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During the past year 12 fires have taken place in the Masterton Fire District, as ag linst Io dining the previous year, an increase of 2. The fire loss amounted to £2,482, compared with £1,166, an increase, of £1,316. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911-12 is £1,023 195., as against £926 lis. for 1910-11, an increase of £97 Bs.

MILTON. Two inspections of the Milton Fire Brigade and its equipment have been held—viz., 26th September, 1910, and 9th February, 1911. At the first inspection there were present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 8 firemen ; these, with lon leave, accounted for the then full strength —viz., 11 all told. At the second inspection there were present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, 8 firemen, and ] messenger, with 4 on leave; total strength (15) accounted for. These attendances were satisfactory, and the various drills were carried out smartly and efficiently. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition, with the exception that there appears to be a considerable slip in one of the manual pumps, and this should be remedied. The only supply of water available for the manual pumps in the business part of the town is restricted to what can be obtained from three or four private wells, and in that connection the follow ing letter was forwarded to the secretary of the Board : — " Sir, — " Office of Inspector of Fire Brigades, Wellington, 22nd February, 1911. " Seeing that the question of a public water-supply for Milton is no nearer a settlement, and the danger of a disastrous fire taking place at any moment due to the very limited supply of water available for fire-extinction purposes, I would strongly recommend the advisability of sinking wells in the vicinity of some of the larger risks of your town. As it is at present the brigade have very little chance of stopping the spread of a fire should they receive a late call to certain of the block risks. I have, 4c, " Thos. T. Hugo, " Inspector of Fire Brigades." During the past year 3 fires have occurred in the Milton Fire District, as against 2 for the previous year, an increase of 1. The fire loss amounted to £475, compared with £352, an increase of £23. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911-12 is £140, as against £280 for 1910-11, a decrease of £140.

NEW PLYMOUTH. Two inspections of the New Plymouth Fire Brigade have been held —7th September, 1910, and 10th January, 1911. At the first inspection drill, held 7th September, 1910, there were, present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 11 firemen, with 1 on duty, 2 sick, and 4 on leave ; or 20 accounted for out of a total strength of 28. This was a far from satisfactory attendance. At the second inspection, on the 10th January, there was a very satisfactory muster —viz., Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 23 firemen, with 3 on leave—total strength accounted for. The various drills performed on the last occasion were carried out in a smart and efficient manner. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. As pointed out to members of the Board at the time of my visit to New Plymouth, more accommodation will be required at the Central Station in the near future, and land for this purpose should be purchased whilst it can be acquired at a reasonable price. A small ambulance-box should be provided. I would again draw the attention of the Board to recommendations contained in my previous reports as to the necessity for more hydrants being laid down in the more congested parts of the town, and to the advisability of installing a street fire alarm system. During the past year 10 fires have occurred in the New Plymouth Fire District, compared with 8 the previous year, an increase of 2. The loss by fire amounted to £175, as against £2,350, a decrease of £1,635. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911-12 is £559 25.. compared with £457 ss. 2d. for 1910-11, an increase of £101 I (is. 10,1.

OAMARU. Two inspections of the Oamaru Fire Brigade and its equipment have been held —viz., 23rd Sep tember, 1910, and 7th February. 1911. At the first inspection there were present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 12 men, with 2on leave, or 16 accounted for out of a then strength of 17 all told. Second inspection : Present, Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 9 men, with 1 sick and 2 on leave, or 14 accounted for out of 15 then on the roll. These attendances were satisfactory. The various drills required were carried out smartly and efficiently, with the exception of some minor faults pointed out at the time, but in comparison id the previous year a decided improvement is manifest.

3—H. 6a.