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Mount Eomont Branch. The survey of the extension to the quarry-site is now finished, and clearing work lias been undertaken, not only on this section but also on the rope-incline road, and some earthworks are now in hand. The expenditure last year was .£BB2. For the current year a vote of £15,000 is provided. South Island Main Tbink. At the north end of this line the section between Seddon and Ward has been completed, and was opened for traffic on 15th April last, and considerable progress has been made with the formation of the Mirza section. Work has also been begun on the section to the Ure River authorized last session. It will be necessary to authorize a further section this year, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill for extending the line to the south side of the Kekerangu River, about eight miles and a half beyond the Ure River. At the south cud the section between Domett and Mina was completed and handed over to the Railway Department in August, 1910, and good progress has been made with the Parnassus section. The large combined road and railway bridge over the Waiau-ua River has been completed, and is already in use for road traffic. A commencement has also been made with the formation on the Mendip section, which was authorized last session. At this end of the line, also, it will be desirable to authorize a further extension, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill for another section, about ten miles in length, extending as far as the confluence of the Charwell and Conway rivers. Last year's expenditure on the railway amounted to £51,587 — namely, ,£21,111 at the north end and £30,476 at the south end. For the current year it is proposed to ask for a vote of £55,000 —namely, £'20,000 for the north end and £35,000 for the south end. Midland. At the Nelson end of this line the section between Kiwi and Tui has been finished, but as a matter of departmental convenience is still retained by the Public Works Department, though traffic for the settlers is being run over it. The work on the Glenhope section is also approaching completion, and it is expected that this section will be available for traffic about March next, when the whole line to Glenhope will be handed over to the Railway Department for regular working. A commencement will shortly be made on the further section between Glenhope and the confluence of the Hope and Buller rivers, the location survey of which is well in hand. It is proposed to ask for an authorization of another section of this line, about nine miles in length —namely, to the confluence of the Owen and Buller rivers, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill. At the Reefton end the section between Cronadun and the Inangahua Landing is practically finished, and work is in hand between the Landing and the Inangahua Junction. The exact site of the Junction Station has not at present been fixed, but surveys are now in hand to determine the best point for the crossing of the Buller River, as on this the question of the location of the Junction Station largely depends. A great deal of work has been done on the Canterbury-Westland portion of the line. In the Arthur's Pass Tunnel the " heading " has been driven for a total distance of lm. 6Weh., leaving 3m. 37 eh. yet to be pierced, and nearly a mile and a half has been enlarged to the full size and lined. A good deal of work has also been done outside the tunnel, and at the Otira end the embankment has now reached the bed of the Otira River, and some groins and protective works have been constructed. Some bank-formation has also been done at the Bealey end. Between Broken River and the tunnel the works have been in hand under the co-operative principle, and very satisfactory progress has been made. The