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Kittredge, Words and their Ways in English Speech. Latin —-Parts of Ramsay, Books I and II; Bradloy's Arnold; Aenoid, Book I ; Horace, Epistles, Book I; Horace, Odes, Book I (half) ; Caesar, Book VII; Cicero, Do Officiis, Book III; selections from Livy. History- —Gray's Roman History; Shuckburgh's Roman History ; Primer of Roman. History ; Primer of Roman Antiquities. French— Siepmann's Grammar ; Wellington College Grammar ; Chardenal's Advanced Course ; Pellissier's Unseens ; Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ; Taine's Voyagojaux Pyrenees ; Half-hours with French , Authors. Botany —Parts of Strasburger ; Dendy and Lucas ; Lawson ; Thompson. Lowest. —Arithmetic—G.C.M., L.C.M. ; metric system ; practice ; vulgar and decimal fractions ; mensuration of rectangular and solid figures ; simple and compound interest ; simple and compound proportion; discount, profit and loss; problems and contracted multiplication. Algebra—Borchardt, examples 1 to 20 inclusive, and easy graph problems. Geometry —Hall and Stevens, theorems 1-29, problems 1-15, riders to end of page 59. Latin —Scott and Jones, Part I, the whole (omitting page 66 and 133-135, and vocabularies 118 and 119). French—Methode Naturelle, lessons 1-48 inclusive ; verbs avoir, etre, first conjugation regular verbs, and verbs found in the lessons generally. English Grammar —Nesfield's Manual of Grammar and Composition, Chapters 2 to 10 ; punctuation, correction of sentences, parsing, analysis, and Seventh Standard cards. Composition —Essay and precis writing, paraphrasing. Literature — Macaulay's Horatius and Lake Regillus ; Dickens's Cricket on the Hearth and Christmas Carol. Botany (girls) —Gillies's Plant Life in Australasia, pages 1 to end ; natural orders, Compositae, Rosaceae, Liliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Myrtaceae. Chemistry (boys) —Newth's Chemistry ; states of matter, chemical action, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, water ; Boyle and Gay, Lussac laws, atomic theory, air, nitrogen, nitric acid, ozone, and carbon. Drawing —Drawing in light and shade from flat examples of rigid forms, and from models and casts, as laid down in section 21 (a) 6of Technical School Regulations. Cookery—Technical School course for first half of year. Dressmaking—Technical School course for second half of year. Physical Drill. 2. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1910. Receipts. £ b. d. | Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 1,217 C 4 ■ Management— Government grant— Office salary .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 For sites, building, furniture, &c. .. 336 18 6 Other office expenses .. .. .. 12 5 2 Government capitation — Other expenses of management .. 2 15 3 For free places .. .. .. 534 12 2 ! Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 1,456 2 8 For recognized school classes for manual Boarding-school Account — instruction .. .. .. 93 7 6 Fees .. .. .. .. 40 19 0 Current income from reserves .. .. 967 10 4 Furnishing .. .. .. .. 164 6 6 Interest on moneys invested and on unpaid Rent .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 purchase-money .. .. .. 46 1 6 Examiners' fees .. .. .. 68 15 0 Paid by School Commissioners .. .. 400 0 0 PrizesSchool fees .. .. .. .. 135 9 0 School .. .. .. .. 26 6 7 _~,.. f 40 19 0 Sports .. .. .. .. 500 Boarding-school fees (164 6 6 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 45 15 6 Refund, insurance .. .. .. 0 7 10 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. (caretaker, £6712e.) 77 3 0 Refund, science material .. .. 1 18 8 Government grant —Science-room .. 336 18 6 New lawn .. .. .. .. 35 2 0 Soience building .. .. .. 196 4 1 Science building equipment .. .. 176 2 4 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 40 11 5 Rates, &c. .. .. .. .. 34 16 3 New flag .. .. .. .. 2 8 1 Reserves .. .. .. .. 15 13 0 Taranaki Education Board — Towards salaries of instructors, Technical School .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Capitation on technical classes .. 79 7 6 Advance cadets (since refunded) .. .. 4 0 0 Opening science-room, tea .. .. 3 13 11 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 982 11 7 £3,938 17 4 £3,938 17 4 N. K. MacDiarmid, Chairman. Walter Bewley, Secretary. Examined and found correct, except that the'payment of £3 13s. lid., "Opening scienceroom, tea," is without authority of law, and is therefore disallowed.—R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities at 31st December, 1910. Assets. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fees unpaid .. .. .. .. 13 13 0 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 13 17 2 Rents unpaid .. .. .. .. 65 0 3 Overpaid rents .. .. .. 0 0 7 Cash in banks .. .. .. .. 996 8 9 £1,075 2 0 £13 17 9 N. K. MacDiarmid, Chairman. Walter Bewley, Secretary.