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No 5. The Chairman, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Sir, — Queen Anne's Chambers, S.W., 26th August, 1910. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 28th June [not printed], further on the subject of an additional cable between New Zealand and Australia, and to state that the Pacific Cable Board are in full agreement with you as to the extreme importance of improving tlieir service for intercolonial traffic. The several associated Governments have all pronounced themselves in favour of the laying by the Board of a direct cable between New Zealand and Sydney, but the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury have, on behalf of the Imperial Government, expressed the opinion that further statutory authority must be obtained before this can be done. The circumstances of the current session of Parliament have so far rendered impossible the introduction of the necessary legislation; but the Board will not fail to urge upon His Majesty's Government the desirability of placing it at the earliest possible moment in a position to undertake the proposed extension of its system ****** I have, &c, The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington. H. W. Primrose, Chairman. [P.O. Fin. and Constr. 10/216.]

No 6. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., *ir,— 21st September, 1910. I have the honour to enclose herein, for your information, copy of a letter which I sent to the London Manager and Secretary of the Board on the 16th instant with regard to the proposed Sydney to New Zealand direct cable. 1 have, &c, The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington. Wμ. Hall-Jones. [P.O. Fin. and Constr. 10/225.]

Enclosure in No. 6. The High Commissioner to the London Manager and Secretary, Pacific Cable Board. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London, S.W., •Sir,— 16th September, 1910. With reference to your message of this afternoon [not printed], J now understand you wish to have in writing New Zealand's concurrence in the proposed laying of the above cable. You Tvill find the matter dealt with by Sir Joseph Ward in his letter to your Chairman of the 30th March, l!) 10 [not printed], and on behalf of New Zealand 1 beg to intimate my concurrence in iliis proposal. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones. A. S. Baxendale, Esq., London Manager and Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, Queen Anne's Chambers. London. S.W.

No. 7. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram.) Wellington, 27th September. 1911). Proposed Australia New Zealand cable : Government consents to the cost to be met from funds invested on acount of Board's Renewal Fund, subject to the approval of Parliament, which is being asked for immediately. [P.C. Fin. and Constr. 10/192.]