Company —A. D. Elliott); 27599, 20th April. Waters, S., Wellington, New Zealand ; flash-signal shutter ; 27444, 18th March. Waters, W. H, Melbourne, Victoria ; electrolyte ; (Chromolyte Syndicate, Limited—B. E. B. Newlands); 27905, 16th June. Waters, W. H., Melbourne, Victoria; ore-smelting; (A. Haggenmilkr) ; 28460, 20th September. Watson, G., Tokomaru. .Now Zealand; flax-stripper-drum spindle ; 27306, Isth February. Watson, G. A.. Mataura, New Zoaland : milk-strainer; 27861, 9th June.

Watson, G. H., Tokomaru, New Zealand : multiplying power of generating-plants ; 27826, 4th June. Watson, T. J., Onehunga, New Zealand ; harrow ; 27372. 28th February. Wattorson, J., and others. Wellington, New Zoaland : hullrope cleat; 27443, 18th March. Watterson, J., and others, Wellington, New Zoaland ; bull-rope-antifriction device : 27741, 17th May. Webber, E., Dunedin, New Zoaland : printing-block mount; 27876, 9th June. Webby, J. A., Riverlca. Now Zealand; teat-cup; 28293. 19th August. Weber, L. F., Frankfurt, A. M., Germany (see United Shoe .Machinery Company, No. 27133). Webster, E. A., Haverhill, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27133). Weight, E. G., and others, Wellington, Now Zoaland ; hot-water-tank connection ; 27892, Uth June. Wells. C. S., Leicester, England (see United Shoo Machinery Company, No. 27240). Wcllwood. J. .1.. Morven, New Zealand: trace-chain spreader ; 27780, 27th May. Weniger, P., and another, Auckland, New Zoaland ; turbine ; 28488, 22nd September. Werner, A., Doyleston, New Zealand ; threshing-machine band-cat t. r ; 28284, 17th August. Wertheim (see Lowenstein-Wertneim). Weasel, k.. St. Paul. United States America : flax-machine; 27598, 20th April. i'. C, Helsingborg, Sweden; explosive; 27849. 9th June. Westwood, T.. Greendale, New Zealand; kettle: 28519. 28th September. Whall, J.. Darfield, Now Zealand: vehicle-jack : 27487, 31st March. Wheeler. F. ('.. Lower Hutt, Now Zealand; hose-coupling ; 27533. Uth April. Win lan. (•'. .]., Waitahuna. New Zealand ; boot: 27692,5th M Whelcss, T. H., New York. United States America (see G. G. Turri, No. 27773). Whcway. S. 8., Walsall. England; horse-collar; 28079. Istb July. Whiloy. F.. Stratford, New Zealand : excavator; 27774. 25th May. 'White, C, Baltimore, United States America: operating ■ gas-engines ; 27760, 18th May. White. F. is., Chioago, United States America; locomotiveboiler washing; 27511, 15th September, 1909.t White, H. H., Brookline, United States America ; automobile wind-shield ; 27521, 2nd April White, S., Mangatoki, New Zealand; pig-holder; 28742. Kith November. White, T. H., Wellington, Now Zoaland ; ourtain-polc ; 28142. 25th July. Whiteside, A. J., Raupo. New Zealand; flax-handling: 27674, 30th April. Whiteside, A. J., Raupo, New Zealand; flax-handlinc ; 28644, 26th October. Whitmore, E. H, Invercargill, Now Zealand ; bottle ; 27742, 17th May. Whittall, 8. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; bath ; 28235. 9th August. Whvte, R. 8., Auckland, New Zealand; weatherboard; 27984 ; 27th June. Widdowson, 8., Christchurch, New Zealand ; potato-bagger : 2724U. 4th February. Wiggins, R. A., Wellington, New Zealand (see Dominion Pressure Milking-machine Company, No. 27913). Wight, R. 8., Takapuna, Now Zoaland; sausage-machine; 28346, 27th August. Wightman, E. E., Wellington. Now Zoaland; signalling apparatus ; 28426, Uth September. Wigram, A. D., Sydney. New South Wales : harness-saddle ; 28320, 24th August,' Wild, C. W., Woodville. Now Zealand; tobacco-pipe cleaning ; 28733, 15th November. Wilderspin, E. A., London, England; cast-iron brazing : 28087, 15th July. Wilkes, G., and another, Strechfield, England; nut-lock : 27900, 16th June, 1909.f Wilkes, S. J. H, and another, Strechfield, England; nutlock ; 27900, 10th June, 1909. f Wilkinson, M., Auckland, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27843, Bth June. | Wilkinson. M.. Auckland, New Zealand; playing-card ; 28400, .silt September. Wilkinson, W.. Chertsey, New Zealand ; axle ; 28862, 9th December.