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Species, Family, &c. Maori Name. English Name. Beyond New Zealand, or Endemic. Distributi Within New Zealand. Distribution. tion. 3 Plant Association of Dunes. Growth-form. Remarks. I End. .. N., C, S., Ch. 3 Labiatae. Mentha Cunninghamii Benth. New Zealand mint .. Grass dune .. Herb, small, prostrate. Solan aceae. Solanum nigrum L. " Cos. .. Ker.,N.,C.,S., 1 Ch. Sand-hollow .. Herb, medium, erect. ScROPHULARINACEAE. Manas pumilio R. Br. Glossostigma ilutinoides Benth. .. Aus. .. X., C, S. .. 0 Sand-hollow, moist Herb, small, with creeping Local in distribution, and rare in underground stem actual dune-areas. Sand-hollow, moist Herb, minute, forming matted patches. Sand-hollow .. Herb, minute, forming patches. „ _ _ I . Aus. .. X., C, S. .. | 2 *Limoselki tenuifolia Nutt. A u s., S.A., N., C, 8. .. 2 N. America, Europe End. .. Ker., N, C, S., 0 Ch. Myoforaceae. Myoporum laetum Forst. f. Xgaio Dune forest, semi- Tree, small .. .. Rarely occurs on the active dune, stable dune Plantagixaceae. Plantago Raoulii Decne. Iriandra Berggr. .. Kopakopa Raoul's plantain End. .. X., C, S. .. 3 End. .. C, ? S. .. 3 Classed dune .. Herb, small, of rosetteform. Sand-hollow .. Herb, small, of rosette- Canterbury dunes occasionally, form Sand-hollow .. Herb, small, of rosette- South dunes in places, form. var. Hamiltonii T. Kirk End. .. S. .. .. 0 Rubiaceae. *Coprosma acerosa A. Cunn. l'atarahake Dune-coprosma Shrub dune ; sand- Shrub, low, divaricating grass dune habit. End. .. X., C, S., Ch. 0 Campaxulaceae. Pratia nngulatn (Forst. f.) Hook. f. I'anakenaki Creeping-pratia End. .. X., C, S. .. 3 Stable dune .. Herb, small, creeping. urenaria Hook. f. * Lobelia anceps L. f. Big-fruited pratia .. End. .. Ch., Sub. .. 0 Stable dune .. Herb, small, creeping .. Only in Auckland Island dunes. Aus., Xorf. 1. Ker., X., C, S„ 0 Ch. Aus. .. C. S. .. 3 Sand-hollow .. Herb, small, erect .. Not on southern dunes. Wahlenbergia saxicola (R. Br.) A. D.C. Xew Zealand blue-bell Semi-stable dune .. Herb, small, creeping .. A form which is probably var. congesta Cheesem., occurs on the semi-stable dune at Fortrose. gracilis (Forst. f.) A. D.C. .. Slender blue-bell Aus., Xorf. I. Ker., X.,C.,S., 3 Ch. Grass dune .. Herb, medium, erect, annual or perennial.