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(a.) Resolved, on the motion of Tahua Watson (Arapawa), That in the opinion of this Conference the powers as to registration of births and deaths should remain with the Councils. (b.) That registration should be compulsory, and be carried out on the same lines as the European registration, fines being inflicted for failure to register within a given time. 2. Local Option. —(«.) Is the system of each Council applying for a poll to be taken to remain in force? (b.) Is it advisable that the poll should be taken in inch Maori Council district at the time of general election of members of Parliament, or when J (c.) By whom should the cost of poll be paid? Resolved, on the motion of Here Neketini (Raukawa), (a.) That the matter of taking a poll on the subject of local option should be left to the option of each Maori Council, (b.) lliat a poll should be taken only in those Maori Council districts in respect of which application has been received, and only at the time of general election of members of Parliament for the Maori electorates, (c.) That the cost of such poll should be borne by the Crown. 3. Ways and Meant of providing Funds for Support of Councils.- -The Conference to discuss ways and means of adding to the funds of the Councils other than by collection of dog-tax and fines— (a) by means of tenement-tax; (b) by a percentage of rents being held back with the consent of owners of Native lands under lease. (Should Maori owners have power to call meetings, as is done under the " assembled owner " provisions of the Native Land Act. for the purpose of deciding the question of granting assistance to Councils out of the rents derived from their lands?); (c) by a tax on stock, similar to the sheep-tax of former times. After discussion, the Conference expressed the opinion that the principle of raising funds by means of (a) tenement-tax; (b) by voluntary donations out of nuts; ami (c) by a tax on stock, be affirmed. The matter of setting aside a percentage of rents to be decided by owners of lands under lease in a similar manner to matters dealt with under Part XVIII of the Native Land Act 1909—that is, by meetings of assembled owners. The Conference having continued to sit until the hour of '.1 p.m., with the usual 5 o'clock adjournment, then adjourned to 10 a.m. on Thursday.

Thursday, 31st August, 1911. The Conference resumed at 10 a.m., all the delegates being present. A number of motions were put forward by the delegates for discussion. On the motion of JJere Neketini it was resolved, with a view to shortening proceedings, that a sub-conmiittee consisting of Paratene Ngata (chairman), H. Hei, Tarawa Marumaru, Waaka te Huia, and the mover, with the Superintendent as adviser, be appointed to go through and systematically classify and report on the various motions now handed in. The Conference then adjourned to 2.30 p.m., to enable the sub-committee to bring up its report. At 2.30 p.m. the sub-committee brought up the following report : — Motion No. I.— Taiawhio te Tan (Rongokako): That one meeting in each year should be held in each Council district to consider matters of Maori custom, ami ways ami means of supporting the Councils. Such meeting to be under the control of the Council. Resolved, That this motion be referred back to the mover for further explanation. Motion No. 2.—Ratima Aperahama (Mangonui) : Thai each delegate k> supplied with a copy of the proceedings of this Conference. Resolved, That this is a matter for the Superintendent to see to. Motion No. 3.—Ratima Aperahama (Mangonui) : That it is advisable doctors should be appointed to attend to the Maoris. Resolved, That, as this refers to a matter of policy under control of the Health Department, this motion should not be reported on by the Conference. Motion No. 4-.—Ratima Aperahama (Mangonui): As to the dismissal of the Maori Sanitary Inspectors. Resolved, That it would be advisable for the Conference to express an opinion on this subject. Motion No. s.—Ratima Aperahama (Mangonui) : That the Government should be asked to put a stop to the system of issuing wholesale wine licenses to Assyrians and others within Maori districts. Resolved, That the Conference should discuss this question, with a view to making a strong recommendation. Motion No. 6.—Paratene Ngata (Horouta) : That power be given to deal with petty civil and criminal offences. Resolved, That, as there is a recommendation From a former Conference still before the Government, this motion be not further discussed. Motion No. 7. — Ratima Aperahama (Mangonui): That all communications, motions, &c, dealing with health matters should be published in the Maori language. Resolved, That the Conference should make a recommendation. Motion No. 8. —Te Pouwhare (Matatua) : That the boundaries of the Matatua Maori Council should be altered so as to include the Urewera Country and Waikare Moana. Resolved, That this is not a matter for the Conference, and that the mover should be advised to communicate with the Minister on the subject. Motion No. 9.—Heremia te Wake (Hokianga) : Questions as to local option, dog-tax, bylaws, duties of the Council, eve. Resolved, That, as this motion turns out to be a number of questions on subjects which are being discussed by the Conference, no comment is necessary. Motion No. 10.—Henare Werahiko (Te Arawa). Resolved, That as this motion is really a series of questions which should be explained by the Superintendent, no comment is necessary. Motion No. 11. —Waaka te Huia (Wairoa) : That information be given as to the Raukawa by-laws lately revised by the Crown Law Officers, with a view to bringing all other Council by-laws into line. Resolved, That the Conference expresses an opinion on the subject.