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Appropriations for Public Works Services.

CLASS XX.—PUBLIC BUILDINGS. (Including Purchase of Properties, Sites, Furniture, Fittings, and Fencing; Rebuilding and Additions and Alterations to Buildings and Furniture; also Water-supply, Drainage, &c.)

1910-11. Vote No. 98. —General ... ... 99.—Judicial 100.—Postal and Telegraph „ 101.—Agricultural 102.—Mental Hospitals „ 103. —Hospitals and Charitable Institutions 104.—Public Heaith „ 105—School Buildings ,, 106—Workers-'dwellings £ 77 ,500 37 ,500 107 ,510 6,400 24 ,250 10 ,750 250 146 ,000 15 .000 Total-Class XX 125,160 Item. £ MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS VOTE No. 98. (i EN Kit A I. — Government, Houses — 1 Government House. Auckland (repairs and renovations) 2 Government House, Auckland (refurnishing) ... 3 New Government House, Wellington Parliament Buildings — 4 Legislative Council Chamber 5 New buildings (on account) 6 Alterations to streets surrounding grounds (on account) 7 Purchase of land (Quintnn's corner), (on account) 7 1,5 30 ,0 1 20 ,<: 2,C l,C 700 1 ,500 30,000 700 500 OOO 135 000 ooo ooo 135 20,d00 2,000 1,000 Departmental Buildings — Auckland— 8 j Deeds Office (additions) 9 Departmental Buildings (additions) 10 Public Works Store and Workshop (new building, &c.) 11 i (ioverument Buildings (installing fire-alarms) 12 Hamilton 13 | Rotorua: Seddon memorial clock and tower (subsidy, £1 for £1) 14 j Gisborne 15 ! New Plymouth 16 Stratford (preparation of site and erection of new building) 17 Wanganui (additions) IS Masterton Wellington — 19 Government Printing Office (additions), (on account) 20 Old Parliament Buildings (alterations to provide office accommodation) 5 1 1,0 5 6,0 3 7,5 6,0 2,0 1,6 r. .0 4,0 8,0 500 100 1,000 500 6,000 300 7 ,500 6,000 500 100 300 500 XX) 100 500 100 100 300 )00 (00 100 2 ,000 1 ,600 5 .000 4 ,000 8,000