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following table shows the proportion of British and New Zealand born applicants admitted to the roll since the first New-Zealander was granted a pension in 1904 : — Year ended Pension* British- New-Zealand- Mluvr j31st March granted. born. born (Whiten). Maulu, - 1904 .. .. .. .. .. 1,063 958 1 26 1905 .. .. .. .. .. 1,210 1,106 2 30 1906 .. .. .. .. .. 2,075 1,833 10 125 1907 .. .. .. .. .. 2,031 1,814 16 88 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 1,740 1,556 23 80 1909 .. .. .. .. .. 2,113 1,916 52 110 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 2,304 2,109 66 90 1911 .. .. .. .. .. 2,399 2,200 85 79 Total 255 One hundred and ninety of last year's new pensioners represent applicants who were previously on the roll, and struck oS for some reason or other. The total claims lodged since the Act came into operation on the 1st January, 1899, now uumber 12,271. Of these, 32,433 have been established as pensions, and 49 per cent, of the latter are still on the books. A large proportion of the applicants are still unable to furnish any proof of age, and, as indicating the extent of the assistance rendered to these in proving their eligibility, it may be mentioned that in 810 separate cases during the year, out of the 2,963 who applied, inquiries were made by Head Office for proof of age in all quarters of the globe. Of these, 502 were found to be eligible, while no less than 114 were proved to be short of the pension-age. In 116 cases no evidence was obtainable, and the remaining seventy-eight represent cases in which replies are awaited from outside the Dominion. Of the sixty-nine cases in which the searches vhtv not complete at the date of my last annual report, twenty-seven were found to be of the required age and five not, while no evidence could be traced in the other thirty-seven. In addition, searches were instituted by Head Office for verification of date of arrival in 489 cases, four of which were proved to be ineligible. In connection with those cases where. after every known source of information has been exhausted, no evidence of age is forthcoming, it may be. stated that they are submitted without further delay to the Magistrate, who has power by law to dispense with documentary evidence and grant a pension, if from the appearance of the applicant he is satisfied that the pension-age has been reached. In cases of advanced age, where no evidence is available at the date of application, the investigation by the Magistrate proceeds without awaiting the result of any search for age that may be deemed necessary. The following table shows the proportion of applicants on whose behalf proof of age has been sought by Head Office during the past five years, together with the number proved to be under the required age : — Year ended New Searches Proved to be 31st March. Claims. for Age. under Age. 1907 .. .. .. . . .. .. 2,577 672 229 1908 .. . . . . . . .. .. 2,327 639 144 1909 .. .. .. 2,834 812 157 1910 .. .. 2,892 874 142 1911 .. .. .. . . . . . . 2,963 810 114 It is interesting to note, with regard to the new participants, that a larger proportion is now being admitted immediately the pension-age is reached than formerly. During last year the number of these was 838, out of a total of 2.320 whites. The figures for the past five years are as follows :—- Year ended New Pensioners Admitted at 31et March. (European). Age 65. 1907 1,942 550 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,660 538 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,003 582 1910 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,214 658 1911 .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 2,320 838 Full particulars regarding the claims made in each district, and how dealt will), are embodied in Table V of the appendix. Tables VI and VII contain particulars relating to the nationality, sex, and conjugal condition of the new pensioners. The number of new pensioners who were admitted during the year under the provisions of section 6 of the Amendment Act of 1908, whereby the Magistrate is empowered to exempt earnings during the twelve months preceding the date of application, was 163. The total number of pensioners who have benefited by this section since it became law is 345. Annual Payments. The gross payments made on account of pensions during the year totalled £383,392 IDs. 8d.. being an increase on the figures of the previous year of £20,896 19s. 8d. After deducting the sum of £653 2s. 8d.. representing overpayments of pension refunded, and making allowance for payments held over from the previous year on account of some informality, the net charge against the Consolidated Fund stands at £382,791 11s. Id., to which has been applied a credh of £16,758 9s. 8d., being revenue from the national-endowment lands.