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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. I Date of Length oi £ Namo. Position. Aprnint- 3 iat March * Remarks Rf.venth Class.—From f 120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. ¥. M. D. £ BG3 Cameron, J. P. .. .. Telegraphist. .. .. .. 28/10/08 2 5 4 190 From 29th April, 1011. 864 Lindsay, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/4/03 711 22 150 865 Scott, C. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/03 711 0 150 806 Temple, P. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/4/03 7 1110 100 807 Gray, J. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 14/4/03 711 7 160 808 Little, W. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/03 711 0 150 809 Edwards, C. X... .. .. .. .. .. 21/5/03 710 11 150 870 Menzies, C. K. . . ■■ ■■ ■■ .. ■■ 21/5/03 711 11 150 871 Amos, .!.('. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/6/01! 7 9 6 150 872 MoNamee, J. .. .. Clork .. .. .. .. 1/7/03 7 0 0 150 873 Jenke, P. W. .. .. Telegraphic .. .. .. 1/11/03 7 5 0 150 874 Snell, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 10/12/03 7 322 160 876 Strong, A. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 23/12/03 7 3 9 150 876 Oflbert, G. It .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/12/03 7 3 4 160 877 Proudfoot, W. G. C. .. ~ .. .. .. 12/5/03 710 20 150 878 Swap, A. W. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 1/3/04 7 1 0 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 879 Wogan, B. S. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 2/3/04 7 0 2(1 165 ('.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 880 Burns, L. A. .. . . Telegraphist . . .. .. 9/3/04 7 022 166 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 881 Lowe, L. A. . . .. Clerk .. . . .. .. 14/3/04 7 017 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 882 Griffith, J. P. .. .. Telegraphic .. .. .. 16/3/04 7 014 160 883 Williamson, G. B. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 21/3/04 7 011 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 884 Harrison, O. L. T. .. .. .. 5/4/04 011 26 165 From sth April, 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 885 Binley, J. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 25/5/04 610 7 150 From 25th May, 1911. 886 King, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/4/04 6 1110 150 From 21st April, 1911. 887 Warner, A. S. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/04 611 0 166 From Ist May, 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1911. 888 De Bakker, R. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/5/04 (ill 0 150 From Ist May, 1911. 889 Hester, P. L. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/90 II 9 I<> 160 Resigned, 1/8/98; reappointed. 14/4/09; resigned, 30/11/01; reappointed, 3/5/04. 890 Hansmanu, F. _\. .. „ .. .. .. 10/5/04 610 22 160 From 10th May, 1911. 891 Bayliffe, R. E. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 24/5/04 610 8 L6O Prom 24th May, 1911. 892 Samuels, L. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 6/7/04 6 826 I r>o From 6th July. Mil I. 893 Schmidt, P. J. G. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 22/7/04 6 810 150 From 22ml July, 1911: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904 804 Fountain, V. S. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/8/04 6 714 150 From 18th Aug., 1911. 895 Young, J. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 18/8/04 6 714 160 896 Lanigan, M. .. .. ~ •■ ■■ .. 19/8/04 6 713 150 From 19th Aug., 1911 897 c«x, S. C. O. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 22/8/04 8 7Hi 150 From 22nd Aug., 1911. 898 Williams, R. E... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/9/04 6 6 8 150 Prom 23rd Sept., 1911. 899 Miller, H. .. .. „ .. .. : . 23/10/04 6 5 8 150 900 Brown, T. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/11/04 6 5 0 166 From Ist Nov., 19U ; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 901 Kiely, Martin .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/11/04 6 4 7 160 From 24th Nov., 1911. 902 Gillman, N. R. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5/12/04 6 327 150 From sth Deo., 1911. 903 Currie, J. A. .. .. .. •■ .. .. 12/12/04 6 320 150 From 12th Deo., 1911. 904 Gundy, W. A. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14/12/04 6 318 150 From 14th Dec., 11l I 1 905 Schaab, \l. .1. .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/12/04 8 316 150 From 17th Dec, 1911. 906 Irving, E. G. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23/12/04 (i :s 9 160 From 23rd Deo., 1911. 907 Chamberlain, K. G. .. „ .. .. .. 30/12/04 6 3 2 166 From 30th June, 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910, 908 Mahon, S. C. .. .. „ .. •• .. 11/1/0.") H 221 150 From 11th Jan., 1912. 909 Forrester, R. G. .. •• ■ ■ .. .. 17/1/05 6 215 160 From 17th Jan., 1912. 910 Hansen, M. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/3/05 6 024 150 From Bth Mar., 1912 911 Buchanan, J. W. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 28/9/03 7 6 3 150 C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1904 9)2 Thaycr, H. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 22/12/02 8 310 160 From Ist Jan., 1912. 913 Krebs, W. M. .. .. ■• .. 22/8/04 6 710 168 From 22nd Aug., 1911'; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 914 Sarginaon, W. M. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/4/04 611 10 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904 915 Carter, W. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. 1/5/02 811 0 150 916 Cowan, G. J. F. .. Telegraphist .. .. - .. 28/11/04 6 4 3 160 917 Roberts, W. H. L. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 26/4/03 711 ."> 160 918 Hare, R. R. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/04 7 0 0 150 919 Jelliooe, R. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/5/04 810 26 166 c.s. Sen. Exam., 1909 920 Sawyer, W. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/11/04 6 319 160 921 Ollerenshaw. E. S. .. „ .. .. .. 8/11/03 7 423 160 922 Griffiths, E. . . .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/03 7 9 0 150 923 Coles, A. H. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/6/02 810 0 160 924 Malthus, H. L. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/2/05 6 2 0 150 From Ist Oct., 1911 025 MoFarlane, B. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 15/11/04 6 416 160 926 Stuart, A. P. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29/2/04 7 1 1 165 C.S. Sen. Exam., 191] 927 Head, G. C „ 10/11/04 6 425 150 928 Bradshaw, \V. J. .. .. .. .. .. 9/3/05 6 023 160 929 Jackson, W. E. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/04 7 3 0 160 930 Apperley, G. •• •■ >, ■• ■■ ■• 3/11/05 ."> 428 150 From 3rd Nov., 1911. 931 Lambie,'T. O. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 14/3/04 7 018 160 C.S. Jud. Exam., 1906. 932 McKeown, W. J. A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/7/02 8 825 160 933 Nicholas, G. J. . . .. ~ .. .. .. 7/7/02 8 825 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 934 Purdie, W. C. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 19/2/06 8 110 150 From 19th Feb., 1912; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907^ Noil. —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.