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APPENDIX. A. Sir Robert Stout to Dr. Dawson. Sir, — Rarotonga, 9th June, 1911. I have the honour to state that I have been appointed to inquire into complaints regarding the administration of government in Rarotonga. I find from, a copy of correspondence forwarded to me that you have made complaints in reference to what may be termed hospital management. I should be much obliged if you could let me know whether you can give me any further information in reference to your complaints, or whether you desire to see me with regard to the letters that you wrote to the Resident Commissioner in reference to certain sick persons who were your patients. I shall be glad to hear you at the Courthouse at any time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on any week-day before the 16th instant. Will you be good enough to state whether you intend to call upon me, and if so, at what hour. I have, &c, Dr. Dawson, Rarotonga. Robert Stout. Sir Robert Stout to Mr. Hosking. Sir, — Rarotonga, 9th June, 1911. I have the honour to state that I have been appointed to inquire into complaints regarding the administration of government in Rarotonga. I understand that you have complained against the administration. If you desire to give me any information regarding the matter I shall be glad to see you at the Courthouse, Avarua, at any time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on any week-day before the 16th instant. Will you be good enough to inform me of the time at which you intend to call upon me. I have, &c, R. Hosking, Esq., Dental Surgeon, Rarotonga. Robert Stout. Sir Robert Stout to Mr. Reynolds. Sir, — Rarotonga, 9th June, 1911. I have the honour to state that I have been appointed to inquire into complaints regarding the administration of government in Rarotonga. I understand that you have complained against the administration. If you desire to give me any information regarding the matter I shall be glad to see you at the Courthouse, Avarua, at any time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on any week-day before the 16th instant. Will you be good enough to inform me of the time at which you intend to call upon me. I have, &c, W. R. Reynolds, Esq., Rarotonga. Robert Stout.

B. Extract from Cook Islands Gazette, 9th June, 1911. New Zealand, Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga, 9th June, 1911. To all whom it may concern. —Take notice that I have been appointed to make inquiries into the administration of government in Rarotonga. Any person desiring to see me thereon can do so by calling at the Courthouse, Avarua, where I shallbe in attendance from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on every week-day before the 16th instant. Robert Stout, Chief Justice.

c. Dr. Dawson to Sir Robert Stout, Your Honour, — Avarua, 11th June, 1911. Regarding the charge made by me against the management of the local Hospital, I wish to submit the following points : — (1.) In connection with this charge I have been attacked publicly, and I consider it only fair that I should be given an opportunity to lay the matter before the public in extenso. The subject