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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Pursuant to notice under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, the delegates from the Maori Councils met in the Native Room, Parliament Buildinge, at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, the 29th August, 1911. Present. —Hon. Mr. Ngata, Minister in Charge of Maori Councils; Mr. Hackworth, Superintendent; and the following delegates: Ihaia Hutana (Tamatea), President; Henart Werahiko, Te Arawa Maori Council; Heremia te Wake, Hokianga Maori Council; Paratene Ngata, Horouta Maori Council; Whakangaro Makahue, Kahungunu Maori Council; Taraua Marumaru, Kurahaupo Maori Council; Moerua Natanahira, Maniapoto Maori Council; Ratima Aperahama, Mangonui Maori Council; Pouwhare te Roan, Matatua Maori Council; Kingi Ruarangi, Ngatiwhatua Maori Council; Rawiri te Ruru, Pewhairangi Maori Council; Rere Neketini, Raukawa Maori Council; Taiawhio te Tau, Rongokako Mauri Council; Hamiora Hei, Takitimu Maori Council; Ropiha Rangihaukore, Taranaki Maori Council; Kepa te Ahura, Tongariro Maori Council; Waaka te Huia, Wairoa Maori Council; Te Weri Haeretuterangi, Whanganui Maori Council; Tahua Watson, Arapawa Maori Council; Wiremu Taniora Parete, Maahunui Maori Council; Tame Parata, M.P., Araiteuru Maori Council. Notices appointing the date and place of meeting of the Conference, and appointment of lhaia Hutana to be President, were read. The Hon. Mr. Ngata addressed words of welcome to the delegates, and commented generally on the work of the Councils, suggesting various matters for discussion. The President and other delegates replied. Secretary. —On the motion of Whakangaro Makahue (Kahungunu), it was resolved to ask Mr. Hei (Takitimu) to act as Secretary. Mr. Hei explained that lie had hardly recovered from a serious illness, and would prefer not to undertake the secretaryship, but he agreed to act on it being agreed that assistance would be afforded him. Minutes. —Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Superintendent explained what had been the result of former recommendations. On the motion of Rere Neketini (Raukawa), resolved, That this Conference reiterates the resolutions passed at the last meeting of delegates, and asks that effect be given to those recommendations which have not yet been carried out. Hours «l Meeting. —On the motion of Rere Neketini (Raukawa), it was resolved to observe the following hours of sittings : Tuesday, 29th August, 2.30 to 4.45 and 7to 9 p.m.; following days 10 a.m. to 12.45 p.m., 2.30 to 4.45 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Order Paper. —The question of order paper was discussed, and it was resolved to first ask the Hon. Mr. Ngnta if he would submit a precis of the proposed consolidating Act and of his address at the opening of the meeting. On the motion of Mr. Parata (Araiteuru), it was resolved that the meetings should be open only to delegates and members of Parliament. The Conference adjourned at 5 p.m. The Conference resumed at 7 p.m., all delegates being present. The Hon. Mr. Ngata attended, and explained that the time had been too short to comply with the request for /ire'ris of address, cVc. He suggested that the Conference should first draw up reasons for continuance of the Councils- under the Maori Councils Acts. Sub-Committee. —On the motion of Rere Neketini (Raukawa), it was resolved, that this Conference is strongly of opinion that the Maori Councils Act, 1900, and its amendments, together with the Councils appointed thereunder, should continue, and that the following sub-committee be appointed to draw up reasons in support of tin's contention--viz., the President, H. Hei, Parstene Ngata. Taraua Marmnaru, and Waaka te Huia. Komitis Marat. —A discussion arose as to the action a Council should take in the case of a Komiti Marae failing to take proper action in regard to breaches of the by-laws, and on the motion of Ilamiora Hei (Takitimu), it was resolved to submit the following questions for the opinion of the Crown Law Officer, viz. : — If ji Maori Council has delegated its powers, under the provisions of section 5 of the Maori Councils Amendment Act, 1903, to a Komiti Marae, can it consider and adjudicate on any offence against the by-laws committed in such marae district if the Komiti neglects or refuses to take action? Can any breach of a by-law be referred direct to the Maori Council by any person other than a member of a Komiti Marae from any Komiti Marae district where the Komiti neelects or refuses to take action? The Conference then adjourned at 9 p.m.