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Wairaki Coal-mine, Nightcaps (L. M. Dillon, lessee and permit-holder). —(22/11/10): Extracting pillars left at first working. Pumping by oil-engine underground, but no nuisance apparently created thereby, there being several openings to surface in this shallow pit. II.B. Coal-mine, Nightcaps (R. McDowell and Co., lessees; R. McDowell, permit, manager).— (22/H/l'O): Extracting final stumps of pillars in ground previously worked. Powder-magazine approved for storage of six cases of 25 lb. each of compressed powder, 150 lb. in all. New Brighton Coal-mine, Nightcaps (Crown lease : Reed. McKenzie, and Co., lessees ; W. Kenzie, permit, manager). —(25/1/10): Bight men. Seam 20 ft., worked partly opencast and partly underground ; workings kept in a safe and workmanlike manner. Powder-magazine approved for storage of six cases (each 25 lb.) of blasting-powder, Report-book kept : rules posted. Willow Coal-mine, Nightcaps (J. <). Clapp, owner; R. McGregor, permit, manager). —(23/11/10) : Opencast pit lately acquired by the new- owner. Water drained by siphon, and opening out afresh. Active work will be started early in the following month. Beaumont Coal-mine, Nightcaps (Crown lease: Moss Bros., lessees: W. Moss, permit, manager). —(23/11/10): Opencast, seam worked to 15 ft. in depth only, stripping being removed in advance of working-face ; average, fi ft. in depth. Steam-pump used for drainage. Wairio Coal-wine. Wairio, Nightcaps (Wairio Coal Company, owners). —(25/1/10) : No work at this pit for some time. The proposed private branch line of railway from Wairio Railway-station to Morley Coalfield still shows no sign of fructification. Mount Linlon Coal-pit. Nightcaps (William Smith, lessee). —(23/11/10): Coal lease obtained from the freeholder. Portable hauling-engine and pump installed Eot working the seam, which is seen outcropping in the Morley Stream near at hand. Mount Bean in 1 1 a i Station, Nightcaps. —An outcrop oi coal is seen on the terrace near Morley stream. Nothing yet done to prove the seam, which is easily capable of being prospected. Bush Siding Coal-pit, ISeawunl Bush (Crown lease : F. W. Raymond, lessee : F. H. Bowden. permit, manager). -(19/11/10) : Opencast pit not being worked at present, chiefly owing to dullness of trade. Seam 30 ft. ; gravel stripping. 8 ft. to l<> It., is kepj fairly well back from coal-face. llogaris Lignite-pit, Orepuki (Crown land ; Cornelius Hogan, licensee). —(22/1/10) : Pit idle, and no work has been done here l< 11 some time. Orepuki Shale-work*. Orepuki. —(21/10/10): The collier; at the shale-works continues to be dosed, and water is up. Boring with the Government diamond drill is suspended pending the arrival of Mr. Johnston, an expert from England, who is to visit and report on the works. H E M A R K s. Ventilation. improvement in ventilation continues to be manifested, several fans of the Haves type having been erected at as many collieries. In other respects, while the mines have been growing, airways are consequently longer, and still ventilation is maintained. Aoddents. Two fatalities occurred, each at small mines in Canterbury, and entirely due to remissness on thp part of the sufferers. In one case the owner entered the mine single-handed in the early morning, although warned the previous evening not to do so. and was suffocated with black damp coming from an incipient spontaneous underground fire. In the o1 her case the victim, a certificated winding-engine driver, had apparently omitted to use the ci i the mouth of the shaft, and had absent-mindedly turned an empty box into the shaft, 70 ft. deep, the cage being at the bottom ai the time. No non-fatal accidents of a serious nature were reported to me as having occurred underground in mines during 1910. Coal-miners' Relief Fund. The contributions by coal-owners to the Coal-miners' Relief Fund amounted to £477 19s. 6d., while payments from the fund, aggregating £415 15s. 8d.,'have been recommended on account of accidents which have occurred in and about coal-mines in the distrid dining the year. F have, &c. K. R. Green, Inspector of Mines.