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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION—continued. 3 Date of Length of g, I Name. Position. Appoint- ~i!{: Maroh % Remarks a ment. • 1(nl • * Seventh Class. —From £120 to £220. by Four Annual Increments of £16 each, and Four of £10 e&oh—continued. Y. M. D. £ 1010 Sissons, R. E. .. .. Telegraphiet .. .. .. 7/5/07 310 25 160 1011 Bristol, E. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/4/04 7 0 0 150 1012 Drury, 0. P. . . .. „ .. .. .. .. 18/12/02 8 314 150 1013 MoNatty, C. B. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 22/8/04 <i 710 150 From 22nd Aug., 1911. 1014 Cade, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/4/03 7 1114 150 From 17th April. 1911. 1015 Moltzen, C. H... .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 5/10/04 (i 527 150 From 21st Sept., 1911. LOie Robinson, C. F.. .. „ .. .. .. .. 19/8/03 7 713 150 1017 Keane. ('. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 28/3/05 (i 0 4 150 From 28th Mar., 11)12. 1018 Webb, R. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/12/04 li :i 4 150 From 28th Dec, 1911. 1019 Williams, H. C. .. „ .. .. .. 16/1/03 8 2 l(i 150 10211 Andrews. F. T). .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 28/7/03 7 8 4 150 From Kith Aug., 1911. Appointed to Railway Department, 28/7/03; transferred to Post and Telegraph Department, 16/8/07. 1021 Shearman, W. P. J. .. „ .. .. .. .. 21/12/04 l> 311 150 From Ist June, 1911; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1902. 1022 Cox, T. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 2/2/03 8 127 150 1023 Turner, F. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/02 6 :S 25 135 At maximum. Resigned, 6/4/04 ; reappointed, 11/9/07. 1024 Excell, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/3/04 7 024 150 1025 Floyd, T. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/02 9 0 0 150 1026 Grenfell, W. H. .. „ .. .. .. 15/1/06 5 217 150 From loth Jan., 1912. 1027 Mulholland, O. R. (>. .. „ .. .. .. 15/4/05 511 16 150 From 9th Oct., 1911. 1028 Port, F. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 14/6/05 5 917 150 From 14th June, 1911. 1029 Burrows, E. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 14/9/04 6 (i 17 150 From 14th Sept., 1911. 1030 Colt, H. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 29/9/05 6 6 l> 160 From 29th Sept.. 1911. 1031 Brabant, L. L. P. ..•„.. .. .. .. 23/9/03 7 (i 8 150 From 23rd Sept., 1911. 1032 Paton, T. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/8/04 li 127 150 From 21st Oct., 1911. Resigned, 4/5/07 ; reappointed, 21/10/07. 1033 Fielder, J. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/1/Ofl (i 3 0 150 From Ist Jan.. 1912. 1034 Probert, S. B, .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 26/9/05 5 6 5 150 1035 Coombes, A. V. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 11/6/03 7 !) 20 150 1086 Wilson, T. A. .. .. Telegraphiet .. .. .. 21/12/05 6 311 150 From 21st Dec, 1911. 1037 Minoguc, W. .1. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/00 6 2 0 150 From Ist Feb., 1912. 1038 Lenihan, B. P... .. Postmaster .. .. .. 12/5/03 710 20 150 From 12th May, 1911. 1039 Smith, H. J. .. .. Telegraphiel .. .. .. 6/1/06 t> 227 150 From sth Jan.; 1912. 1040 Wilson, W. P. .. .. .. .. .. 21/3/00 r> 011 150 From 21st Mar., 1912. 1041 Galbraith, R. C. .. .. .. .. .. 12/2/08 3 118 160 From 12th Feb., 1912. Resigned, 31/1/07; reappointed, 12/2/08. 1042 Brophy, T. M. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/03 7 9 0 150 O.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 1043 Coles, W. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 2/6/02 8 929 150 1044 Harre, K. H. .. .. Clerk 12/8/01 9 720 150 h>4s Coleman, W. K. .. .. .. 7/9/00 i> 823 150 Resigned, 8/4/03; reappointed, 9 4-/07. 1046 Thomas, F. H... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 22/8/04 t> 710 150 From 22nd Aug., 1911. 1047 Cook, W. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 6/1/04 7 226 150 Prom 6th Jan., 1912. 1048 Trane. W. T. .. .. .. .. 12/5/02 S 111 20 150 1049 Cocks, J. H. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk. . .. 16/10/02 8 516 150 From 16th Oot., 1911. 1(15(1 Brough, M. .. .. „ •• .. 4/7/07 3 828 Hir> From 4th July, 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 1051 Craig, W. M. .. .. „ .. .. 24/0/02 7 2 4 150 From 3rd Sept.. 1911. Resigned, 29/2/04 : reappointed, 1/6/04 ; reresigned, 30/4/06 ; reappointed, 3/9/07. 1052 Pike, A. O. .. .. Telegraphiet .. .. .. 24/4/08 l> II 7 150 From 24th April, 1911. 1053 Davidson, A. J. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/10/01 9 6 0 150 1054 Martin, A. J. .. •• „ .. ■• ■■ ■• 1/3/01 10 1 0 150 1056 Murphy, B. E... .. Registrar, Old-age Pensions .. 30/1/06 B i> l> 150 From Ist May, 1911; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904 ; from Old-age Pensions Department. 1056 Casein, H. J. .. ■• Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/5/90 20 11 0 190 1057 Palmer, J. S. .. .. „ .. •• .. .. 15/9/97 13 (i 16 190 1058 Gibson, A. P „ 1/2/83 28 2 (I 190 1059 Thompson, R. J. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/5/09 211 0 18(1 From Ist May, 1911. Resigned, 23/9/04 ; reappointed, 1/5/09. 1060 Churchill, W. A. .. „ .. •• •• •• 1/4/02 9 0 0 190 Prom 25th May, 1911. 1061 Cotter, John .. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/9/05 r> 7 0 180 1062 Kerr, F. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 29/0/03 7 9 2 L 66 Prom 19th July, 1911. 1063 Hands, E. ('. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 2/8/09 I 730 L 66 From 2nd Ann., ion. Resigned, 31/3/03 : reappointed, 2/8/09. 1064 Hill, J. •■ ■• Clerk.. .. .. .. 7/12/00 10 324 180 Prom Bth Aug., 1911. 1065 Turner, J. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/3/99 12 027 190 Prom Ist Sept., 1911. 1066 Ingram. D. R. .. ■• .. 16/9/08 7 616 160 From 16th Sept., 1911. Notk. Officers in any gnuiji whose name! are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.