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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of Length of £ | Name. Position. Appoint- 3 Eemarks. J ment. wn • a Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Horne — continued. y. M. D. £ 359 Ryall, E. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 From Ist Jan., 1912. 360 Eves, E. E. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 361 Molloy, B. J. .. .. Cadet .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 362 Boyes, P. S. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/3/08 3 1 a 65 „ 363 Ralph, H. S. .. .. „ .. .. 10/4/08 211 20 65 364 Duff, G. K. .. .. „ .. .. 18/4/08 211 13 65 365 Woods, F. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/5/08 211 0 65 366 Liddell, A. W. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 20/5/08 210 12 65 367 Green, B. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/6/08 210 0 65 From Ist Jan., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. 368 McNeil, C. R. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 20/6/08 2 911 65 From Ist Jan., 1912. 369 Voigt, F. E. P. . . .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/9/08 2 7 0 65 370 Cunningham, W. S. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 26/10/08 2 5 6 65 371 Gibens, F. J. R. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 80 From Ist Dec., 1911. Lodging-allowance, £12. 372 Evans, W. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 From 4th Jan., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. 373 Goring, E. N. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk.. .. 4/6/07 3 927 95 From 4th June, 1911. 374 Day, H. R. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 80 From 18th May, 1911. Lodging-allowance, £12. 375 Smyth, R. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 From 26th Jan., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. C.S. Jun. Exam., 1910. 376 Hughes, A., .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/1/07 4 217 110 From 15th Jan., 1912. 377 Kennedy, E. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 27/5/07 310 5 95 From 27th May, 1911. 378 Prendergast, P. .. „ .. .. .. .. 18/4/07 3 1113 95 From 18th April, 1911. 379 Robertson, W. B. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 80 From Bth July, 1911. 380 Cates, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 3 0 0 65 From 22nd Feb., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. C.S. Jun. Exam., 1910. 381 Hulse, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/5/08 211 0 65 From 27th Feb., 1912. C.S. Jun. Exam., 1910. 382 Mcßean, H. B. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 80 From 14th May, 1911. Lodging-allowance, £12. 383 Nevin, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 22/2/08 3 18 95 From 22nd Feb., 1912. 384 Salmond, G. C. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 5/2/09 2 124 65 From Ist Mar., 1912. 385 Simons, C. B. .. .. „ .. .. 9/6/09 1 922 65 From Ist March, 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. 386 Stewart, T. H. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 24/6/07 3 9 7 95 From 24th June, 1911. 387 Colhoun, R. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 18/7/06 4 814 110 From 17th Aug., 1911. 388 Weaver, W. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 4/2/07 4 125 110 From 4th Feb., 1912. 389 Signal, W. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 18/9/07 3 614 95 From 18th Sept., 1911. 390 Russell, J. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 From 13th Mar., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. 391 Edwards, E. J. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 3 0 0 65 From 4th July, 1911. Lodging-allowance, £20. C.S. Jun. Exam., 1909. 392 Dawson, S. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/12/08 2 4 0 65 From 21st Mar., 1912. Lodging-allowance, £20. 393 Walden, H. L. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 23/6/07 3 9 8 95 From 23rd June, 1911. 394 Norris, W. D. l>. .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/7/09 1 827 05 From 27th Mar., 1912. 395 Bateman, P. L. .. „ .. .. .. .. 18/12/07 3 314 95 From 18th Dec, 1911. 396 Sullivan, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 21/2/05 6 1 8 110 397 Walker, M. R. .. .. .. .. 3/12/09 1 329 50 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1910. Female Staff. Ninth Class (First Grade). —From £160 to £180, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 Mouat, B. J. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/1/74 37 3 0 180 2 Yorston, E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/2/78 33 1 9 180 3 Ninnis, F. .. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 16/2/85 26 113 180 4 Johnston, A. J. V. .. Bookkeeper .. .. .. 29/12/90 20 3 3 180 5 Lundon, M. .. .. Postmistiess .. .. .. 14/1/91 20 218 180 6 Scully, A. E. .. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 4/5/92 18 10 28 180 7 Luckie, A. A „ „ .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 180 8 Houchen, M. .. .. „ „ .. 3/6/92 18 928 180 9 Powell, L. A „ „ .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 180 10 Bowen, H. E. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 2 9 0 180 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. Formerly temporary. 11 Hutchison, M. .. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 160 12 Pettit, B. H. .. .. „ „ .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 160 Ninth Class (Second Grade). —From £130 to £150, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 Bermingham, E. .. Cadette .. .. .. 11/12/74 36 321 150 2 Harris, E. .. .. „ .. _ .. 29/9/90 20 6 2 150 3 Kenny, B. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/12/90 20 312 150 4 McLeod, M. A. M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 150 5 Asquith, M. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/7/97 13 820 150 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1899. 6 Dansey, I. R. b, c .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/5/92 18 11 0 150 7 Mackay, M. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/8/02 8 717 150 Matric, 1890. Note. —Officers In any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.