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PROPOSED ATLANTIC CABLE. No. 16. The Right Hon. the Secretary ok State fob the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Downing Street, 21st October, 1910. With reference to your telegram of the 11th instant [not printed], I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of your Ministers, copy of correspondence with the GovernorGenera] of the Commonwealth of Australia, relative to a proposal that action should be taken in obtain the ownership and control of a cable across the Atlantic between Great Britain and Canada, and that the telegraph-line between the landing-place of such, cable and the point of junction with the Pacific cable should be owned aid operated by the Canadian Government. I have, &c, Governor the Right Hon. Lord Islington, D.5.0., kc. Crewe. [P.O. Fin. and Constr. 10/273.] Enclosure No. 1 in No. 16. His Excellency the Governor-General, Commonwealth of Australia, .Melbourne, to the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Commonwealth of Australia, Governor-General's Office, Melbourne, My Loud,— 25th July, 1910. 1 have the honour to inform Your Lordship that 1 am advised by His Majesty's Prime Minister of the Commonwealth that the Government are of opinion that in order to secure a lower rate for telegrams with Europe, via the Pacific cable, and also more accurate transmission, action should be taken to obtain the ownership and control of a cable across the Atlantic Ocean, between Great Britain and Canada. Further, it is considered by the Commonwealth Government that the telegraph-line between the landing-place of such proposed Atlantic cable and the point of junction with the Pacific cable should be owned and operated by the Canadian Government. 2. The High Commissioner of the Commonwealth has been requested to urge upon the Pacific Cable Board the desirableness of obtaining such a cable, either by purchasing one of the existing lines or by laying an independent cable. 3. The present apportionments on a Press message between Australia and the United Kingdom via Pacific are as follows :— Atlantic cable ... ... ... ... ... ... pet word, sd. Canada ... ... ■■■ ■•■ ••• ~ Id. Pacific Cable Board ... ... ... ... ... ~ 2d. Australia ... ... ... ... ■■• ... ~ Id. i. In dealing with this matter, the Commonwealth Postmaster-General points out the comparatively large amount allotted to the Atlantic section, and draws attention to the circumstance that the charge on public messages to places in Europe, other than the United Kingdom, exceeds 3s. per word, owing to the fact that the Atlantic cable companies will not a<;ree to accept the same apportionment on these messages as they do on messages to the United Kingdom. This gives the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company a practical monopoly of European business to places outside the United Kingdom. 5. The Prime Minister informs me that the Commonwealth Government will be glad if the Imperial authorities can see their way to co-operate with them on this question with a view to securing the objects sought. I may add that similar representations are being addressed to the Government of Canada by the Commonwealth Government. I have, &c, DUDLEY, Governor-General. The Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Enclosure N -. 2 in No. 16. The Right Hon. the Secretary of State fok the Colonies to His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne. My Lord, — Downing Street, 14th October, 1910. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's despatch of the 25th July, reporting that your Government suggest that action should be taken to obtain the ownership