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N = northern botanical province of New Zealand. C = central botanical province of New Zealand. S = southern botanical province of New Zealand. Ker = Kennadec botanical province of New Zealand Ch = Chatham Islands botanical province of New Zealand. Sub. = the Subantaictic botanical province of New Zealand. Aus = Australian and Tasmanian (one or both). S.A. = South American and Subantarctic, excluding the New Zealand portion (one or both). Pol. = Polynesian. Mai. = Malayan or South Asian (one or both). Cos. = generally distributed in temp. (= temperate) or trop. (= tropical) lands. Plants confined to the dunes, or nearly so, are printed in bold type. Plants specially common on the dunes are marked with an asterisk. 0 = occurring at not more than 1,000 ft. altitude. 1 = occurring at not more than 2,000 ft. 2 = occurring at not more than 3,000 ft. 3 = occurring up to 3,000 ft. and upwards. Species, Family, Ac. Maori Name. English Name. Beyond New Zealand, or Endemic. Distributio Within New Zealand. Plant Association of Dunes. I Growth-form. Remarks. T I Filices. *Pteridium esculentnm Forst. f. (Cockayne).. Rau - aruhe ; rahu- Common bracken .. Aus., S.A. .. Ker., N., C, S., rahu Ch., Sub. Nephrodium unitum R. Br. .. .. .. .. Cos. trop. .. N., C. 3 Heath ; grass dune.. Fern, with stout creeping underground stem. 1 Sand-hollow, moist.. Fern, with creeping rhi- Except for a few localities in the zome Aupouri Peninsula, is confined to vicinity of hot springs. 3 1 ScHEUZElUAl'EAE. Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav. var. /ilifoliu .. Three - ribbed arrow- Aus., S.A. .. N., C, >S., Ch. (Sieb.) Buchenau grass 0 Sand-hollow, moist.. Herb, small, stoloniferous. Gramixeae. Imperata Cheesemanii Hack. .. .. .. .. End. .. Ker. *Zoysia pungeiw Willd. .. .. .. .. .. Aus.. Mai., E. X., C, S. Asia *Spinifex hirsutUS Labill. .. .. .. Silvery sand-grass .. Aus., New Cal. N., C. Mkrolaena etipoides R. Br. .. .. .. Meadow rice-grass .. Aus., Norf. I. N., C, S. 0 Pes caprae dune .. Grass, tall. 1 Semi - stable dune ; Grass, small, matted with Xot on dunes of the south. sand-hollow ; grass long creeping rhizome dune ' i Sand-grass dune .. Grass, sand-binder .. As far as Gore Bay in the south. 1 Grass dune .. | Grass, medium, creeping rhizome. 0 Sand - grass dune; Grass, moderate, tufted. sand-hollow 2 Grass dune .. Grass, tall, tufted. "Calamagrostis Billardieri (R. Br.) .. .. \us. . N., C, S., Ch. Steud. Dichdachne criniUi (Foist, f.) Hook. t. .. .. Long-haired plume- Aus., Norf. I. Ker., N., C, S., grass Ch. lhinihonia pilona R. Br. .. .. .. Purple - awned oat- Aus. .. Ker., N., C, S., grass Ch. * var. tacentoea Bach. .. .. .. End. .. N., C, S. * efiuinnnularis R. Br. .. .. .. Common oat-grass; Aus. .. N., C, S., Ch. danthonia 3 Grass dune .. Grass, medium, tufted. 1 Grass dune .. Grass, medium, tufted. 3 Crass dune .. Grass, medium, tufted. Eleusine indica Gaertn. .. .. .. .. Cos. trop. .. Ker. * At undo amspicua Forst. t. .. .. j Toetoe-kakaho .. New Zealand reed .. End. .. N., C, S., Ch. 0 Pi , caprae dune .. Grass, medium, annual .. Also naturalized in central and northern botanical provinces. 2 Semi - stable dune ; Tussock-grass of immense shrub dune size, semi-sand-binder. 2 Grass dune .. Grass, tufted, small. Poa pusiUa Berggr. var. seticulmis (Petrie) .. .. End. .. N., C, S. Cockayne var. now = P. aeUcmlmia Petrie in Trans. N.Z. Inst. 34, p. 391, 1002 eaeepitosa Forst. f. .. .. .. Common tussock- Aus. .. N., C, S. • :i Semi-stable dune; Tussock-grass, tall, semi- Only on dunes in the south, inland dunes sand-binder grass