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Feiday, 28th October, 1910. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present Mr Hanan (Chairman), Mr Allen, Mr Buchanan, Mr Fraser, Mr Graham Mr Massey, Hon. Mr Millar, Mr Myers, Mr Reed, Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward. ' Mr Hine attended the meeting Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman read the order of reference, dated Tuesday, 25th October, 1910, referring back the charges, with the exception of that against the Hon. T K. Macdonald, to the same Committee tor investigation. The Clerk read correspondence marked 4 to 8, -as follows: (4.) A telegram., dated 26th October, sent to Mr Walter Symes. (5.) A telegram, dated 27th October, from Mr Walter Symes. (6.) A telegram, dated 26th October, sent to Mr C. E. Major (7 ) A telegram, dated 26th October, from Mr. C. E Major (8.) A telegram, dated 27th October, from Mr Blomfield, solicitor, Auckland to Mr H Kaihau, M.P Resolved, on the motion of Mr Massey, That counsel be allowed to appear on both sides Resolved cm the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward, That the Committee sit next week on luesday Thursday, and Friday, and that the parties be informed of this, and be requested to be m attendance with any necessary w-itnesses. Mr M Myers, barrister, was then called, and, in reply to a question by the Chairman stated he proposed to proceed first with the charges Nos. 3 and 4 against Walter Symes. Mr Hine formulated the following further charge, marked 9 .-— " That in or about the year 1904 the Government, having taken steps to acquire compulsorily the property known as the Flaxbourne Estate, and appointed a member of the Legislature—to wit Thomas Kennedy Macdonald, a member of the Legislative Council—as their assessor, and knowing or believing that by reason of his being a member of the Legislature the said Thomas Kennedy Macdonald could not be paid any remuneration for so acting as assessor, sent the then partner of the said Thomas Kennedy Macdonald, one Alexander Lorimer Wilson, to make a casual inspection ot the said property, and paid him an exceptional and wholly extravagant fee therefor with the intent or object of indirectly remunerating the said Thomas Kennedy Macdonald or his partner or farm for the services of the said Thomas Kennedy Macdonald as such assessor as aforesaid " Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J G Ward, That charge No. 3 against Walter Symes be heard next Tuesday Agreed, on the suggestion of the Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward, that witnesses' expenses be borne by the Committee. Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon Sir J G. Ward, That the evidence be taken on oath Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward, That the sittings of the Committee commence at 10.30 each morning. Resolved, on the motion of the Chairman, That the Committee do adjourn until 10 30 a m on Tuesday, the Ist November, 1910. The Committee adjourned accordingly The Chairman The resolution passed by the House referring the charges back to this Committee for consideration and report is as follows : " Ordered, That His Honour the Chief Justice having stated the objection of all the Judges to accepting the proposed Commission to inquire into the charges made by the honourable member for Stratford, the order of the House adopting the recommendation of the special Committee set up for the purpose of inquiring into such charges be rescinded, and the charges, with the exception of that against the Hon. T K. Macdonald, be referred back for investigation to the same Committee." We have those charges now before' us, with the exception of the one against the Hon. Mr Macdonald. Messrs. Major, Symes, and Kaihau have been communicated with, and informed that the Committee would meet to-day, and the following replies have been received : ' Otorohanga.—Leaving for Wellington to-day Impossible to get there before Friday night.—Walter Symes." "I desire to be present. Cannot attend Friday Hope Chairman can arrange to take my evidence Tuesday.—C. E Major." I saw Mr Kaihau, and informed him that the meeting would be held to-day, and he said he wished to communicate with his counsel first, and wished to be represented. His counsel, Mr Blomfield, has wired stating that he could be here to-day, and would be ready to proceed either this evening or to-morrow morning Mr Hine was also informed that the meeting would take place to-day, and Mr Myers was notified that counsel would be allowed to appear _Mr Massey It may be as well to move a further motion that Mr Hine should have the assistance of counsel, and lam willing to alter my motion in that direction. I move, That counsel be allowed to appear on both sides. Motion agreed to. The Chairman: Well, you will understand, gentlemen, from the correspondence that has been read that so far as Mr Major and Mr Symes are concerned they are unable to be present to-day or be represented by counsel. It might perhaps be desirable for us to decide now what charge we will take first. Right Hon. Sir J G Ward I shall be unable to attend on Wednesday, and I think we ought to decide to meet here on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of next week for certain, for the purpose of taking evidence. I do not think the matter should be held in abeyance waiting for the men to come here—they ought to be here. At present I want to get some information from Mr Hine in connection with one of the charges that I have not heard read this morning—the charge iii—l. 14.