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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND—continued.


Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUNB-ontinued. 'he New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 (Colonial Issue), — Interest— On £194,200 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1911 Oα £550,500 at 3J „ 1 .. to 1 Itarcb, 1911 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,052,238 1 0 6,797 0 0 19,267 10 0 26,064 10 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1896,— InterestOn £500,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 15 February, 1911 17,600 0 (i The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900,— Interest— On £56,500 at 3£ per cent., 1 >ear to 1 November, 1910 On £200,000 at 3? „ 1 „ to 1 October, On £96,100 at 4 „ 1 „ to 1 November, „ On £500 at 4 , 1 „ to 1 February, 1911 1,977 10 0 7,500 0 0 3,844 0 0 20 0 0 13,341 10 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1901,— Interest-— On £32,600 at 3A per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1911 On £45,000 at 3| , 1 „ to 1 October. 1910 On £74,400 at 4 „ J „ to 1 June, On £74,100 at 4 , f „ to 1 Deoember, „ On £72,700 at 4 „ 1 „ to 29 On £300 at 4 .. 1 „ to 1 January, 1911 1,141 0 0 1,687 10 0 1,488 0 0 1,482 0 0 2,908 0 0 12 (I 0 8,718 10 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902,— Interest— On £125,000 at 3* per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1910 Oa £500 at 4" „ J „ to 1 December, 1909 On £545,900 at 4 „ 1 „ to 1 December, 1910 4,375 0 0 10 0 0 21,836 0 0 26,221 (I O The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903,— Interest— On £61,525 at 3* per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1911 On £200 at 4" „ 2 years to 1 February, 1909 On £7,500 at 4 „ i year to 1 August, On £500 at 4 „ J „ to 1 January, 1910 On £8,000 at 4 „ | „ to 1 February, „ On £25,000 at 4 „ A , to 30 June, On £230,190 at 4 . I . to 1 July, On £499,600 at 4 , | „ to 1 August, On £25,000 at 4 „ 1 „ to 29 Deoember, „ On £253,515 at 4 . A „ to 1 January, 1911 On £498,700 at 4 „ £ „ to 1 February, 1911 Income-tax on interest at 4 per cent, paid in London in respect of £900 debentures 2,163 7 6 16 0 0 150 0 0 10 0 0 160 0 0 500 0 0 4,603 16 0 9,992 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,070 6 0 9.974 0 0 0 15 1 33,630 4 7 The Aid to Publio Works and Laud Settlement Act, 1904, — Interest — On £566,700 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 July, 1910 .. On £566,200 at 4 „ * . to 1 January, 1911 .. 11,334 (I 0 11,324 0 0 22,658 O 0 The Aid to Public Works and Xand Settlement Aot, 1905,— Interest — On £100 at 4 per cent. £ year to 1 January, 1910 .. On £800 at 4 per cej it., 2 years to 1 July, On £938,200 at 4 . J year to 1 July, „ .. On £937,600 at 4 „ * „ to 1 January, 1911 .. 2 0 0 64 0 0 18,764 0 0 18,752 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906,— Interest— On £500,000 at 3* per ooiit., 1 year to 1 January, 1911 On £460,000 at 4" , J „ to 1 July, " 1910 On £40,000 at 4 „ 1 , to 1 Deoember, , On £459,000 at 4 „ J . to 1 January, 1911 87,682 0 () : 17,500 0 0 9,200 0 0 1,600 0 0 9,180 0 0 i ■ 37,480 0 0 Carried forward .. •2,275,433 15 7