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No. 2 Point Elizabeth State Colliery (James riishop. mine-manager).—(9/12/10) : Good progress continues to be made with the development of this new colliery. The work in hand includes the driving of tunnels, and incline formations, and the erect ion of a I reetle-bridge at the upper end of incline-. This bridge is now nearing completion. The coal-mine mentioned in my report of last year as supplying coal for the air-compressors has been closed down and effectively fenced. The air to actuate tin , roci drills in No. 2 tunnel is brought by pipe-line from the compressors at the upper end of incline. The two main levels, through which all the output from the mine will eventually lie conveyed, have been extended upwards of 7 chains (tin , coal maintaining a thickness of II ft.), and are well ventilated by a small Hayes fan. Little or no timber is used in these levels, as they are being driven narrow and the roof stands well. The railway-construction under the Public Works Department is making good progress. A commencement has been made to lay the permanent-way, which in a few months should be completed, when the further development of this property will be greatly facilitated. Accidents. Of the number of accidents reported as coining within the meaning of section 62 of the Coalmines Act, 1908. eleven were fatal and seven non-fatal. Of the persons killed, eight wen- underground at the working-face, two were run over by trucks in the mine, and one was crushed against the roof by the brake-handle of a jig-wheel. In one accident two miners were killed liv a heavy Eall of coal whilst engaged in the extraction of a pillar. Fatal. Blackball Colliery. -(28/1/10): Herbert Gilbert Harris, trucker, killed by runaway truck. No. I Point Elizabeth State Colliery. (7/2/10): George Downs, miner, killed by fall of coal and stone from the face. MiUerton CoUiery. —(9/3/10) : Thomas Moloney, miner, killed by fall of coal after tiring shot. Goalbrooliilali , Mine, Denniston Collieries. (19/7/10): K. <i. Lennie, miner, killed by crush against truck through fall of coal. North Brunner Colliery. —(l 3/8/10) : Thomas (Jompton. trucker, killed by crush againsi pillar through runaway trucks. .Y.i. / Point Elizabeth Stale Colliery. —(27/9/10) : Thomas Baker, miner, killed by fall of roof-stone. No. 1 Point Elizabeth Stab CoUiery. —(3/10/10):—John Henry Johnston, miner, killed by fall of coal from the face. Ironhridge Mini. Denniston Cottieries. —(26/10/10): John Muir and James Bowers, miners,killed by heavy fall of coal whilst extracting pillars. MiUerton CoUiery. —(23/11/10): Edward John Quinlan, miner, killed In- fall of coal from the face. Ironbridge Mine, Denniston Collieries. — (l 4/12/10 ): Gilbert Rutledge, trucker, killed by being crushed against roof by brake-handle of jig-wheel. Non-fatal. Ironbridgt Mine, Denniston Cottieries. — (2/3/10): William Trevett. trucker, sustained fracture of right thigh and laceration of muscles of left arm by crush from runaway truck. ( <>ftlbrookdale Mine, Denniston CoUieries. —(s/3/10): Joseph Robinson, miner, sustained crushed head, fracture of both jaws and roof of mouth by fall of coal from the roof. Coalbrookdale Mim. Denniston Collieries. -(23/3/10): William Wallace, deputy, sustained fractured pelvis and internal crushing by fall of coal from the face whilst setting jig-prop. Iroiihriili/e Mine. Uciniisttm Collieries. — (16/7/10) : Michael McTigue, trucker, sustained severe crush between truck and roof whilst riding on full truck. Paparoa CoUiery. —(ls/9/10) : Frederick Hamilton, miner, sustained fracture of left leg by fall of coal and timber. Westjwrl-Stockton CoUiery. — (l7/10/10): David Roberts, miner, sustained fracture of several ribs by fall of coal from the face. No. 1 Point Elizabeth State Collier//. —(8/12/ l<o ; Thomas Braithwaite, miner, sustained fracture of left leg and internal crushing by fall of stone. I have, &c, A. <:. Marshall. Inspector of .Mines. Mr. E. R. Green. Inspector of Mines, .Southern District, to the Under-Secretaby, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Inspector of Mines' Office, Dunedin. 31st March, 1911. In accordance with the requirements of section 78 of the Coal-mines Act, 1908, I have the honour to present my report- on the coal-mines in the Southern Mining District for the year ended 31st December. UHO.