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The various drills required, with some minor exceptions pointed out after the drill, were carried out smartly and efficiently. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. The Hawera Fire Board has decided to disband the Fire Police as a separate body, but intends incorporating a certain number of the members with the Fire Brigade, so strengthening the latter body to allow of any special salvage-work, previously performed by the Fire Police, being undertaken. During the past year 6 fires have taken place in the Hawera Fire District ; no fire occurred in the district during the previous year. The fire loss amounted to £3,945. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911-12 is £496. as against £443 for 1910-11. an increase of £53. HOKITIKA. An inspection of the Hokitika Fire Brigade and its equipment was held on 18th November, 1910, when t here were present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, 18 officers and firemen, with 2 on leave, 1 sick, and 4 on duty at the military camp, or 27 accounted for out of a strength of 29 then on the roll. This was a satisfactory attendance. A second visit was paid to the Hokitika Fire District during the time the United Fire Brigades Conference and demonstration was in progress, from the 2nd to the 9th March last, and great credit is due for the complete arrangements made to carry out such a large undertaking by a small community like that of Hokitika. The various drills carried out during the inspection were performed smartly and in an efficient manner. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. I have again to recommend that sleeping-accommodation for, say, three firemen should be pro vided at the Central Station. The brigade should be provided with a small ambulance-box. A new hose-reel station has been erected in Sale Street and equipped with a new hose-reel, hose stand-pipes. 4c. The gravitation water-supply and its reticulation is now giving satisfaction, and an average pressure of 105 lb. is available. Six fires have occurred in the Hokitika Fire District during the past year, as against 3 for the previous year. an increase of 3. The fin- loss amounted to £62. compared with £760. a decrease of £698. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911 I 2 is £500. as against £475 for the year 1910-11. an increase of £25.

LAWRENCE. Two inspections of the Lawrence Fire Brigade and its equipment have been made 27th September, 1910. and 10th February. 1911. respectively. At the first inspection there were present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 8 firemen : these, with lon leave and I sick, accounted for the full strength of the brigade. At the second inspection all were present with the exception of I fireman on leave. These attendances were very satisfactory. The various drills were carried out smartly and efficiently, but the locality of the practices should be constantly changed, and the drills varied in character and not confined to a certain routine. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. The bell-ringing arrangements are defective ; good results are not obtained, and this should be rectified. A small ambulance-box should be provided. Three fires have occurred in the Lawrence Fire District during the past year, 2 less than during the previous year. The loss by tire amounted to £190. as against £407, a decrease of £217. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1911—1*2 is £75 2s. 6d.. compared with £100 for 1910-11 a decrease of £24 17s. 6d.

MAORI HILL. Two inspections of the Maori Hill Fire Brigade and its equipment have been held viz.. 28th Sen tember, 1910, and 14th February. 191 I. At the first inspection there were present the Superintendent. Deputy Superintendent, and Hi firemen, with lon duty at Wbodhaugh. Second inspection present. Superintendent. Deputy Superintendent, and 13 firemen, with lon duty. On both occasions 19 wore accounted for out of a strength of 20 all told. These attendances were very satisfactory. The various drills required wore carried out smartly and in an efficient manner. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. As previously recommended, the supply of hose has been increased, and there is now 1,900 ft/available. The brigade has not yet been provided with hand-pumps. Since my last report alterations have been made to the receiving and indicating instrument of the street fire-alarms, and this should improve the efficiency of the system.